Pathfinder Adventure Path Vol. 2?

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

So, James Jacobs, when talking on the Pathfinder Adventures PaizoCon panel about Pathfinder #200, referred to having #1 and another Sandpoint adventure as #200 as "bookends". I'm thinking now, could it be that Pathfinder #200, very likely the last OGL AP issue, is also the last volume in this line?

I think it is possible that, as they often do in the world of comics, Paizo might restart the Adventure Paths under the ORC license at #1, as Volume 2. What do you think?

Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I would hope they continue to just keep incrementing the counter, but you may be right.

Number 200 is not divisible by three - it would be chapter 2 (or maybe 5 )of the individual AP, which would be an odd place to stop!

Shadow Lodge

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glass wrote:
Number 200 is not divisible by three - it would be chapter 2 (or maybe 5 )of the individual AP, which would be an odd place to stop!

Divisibility by 3 is no longer a concern, Season of Ghosts is four books long.

zimmerwald1915 wrote:
glass wrote:
Number 200 is not divisible by three - it would be chapter 2 (or maybe 5 )of the individual AP, which would be an odd place to stop!
Divisibility by 3 is no longer a concern, Season of Ghosts is four books long.

Well OK then, I did not know that.

That obviously changes the arithmetic considerably.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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I'm currently developing Pathfinder #204, and am outlining an Adventure Path that goes beyond volume 210.

Pathfinder 200 is not the last volume in our longest-continually-running product line, in other words!

None of the adventures we've yet announced titles for are Remastered adventures—those are coming eventually, but when they do, we'll continue the numbers without interruption.

After all, we didn't reset the numbers when we switched from 3.5 to Pathfinder, or from 1st edition Pathfinder to 2nd edition Pathfinder. And the switch from OGL to Remastered is going to be orders of magnitude less disruptive than an edition change.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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zimmerwald1915 wrote:
glass wrote:
Number 200 is not divisible by three - it would be chapter 2 (or maybe 5 )of the individual AP, which would be an odd place to stop!
Divisibility by 3 is no longer a concern, Season of Ghosts is four books long.

The number 1 reason we made Season of Ghosts 4 books long is so that #200 could be the start of an Adventure Path. Having #100 show up in the middle of an Adventure Path was awkward and diluted our ability to celebrate it as a milestone, so it was important in-house for us to do something to try to make 200 extra special.

Once we made that call, my idea to make Season of Ghosts based on the four seasons was a natural result of that choice, since with four volumes, I wanted to do something based on that number. James Case helped further by pointing out that since Season of Ghosts was a Tian Xia Adventure Path, that it'd be a great chance to do its story based on the four-act story arc construction of Kishotenketsu. Two elements that make for much stronger reasons for Season of Ghosts to be a four volume Adventure Path, even if they did come along after the decision was made!

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
zimmerwald1915 wrote:
glass wrote:
Number 200 is not divisible by three - it would be chapter 2 (or maybe 5 )of the individual AP, which would be an odd place to stop!
Divisibility by 3 is no longer a concern, Season of Ghosts is four books long.

The number 1 reason we made Season of Ghosts 4 books long is so that #200 could be the start of an Adventure Path. Having #100 show up in the middle of an Adventure Path was awkward and diluted our ability to celebrate it as a milestone, so it was important in-house for us to do something to try to make 200 extra special.

Once we made that call, my idea to make Season of Ghosts based on the four seasons was a natural result of that choice, since with four volumes, I wanted to do something based on that number. James Case helped further by pointing out that since Season of Ghosts was a Tian Xia Adventure Path, that it'd be a great chance to do its story based on the four-act story arc construction of Kishotenketsu. Two elements that make for much stronger reasons for Season of Ghosts to be a four volume Adventure Path, even if they did come along after the decision was made!

Does this mean no conflict ?

(Just checked the structure of Kishotenketsu : you learn something new everyday on these boards).

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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The Raven Black wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
zimmerwald1915 wrote:
glass wrote:
Number 200 is not divisible by three - it would be chapter 2 (or maybe 5 )of the individual AP, which would be an odd place to stop!
Divisibility by 3 is no longer a concern, Season of Ghosts is four books long.

