Warrior muse build?


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A question regarding Eternal Composition, when entering the first round of combat could I free action use Fortissimo Composition with my Eternal Composition?

The Total Package wrote:
A question regarding Eternal Composition, when entering the first round of combat could I free action use Fortissimo Composition with my Eternal Composition?

yes and no:

eternal composition does 2 things:

a)is that since you're continuously casting a compositions, at 1st round you are benefitting from the "previous" composition.

in that sense, you "start" with a normal composition, without Fortissimo, already active before you even roll initiative.

This composition will end at the end of your 1st turn though.

You can't retroactively go and say "last round before we even rolled initiative i used Fortissimo" though.

b)the second thing is that you are permanetly quickened for compossitions.

This you can fortissimo freely.


To sum it up:

initiative is rolled, combat starts, everyone is affected by base compossition.

your turn comes over, if you don't use a composition, the "free" composition will end, but you can quickened cast any composition on your turn, and fortissimo it as you wish.

Eternal composition is confusing to me. Many Composition Cantrips already meet the requirements of the remastered Repeat a Spell exploration activity. So I don't think the second part of the feat actually does anything.

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The benefit is that you can be casting the Composition Cantrip while doing any Exploration Activity. So you don't have to be using Repeat a Spell... You can do this while using Defend, or Search, or even Avoid Notice (although I wouldn't blame any GM for disallowing that one.)

Oh, I missed that. Never mind.

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