
Skya's page

Organized Play Member. 18 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Thos are great! I'm starting Mummy's Mask this week, i'll make great use of them. Thank you!

Why not use this forum?

My group had this fight yesterday, didnt change anything, and they had no problem at all with event 2 and 3. Event 4 was a bit harder (Shillelagh is a no joke buff at lvl 1), but still manage with only 1 character down (and another when they untie the unicorn).

Still, great flavor there for the start of the adventure!

Reebo Kesh wrote:

Event 2 on page 17 has the potential to TPK a 4 person party because of the abilities of the enemies.

Ran this the other night and by Round 2, one PC had 50% hp and two others were Dying 2. Ended on a cliffhanger so I'll update with the results.

It's worth mentioning that I removed one of their abilities before combat started because 1st level PCs shouldn't have to deal with that particular uncommon ability (yeah you know what it is).

What ability are you talking about? I'm reading the creature right now to prepare for this week game, and i don't see anything that look broken.

On my side the single file is 51.49 MB. Maybe try downloading it again?

Aaron Shanks wrote:
orangepeelbeef wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Elfteiroh wrote:
gnrfan001 wrote:
Foundry Module released, looks like this page just hasn’t updated yet.

Linkified links, the first to the "bundle version", if you don't own the PDF (this will give you the PDF for free), and the second one can only be bought if you already own the PDF, and will be cheaper.

Foundry Module + PDF in a bundle
Foundry Module only
Thanks for helping! While PDFs go on sale at midnight the morning of Street Date, the Foundry VTT product generally launch at 11 AM Pacific. That is our SOP at this time. Then we manually make the buttons leading to them from this page.
Do you think we will be seeing a foundry subscription any time soon? I would definitely sign up for that. Keep em coming!
I hear your feedback. Thanks.

I would definitly sign up too!

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Vomak wrote:
Andrew White wrote:
Evilgm wrote:
Any word yet on whether this AP is going to be getting Foundry support? We've been really impressed with the official Outlaws mods and are definitely hoping to see a similar level of support for this AP.


I can now definitively report that we are going to be releasing an official conversion of Blood Lords for Foundry, with the caveat that we were waiting to see how well Outlaws of Alkenstar did before we decided to pull the trigger, so we might not be making street date with the first volume.

But it's coming.

I just bought all 3 of the Outlaws of Alkenstar for Foundry. My group has been on a bit of a longer break so I haven't been keeping up with some of the new releases. I will definitely be purchasing all of the foundry adventure path modules moving forward though.

Same here! I probably wont run OoA, but i want to show support to the premium content Paizo is working on with FoundryVTT. The quality is amazing.

Calpal wrote:

My players are definitely not rushing through this game! After the initial first session I think they've been in the temple for 4 sessions now. They should clean it up in their 6th session.

Sounds like a lot of people have had things go much faster than that!

Well, it also depend on the length of your session. We just finished session 4 last night, and my players are about half way or a bit more in the temple. But we usualy have about 3h sessions.

Also, don't rush it. Every group is different. If you and your players are having fun, no need to change anything.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Pathfinder Adventure Path #166: Despair on Danger Island (Fists of the Ruby Phoenix 1 of 3) is available on Fantasy Grounds.

Any hope for Foundry?

Grafz wrote:

I just don't think it's feasible for that to happen in 2 days?

You keep saying 2 days, but it's 3. The temple exploration happen on day 0, the preliminary round officially start the day after.

And the pc don't have to meet all of the other 31 teams and go to every location. If you want to do it that way, you can, but that's not how this adventure is written.

Any update on the release date? October is nearly here and i'm hype hoping to use this to initiate my son-in-law soon!

Hi all,

I'm not sure i understand the requirements of the downtime activities for the Upgrade Activities of the Citadel in Cult of Cinders.

For exemple, the "Build Infirmary" has for requirements:

"Crafting(master), Medicine(master), or hired medic; organized specialists."

Does that mean the players need a player with Crafting(master) OR Medicine(Master) OR a hired medic, + organized specialists


Does this mean the players need a player with Crafting(master) and either Medicine(master) OR an hired medic, + organized specialists


Can anyone help me clarify this? Thank you.

Hello all! I'm doing my prep for starting my Age of Ashes game this summer on role20, and i notice that we have art for all the gates so i'm making journal entry for all of them. But then i notice that 4 of them have the same awesome art, and then Lotusgate (book 1) and Jewelgate (book 4) really doesnt fit with the others.

Any thoughts why?

I agree with Ruzza. Show them there is some punishement for waiting over and over, but not at the cost of the story

Hey Pathfinders! My players are about to enter the Temple of Asmodeus. I was preparing the encounter and want to change something, but i need some ideas.

I want to replace the Contract Devil in the library by something else. My resoning is that i think encountering a random Contract Devil will make less special the encounter with Odexidie in the next book.

Any of you got an idea for replacing him with something similar? He's Advanced, so CR11.

Thank you!

I'm about to run the Ruby Masquerade next week, and i have a question for other GMs.

How did you handle masque points? Did you reveal to your players that they had 10 and how each actions affect the total? Did you keep them totaly secret? Or did you told them how the system work, without revealing the exact point they had and the result of the actions?

Thank you for your output!

Hi everyone!

Sorry if this has been asked before, but in Dance of the Damned, before the book describe the various noble family, it say :

"The number of noble families the PCs recruit will play a key role in the next adventure to determine the Silver Ravens’ initial strength when the battle for Kintargo begins." (Page 9).

Maybe i'm blind but i find nothing adressing this in A Song of Silver.

Can anyone help?

Anyone have an idea on what map they will use for area L : " The Harbinger’s Dais" ?