Fixing my main character


Okay let's me tell you what happens here my gm is going to restart our 26 year of rol (Yea we play epic) but we are going to start at lvl 5 again because he wants to introduce his grandchild to the game, and since we already finished all the adventure in the present he decided to start in the era of legends

My background is an orphan Azlant whit unusual eyes (since he allowed for us to use our homebrew race in this campaign) we are going to start at lvl 5 (except for the new members who is going to start at lvl 1) I'm going to be like my previous character but a little different I was a monk/psychic warrior now I'm going to restart as a brawler 3/psychic 2, in my background I prefer the use of trade and communication rater than fighting, so I have the problem what is the best feat can you recommend me to use in this build my stat are str15, dex16, con13, int17, Wis 14, cha16

Liberty's Edge

Do you want advice limited to just feats? Unfortunately this is somewhat incoherent both in terms of English and build. You won't get proper advice if we don't know if you know that brawler 3 psychic 2 is terrible and did that on purpose or not, for example.

Is nothing like that, I'm more in rol play that in combat, you ask me for my classes well it's simple I choose brawler because my background I'm bastard who grow in the slump since I have unusual Iris (instead of purple are a mix of colors) I was always get bullied by other person (this is how a lvl in brawler class) as for the psychic is a secondary effects of my background it's manifest when I reached my adolescent age in 1 of my fighting. I use this 2 classes to defend myself and to get information, bot for the rest I try to be the dealer, diplomatic and charismatic of the group

Note: we have a bard but he is more metal emo character

I accepting any suggestions in build but diplomacy, knowledge social and appraisal most be my 3 main skill in the character (since my gm values more roleplay from background over hack and slash)

Any way the start of the game will be in the same way that we start our first game (Chinese new year, year of the dragon so I have 2 month to prepare)
There is no rush to give the suggestions since it start in that day, but before that we will start the background history of each of us the primary party so we can roleplay and show or background to the gm ( this is more like a ritual costume in our part to good luck) and for the gm to get a guess in what kind of background history game will get each of us in the future

Zepheri wrote:

... we are going to start at lvl 5 again ... we are going to start at lvl 5 (except for the new members who is going to start at lvl 1) {!}

I'm going to be... brawler 3/psychic 2, in my background I prefer the use of trade and communication rater than fighting, so I have the problem what is the best feat can you recommend me to use in this build my stat are str15, dex16, con13, int17, Wis 14, cha16

so, newbies should start at level 4 rather than 1.

very high ability scores, so you can do anything. I think a key point is whether you go spellcaster or martial.

For spellcaster I can't recommend that mix although brawler's Martial Flexibility is awesome and you pick up brawler's flurry at Brwl2. As a spellcaster (martial) defense is a priority as spells will handle the offense.

Brwl2: +2 +3+3+0, IUS dmg 1d6, Brawler’s cunning(pfft), martial flexibility(5//5), martial training(Ftr & Mnk, okay), IUS(3//5), Bonus combat feat(4//5), brawler’s flurry (Two-Weapon Fighting)(3//5). Wpn prof: simple and some, lgt armr & shld. Skl Pts: 4+Int, 13 Cls skills.

Flowing Mnk2: +1 +3,+3,+3, IUS dmg 1d6, Flurry:+0,+0, (restricted)Bonus feat(4//5), flurry, redirection(5//5), IUS(3//5), AC(Wis) bump, Unbal Counter(3//5), evasion. Wpn prof:oddball list (ask GM for all "monk" wpns). SklPts: 4+Int, 14 Cls skills. Which is more defensive than regular Monk & Brawler trading BAB +1 for sv Will +3. Long arm increases the effectiveness of reposition and immediate actions are hard to come by.

Spellcaster: Psychic... well, it sounds cool but honestly not all that effective and better suited to occult/investigative games where subtlety is important. Review spellcasting manifestations and if psychic's are obvious(which they are by RAW) I'd go Wizard Diviner.
You might also checkout my Mage-killer Build.
If you need to maintain subtlety, check out Illusion of Calm:I1 spell or the Razmirian Priest PrC.

