Mummy's Mask - Maps

Mummy's Mask

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Not sure if anyone would be interested, but I started running MM a little while ago and thought that I would share the maps I've prepared for the game.

I'll add the new maps for Book 4 when I've compeleted them.


Go to Book 1 - The Half-Dead City.

Go to Book 2 - Empty Graves.

Go to Book 3 - Shifting Sands.

Great work. Just a shame I finished the AP in June and don't need these any more. :P

Thos are great! I'm starting Mummy's Mask this week, i'll make great use of them. Thank you!

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Skya wrote:
Thos are great! I'm starting Mummy's Mask this week, i'll make great use of them. Thank you!

Fantastic, i hope your guys enjoy the AP. see if they can find all of the ducks in the maps. :D

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Here are the maps for Book 4

Go to Book 4 - Secrets of the Sphinx.


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My only criticism is that I didn't have these before. Some of these would have been truly wonderful. I was especially worried about Chisisek's Tomb, because the only map I have I can't get the labels off, and your version looks fantastic. I look forward to whatever you make for Book 5 and 6!

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Morhek wrote:
My only criticism is that I didn't have these before. Some of these would have been truly wonderful. I was especially worried about Chisisek's Tomb, because the only map I have I can't get the labels off, and your version looks fantastic. I look forward to whatever you make for Book 5 and 6!

haha, thanks. I need to make a start on the maps for Book 5 actually, my party is just in the process of cleaning out the Sightless Sphinx, before moving on. i'll update this thread when I've created/uploaded the maps.

I could have done Chisisek's Tomb map in two ways, either as an upper/lower maps, or as I made it. I opted for this version, so people would be able to load it into whatever VTT they use.


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

These are great! Any chance you have images with original resolution somewhere as some of the maps like the Cenopath and Ghoul Market have a bit of artifacting on them from compression?

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Book 5 Maps have been loaded into the gallery.

Go to Book 5 - The Slave Trenches of Hakotep

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I have uploaded the first level into a new Book 6 maps Gallery, I'll add the rest as and when I get them completed.

Go to Mummy's Mask - Pyramid of the Sky Pharaoh


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Psykodemus wrote:
These are great! Any chance you have images with original resolution somewhere as some of the maps like the Cenopath and Ghoul Market have a bit of artifacting on them from compression?

Hi, sorry, missed your post. sure, PM me and I'll get the files over to you. :D

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Only two maps left to make, Earth, Fire and Water are in the gallery.

PM me if you want to DD2VTT maps

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Well, the last map for Book 6 has been uploaded into the gallery. it's been fun creating these maps and running the campaign.


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Here are all of the links together.

Go to Book 1 - The Half-Dead City.

Go to Book 2 - Empty Graves.

Go to Book 3 - Shifting Sands.

Go to Book 4 - Secrets of the Sphinx.

Go to Book 5 - The Slave Trenches of Hakotep.

Go to Book 6 - Pyramid of the Sky Pharaoh.


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