What Possible Niches Are Left For Apparitions To Fill?

Animist Class Discussion

As the title , so far we've got :

Custodian of Groves and Gardens ; healing and field control.

Impostor in Hidden Places ; debuffs and utiliy.

Stalker in Darkened Boughs; damage (physical) and shapechanging.

Steward of Stone and Fire; aoe damage (fire).

Vanguard of Roaring Waters; position control and utility.

Witness to Ancient Battles; damage (physical) and debuffs.

I think one where general utility is the primary focus might be good.
And one for transport/travel.

And if we're thinking in thematics, a city/urban based spirit might be interesting.

What do you think?

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I'd like something for the exploration phase of the game. Something divinitory. More on the scale on dungeoneering and less so of exploring vast wilderness.

Also something that buffs skills, maybe granting up to the equivalent of expert.

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