You're fine for a martial build.
Be aware that Arcn2 with Mag Knack & Dim Slide can be quite powerful as a spellcaster dip.

Traits are important. Usually Wizards opt for Mag Lineage and W Spellhunter. Multiclasses pick up Magical Knack. +1 Fort & Rflx are the usual options.

For early feats it is hard to beat Point-blank and Precise as a crossbow will be your main at range weapon. Ranged touches and rays will benefit also.
For casters usually it's Spell Focus and Heighten MMag aiming for Preferred spell.
With Dex builds (& TwoWpn Fgt) you're aiming for Slashing Grace which has a lot of restrictions.

Well you could say it's newbies but not for me, is the grandson of the gm who will join as lvl 1, we just remake our main character after 23 years but in reality we start in 2e but was a mix of multiple world and feats so to not overpass and be a guide to him (and sometimes act like a guardian) we decide to restart our main ( who are now lvl 54) but like I said is a mix of multiple world ( alquadim, forgotten realms, ravenloft, grayhawk) so we are going to restart in only 1 world. As for your suggestions I don't want to get the monk because the aliment restrictions, I'm true neutral by nature and is better for me to roleplay like this, as like I said at first I try to be like my first character who was a monk/psychic warrior but whit out the limitations of being lawful

Zepheri wrote:
... I don't want to get the monk because the aliment restrictions, I'm true neutral by nature and is better for me to roleplay like this, as like I said at first I try to be like my first character who was a monk/psychic warrior but whit out the limitations of being lawful

maybe you should read Monk class... Ex-Monk A monk who becomes nonlawful cannot gain new levels as a monk but retains all monk abilities. If it is just a dip - it doesn't matter.

by playing a spin-off of your previous class you are perpetuating a lawful idea of taking on the profession of the father or something similar (inheritance). Lawful characters prefer order and feel laws benefit society as where chaotic characters are ego-centric and more might makes right. Neutrality(ethical neutrals) are more about a mix or balance of things.

LoL, if you are transitioning to PF2, it is rather different.

Yea but if you read the background I'm a bastard raised in the slum so it's this kind of environment is hard to be a lawful character if the laws are against you because or the color of your eyes

Liberty's Edge

I think the thing is - you don't have a "build". Which is fine! But this isn't 5e, there's more feats than anyone can reasonably want. So you want to defend yourself and get information. That could be anything from dodge to skill focus: sense motive. Do you plan to continue taking psychic levels, and all 3 brawler are more flavor and versatility? Improved grapple is nice for fighting, as is combat casting.
The human specific feats could be very flavorful as an Azlanti, even if weird iris one.
Scroll down to racial feats and get bonuses vs fear which mean you can't cast as a psychic:

At first I was thinking in taking improve initiative and skill focus knowledge social for 2 reason: the first it's since I always have to defend myself I reacted faster to the problem and the second it's since I grew up in the slump I have a knowledge of the principal group that I can take over and to who to avoid, as for the third feat don know what to go I was thinking to go in the spring attack build since brawler go first to the weakest opponent, but doing a little damage while you move or take great fortitude since most of the food I get to survive are spoiled. Don't get me wrong but like I said the gm give more values in build based in background, so I'm trying to get something that explains how I have the feat, I know what you mean by taking iron will that is 1 of my primary feat, it could explain how I endure my mental health to survive the hell of my past

blashimov wrote:

I think the thing is - you don't have a "build". Which is fine! But this isn't 5e, there's more feats than anyone can reasonably want. So you want to defend yourself and get information. That could be anything from dodge to skill focus: sense motive. Do you plan to continue taking psychic levels, and all 3 brawler are more flavor and versatility? Improved grapple is nice for fighting, as is combat casting.

The human specific feats could be very flavorful as an Azlanti, even if weird iris one.
Scroll down to racial feats and get bonuses vs fear which mean you can't cast as a psychic:

As for what class I will advance I try to go fo what I use in game if there more martial or spell I advance that, since I know my gm he most likely going for the roleplay and investigation, before traps, quiz and fighting, I thinking lvl my brawler first since it give me more skill points (maybe 3 or 4 lvl) after that if I need to focus in the other class or pick a prestige class

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