Getting Started (I Think)

Pathfinder Society

Vigilant Seal

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Hi, all.

Please let me know if there is another place to ask these questions. I cannot find a place to get help. Our local PFS Facebook pages are quiet and Discord bewildered me. No reply from the Venture person after a week. :(

I am the Salt Lake City, Utah area. We recently enjoyed our local gaming convention, SaltCon. Of course, D&D Adventurers League was the star of the TTRPG show. One guy was there running Pathfinder 2E games. However, it was not Pathfinder Society. It was just a passionate Pathfinder 2# adherent running a homebrew deal.

I'd like to introduce a sanctioned Pathfinder event to this convention's next iteration in September. I plan to introduce a table at West Jordan's Galaxy of Games (perhaps others) every week or so until September to get some exposure and drum up support.

Is it this simple:
Create an Event on Paizo's Organized Play web page (I'd be a GM and Event Coordinator).
"Advertise" the event.
Complete the scenario's Event Reporting Form.
Run the scenario (4-01, for example) and hand out its Chronicle sheet(s).
Report the event... somewhere?

What if a player does have an organized play ID?

What do you think? I imagine I am missing something.

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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I've contacted the Southwest Regional Venture Coordinator (RVC) and also the Utah Venture-Captain (VC) to get in touch with you. It sounds like you would like to become a volunteer serving your area and these are the people you need to connect with.

Your local venture officer corps will be able to provide support, answer your questions and tell you about any practices specific to your area. There is an administrative procedure to become a VO in charge of organizing at a location, to get access to VO resources, and specific responsibilities to uphold, that your VC should discuss with you.

To address your questions so far:

Advertising: In addition to what you mention, depending on your local practices there will usually be a site that the upcoming game schedule for various stores in the area is posted by the VO(s) and players can sign up in advance (couple of examples on Wasach Front Pathfinder Society or Lehi Roleplaying).

Reporting: Each session played is reported on under the appropriate Event. Each Event has a unique Event Code that is recorded on the Chronicles issued after each game. While it is physically possible to create a separate Event on for every single game run, that is excessive and unnecessary. Typically, an Event will consist of all the regular weekly games run at a certain store or local area over a certain period of time, or it may consist of all the games run at a certain convention. A VO is usually the person doing this for games run at their store. At conventions, the sessions are reported by the VO(s) organizing the Org Play presence at the Con.

Org Play IDs: A player who does not have an Org Play ID should be given one (there are new IDs that can be downloaded in batches of 10 to hand out, from on the My Organized Play > Event Coordinator tab) or they can be guided to create an account and OP ID on on the spot, if that's practical. If a player is absolutely adamant about not wanting to get an OP ID, then they do not get included in the reporting, do not get a Chronicle, and therefore do not get OP credit.

Conventions: There are special procedures around Cons involving obtaining Paizo support for the Con and getting increased ACP rewards for participants. Again, your local VO hierarchy can help you with this.

Do remember that everyone involved in OP is a volunteer doing this out of passion so give a little grace if things sometimes do not move as fast as you would like. I'm sure your local officers will be delighted to get you involved in Org Play and to assist you in your service to the community.

Vigilant Seal

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Greyson wrote:
I imagine I'm missing something?

Yes, yes I am missing something! Thank you so much for the notes on this. I'd love to showcase the game to more than my personal circle and provide more options at our local conventions. Organized play was a love of mine during the heady days of Living Greyhawk. When I saw what was going on at the last SaltCon I knew I had to get involved.

This is great - thanks again!

Don (Greyson)

Wayfinders 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Contributor

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Also, Greyson, welcome to the Organized Play Community! We're so happy to have you join us!


Grand Lodge 1/5 *

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Greyson wrote:
Greyson wrote:
I imagine I'm missing something?

Yes, yes I am missing something! Thank you so much for the notes on this. I'd love to showcase the game to more than my personal circle and provide more options at our local conventions. Organized play was a love of mine during the heady days of Living Greyhawk. When I saw what was going on at the last SaltCon I knew I had to get involved.

This is great - thanks again!

Don (Greyson)


My husband Eddy and I were heavily involved in LG in Utah, too. Then we were Pathfinder Co-VCs for Utah from 2012-2014 (I gave birth to twins and free time went *bye-bye*). We ran our first Pathfinder Society adventures at SaltCon 4 and created the Wasatch Front Pathfinder Society Facebook group.
We moved away 4 years ago, but still have gaming contacts in the area, send me a DM if you want to chat!


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Stephanie R. wrote:
My husband Eddy and I were heavily involved in LG in Utah, too.

I remember the Roberts! Those were some really fun times with the old LG crew. I'll take you up on the DM offer, Stephanie. Thanks!

Scarab Sages 4/5 ** Venture-Captain, Utah—Utah County

logsig wrote:

I've contacted the Southwest Regional Venture Coordinator (RVC) and also the Utah Venture-Captain (VC) to get in touch with you. It sounds like you would like to become a volunteer serving your area and these are the people you need to connect with.

Your local venture officer corps will be able to provide support, answer your questions and tell you about any practices specific to your area. There is an administrative procedure to become a VO in charge of organizing at a location, to get access to VO resources, and specific responsibilities to uphold, that your VC should discuss with you.

To address your questions so far:

Advertising: In addition to what you mention, depending on your local practices there will usually be a site that the upcoming game schedule for various stores in the area is posted by the VO(s) and players can sign up in advance (couple of examples on Wasach Front Pathfinder Society or Lehi Roleplaying).

Reporting: Each session played is reported on under the appropriate Event. Each Event has a unique Event Code that is recorded on the Chronicles issued after each game. While it is physically possible to create a separate Event on for every single game run, that is excessive and unnecessary. Typically, an Event will consist of all the regular weekly games run at a certain store or local area over a certain period of time, or it may consist of all the games run at a certain convention. A VO is usually the person doing this for games run at their store. At conventions, the sessions are reported by the VO(s) organizing the Org Play presence at the Con.

Org Play IDs: A player who does not have an Org Play ID should be given one (there are new IDs that can be downloaded in batches of 10 to hand out, from on the My Organized Play > Event Coordinator tab) or they can be guided to create an account and OP...

Hello, sorry I have not been able to respond quickly to your questions.

I am the Venture captain for utah. To report your event you would go back to the page after the event was registered and executed to report. On Paizo's page there will be a button called "report" you put in the participating players ID's, character names, and if anyone died, infamy, fame etc there. If you need a walk through please find me on dischord
"yashavienne" I will be able to go over this through screen share as well as give you my email. Sadly over the years we have had lots of changes in leadership and some of the older emails from previous captains still exist on sites. I am working still to remedy this. I will also get with my Lieutenants as the FB page should not be quiet or ignored. Thank you for that information and I look forward to being in touch.

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