Kineticists and vehicle

Rules Discussion

Hello, is it possible to a kineticist to conceal its vehicle with a stance ?

For example, an armored carriage concealed with the desert wind stance ?

Is it possible to pull a vehicle with beasts of slumbering steel ?

Is it possible to use elemental artillery impulse in a vehicle ?

Thanks for your future answer.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

First Armored Carriage concealed with the desert wind stance:

Technically it clearly states only Creatures are concealed. Items that are carried by a creature can't be targeted individually, you'd have to target the creature, so I'd say in a way carried items would not be able to be seen since you have to go through the attended creature first. However a vehicle isn't something you carry.

If a vehicle couldn't be targeted unless it was unattended, you might have an argument for considering it concealed. However by raw it seem clear vehicles can be targeted, both when occupied, as well as unoccupied. So by raw I don't think the vehicle would be considered concealed, unless you can get the Armored Carriage to acquire the state of being a creature (such as via some animation ability). It wouldn't seem unreasonable however to make it work if the aura covered the entire vehicle, as a non-raw decision, for flavor and/or playability, but I believe it would be clearly non-raw choice.

Pulling a vehicle with Beasts of Slumbering Steel. The effect is it creates mounts that are controlled by the designated riders. Since a vehicle doesn't have mounts, they have pulled propulsion. By default again it doesn't seem like by raw it would work, outside of the choice of a set of riders under the effect of the spell choosing to as a (mount and rider) set provide the propulsion for a vehicle.

As far as non-raw option, again, it doesn't seem like a horrible choice to make it work. However, the question becomes do the mounts get attached to the vehicle itself and control of them go to whomever pilots it, or do they need to be tied to a particular pilot. If attached to the Vehicle, which is not going to be an intelligent owner, does that mean the kineticist makes the choice of type of movement at start, or does the vehicle's pilot have access to make that choice as an action, or would the mounts/propulsion be tied to the vehicle and stuck in its original chosen form and pilot only have control of their movement choices? This unclear set of choices is one of the reasons I don't see any way to consider it operating as something supported by raw.

Elemental Artillery, certainly you can create it from within the vehicle and would be able to fire it as part of creation. If the vehicle has room for another medium sized object, it seems like it would be an option to have it appear inside the vehicle. But then it would be subject to the -2 or -4 penalties to hit from movement or reckless/uncontrolled movement if being fired from the vehicle.

That's my initial reaction. If you are the GM think about it and make your own decision on how you want it used. If you are a player, talk to the GM and understand they may not want to support it, but the might be willing to.

Loreguard wrote:

First Armored Carriage concealed with the desert wind stance:

Technically it clearly states only Creatures are concealed. Items that are carried by a creature can't be targeted individually, you'd have to target the creature, so I'd say in a way carried items would not be able to be seen since you have to go through the attended creature first. However a vehicle isn't something you carry.

If a vehicle couldn't be targeted unless it was unattended, you might have an argument for considering it concealed. However by raw it seem clear vehicles can be targeted, both when occupied, as well as unoccupied. So by raw I don't think the vehicle would be considered concealed, unless you can get the Armored Carriage to acquire the state of being a creature (such as via some animation ability). It wouldn't seem unreasonable however to make it work if the aura covered the entire vehicle, as a non-raw decision, for flavor and/or playability, but I believe it would be clearly non-raw choice.

0/If a kinetecist character in an armored carriage activate its desert wind stance, its kinetic aura has an emanation, does it have a limited size with the "walls" from the armored carriage ? Or can the aura be around the carriage ?

1/ Does an armored carriage block the effect of an aura from a creature for the characer inside an armored carriage ?

For example, if there’s a solid wall between the origin of a fireball and a creature that’s within the burst radius, the wall blocks the effect—that creature is unaffected by the fireball and doesn’t need to attempt a save against it.

2/If an ennemy cast a fireball against an armored carriage, doesn't a fireball affect the character inside an armored carriage ? Couldn't a character inside an armored carriage use an effect with an area or line of effect against a target outside of the armored carriage ?

3/ Should the pilot attempts a piloting check at the same DC instead the Reflex save against a fireball ?

Horizon Hunters

Vehicles provide cover, as explained in the Vehicles in Combat rules. This means the passengers would get bonuses to their reflex saves, or be entirely excluded from AoEs originating outside the vehicle. I would also further infer that passengers are still in only a single square of a vehicle, so all emanations only come from a single square. Otherwise, Gargantuan vehicles would get weird. So, depending on the construction of the vehicle, the aura may be completely negated. This is 100% up to the GM.

The Vehicle Statistics rule also states "If a vehicle needs to attempt a saving throw that isn’t listed, the pilot attempts a piloting check at the same DC instead."

That sounds like a fun campaign. Be sure to use whirling grindstones as the wheels and a living bonfire to fuel your steam engine, for a true kineticist-powered death car. :)

Is it possible to use a Topology Protoplasm oil on a armored carriage to squeeze in a narrow path for the vehicle ?

Waldham wrote:
Is it possible to use a Topology Protoplasm oil on a armored carriage to squeeze in a narrow path for the vehicle ?

No. Max protoplasm size = 7' on a side, carriage size = 10' on a side. And as the rules say, you can't combine multiple protoplasms to do bigger things.

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