Divine boons

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

So someone mentioned divine booms on another post and i didn't know that was a thing so I looked them up on nethys and they seem fun but also intentionally not balanced. Which made think how many people actually use them.

So in the name of curiosity and using a deeply empirical scientific method. I thought I would ask you on the paizo forums have you received (in game) a divine boon or have as a representative of the gods (GM) handed one out ?

I didn't, but in my first PF2e game our Cleric did. Cleric of Desna, received Desna's Major Boon for a 40-foot Fly Speed (and 20-foot dim light aura). which actually just brought them up to par with the other three of us in the party, since by that point through various methods 3 of the 4 of us already had constant fly speeds.

Whilst I personally have not had the opportunity to use them, I feel they're quite neat. The minor boon / curse especially are very nice ways to interact with things like clerics / paladins (or any other character who is very religious). The minor curse in particular can be used to act as a way of telling a PC that they're really pushing their anathema and they need to cource correct without actually full-blown removing their powers.

Greater than that? I doubt it pops up super often. That doesn't mean it's useless in any way though, its a great optional narrative-based rule to give GMs guidelines on how they could implement divine boons / curses (a staple of fantasy), as well as often adding additional texture to a god's flavor (Everyone knows Achaekek's trio of entirely breaking the standard form of curses and just going "Bugs want to kill you. He hires an assassin to kill you. Achaekek doesn't have a major curse, he just skips straight to personally killing you" for example, though many more normal like Arazni or Abadar also are really nice).

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