Metal Element Barbarian Resistances

Rules Discussion

With the new Rage of Elements book, the elemental barbarian gets a resistance based on what element they choose. My question is: do attacks made by metal weapons count for their elemental resistance? Would it just be the damage type you chose when you got the elemental rage ability (piercing or slashing)? Or would it have to be an attack or effect that specifically has the metal trait?

Raging Resistance wrote:
You resist the damage dealt by attacks and abilities of elemental creatures of your chosen element, as well as creatures made of your element, regardless of the damage type. You also resist damage dealt by attacks, spells, and abilities with your elemental trait.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Strictly speaking, an human striking you with an iron sword is not an attack from an elemental creature, an attack from a creature made of your element, nor an attack with your elemental trait.

Horizon Hunters

No, otherwise Kineticists would become immune to most weapons at level 17.

Grand Lodge

Attacks with the metal trait or attacks from creatures with the metal trait.

The damage type is for your Rage damage.

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