The number 1 reason we made Season of Ghosts 4 books long is so that #200 could be the start of an Adventure Path. Having #100 show up in the middle of an Adventure Path was awkward and diluted our ability to celebrate it as a milestone, so it was important in-house for us to do something to try to make 200 extra special.

Once we made that call, my idea to make Season of Ghosts based on the four seasons was a natural result of that choice, since with four volumes, I wanted to do something based on that number. James Case helped further by pointing out that since Season of Ghosts was a Tian Xia Adventure Path, that it'd be a great chance to do its story based on the four-act story arc construction of Kishotenketsu. Two elements that make for much stronger reasons for Season of Ghosts to be a four volume Adventure Path, even if they did come along after the decision was made!

Does this mean no conflict ?

(Just checked the structure of Kishotenketsu : you learn something new everyday on these boards).

There is PLENTY of conflict, never fear!

I meant to include a link, but here's one that talks about what kishotenketsu is.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote:

I'm currently developing Pathfinder #204, and am outlining an Adventure Path that goes beyond volume 210.

Pathfinder 200 is not the last volume in our longest-continually-running product line, in other words!

None of the adventures we've yet announced titles for are Remastered adventures—those are coming eventually, but when they do, we'll continue the numbers without interruption.

After all, we didn't reset the numbers when we switched from 3.5 to Pathfinder, or from 1st edition Pathfinder to 2nd edition Pathfinder. And the switch from OGL to Remastered is going to be orders of magnitude less disruptive than an edition change.

Thank you, that is good news, I like continuing the numbering.

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… You necroed a thread to white knight in a very fetishizing way.

The books absolutely have Asian writers, what were you wanting, Paizo hire an Asian Creative Director for just this Adventure Path?

Anyway, not the uplifting and supportive post you thought you had.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

You're incorrectly pointing at the elephant. James Case is not white.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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CULTxicycalm wrote:

Is it verboten to observe that absolutely every high-level decision of this Asian-themed AP was made by Whites, including the choice of the traditional Kishotenketsu structure? Don’t get me wrong, I love White guys, I am one myself after all, but I am a little stunned that with so much diversity at Paizo today we can’t get some locals to direct the APs set in their own lands. Asians are Master RPG designers after all, just look at JRPGs. Why not give them a chance to show us what they can do some day?

Please don’t be offended. All I am doing is pointing at the elephant.

It's not verboten at all. I was very self aware of the fact that as interested and immersed as I am in Asian culture, I'm a white guy. I can't change that, nor were there any other options other than that at the time Season of Ghosts needed to be concepted and outlined and developed among those at Paizo who have experience running an Adventure Path. That's increasingly not the case today and going forward, I'm happy to say.

(I can't speak for James Case, the man who brought kishotenketsu to the table for this Adventure Path, but don't make assumptions about people, I guess, is my advice there.)

Which is why I did everything I could to make sure that as many people writing for this Adventure Path are Asian, and why we hired sensitivity readers to look over everything.

But the process of directing an Adventure Path is very difficult and requires a lot of specific skills and reources that not everyone has access to. It's a full time job in a lot of ways. Essentially hiring a freelancer to do this job would not be feasable, and not just from the economic side of things. The process of getting an Adventure Path up and running starts years before it sees print and requires a lot of planning and access to and involvement with Paizo's plans going years into the future as well, and that's a difficult thing for someone who's not a full-time employee at Paizo to have access to.

What I CAN do is use my position as Creative Director to amplify other voices. I tried to do that with Asian authors with Season of Ghosts (and beyond that have personally hired folks who wrote for Season of Ghosts for the NEXT Adventure Path I'm running), but also tried to do that with women—Season of Ghosts is the closest we've ever come to an Adventure Path written entirely by women.

That all said, limiting the creators of content to only things that they represent in their own selves is not a viable model for writing, but more so when it comes to an intellectual property created by a relatively small company like Paizo. We really try to include a lot of voices beyond our own, and speaking for myself as a white bisexual man, I'm extraordinarily interested in immersing myself in other viewpoints to expand my own way of looking at the world AND writing. I believe that it's just as destructive to limit creators to only being allowed to write and create content as it is to not give a wide range of people chances to create content and bring their own life experiences to enhance a shared excursion into creativity.

I'm fortunate enough to have found myself in the position of creative director at Paizo. I understand that part of my journey to this position was made easier by being a white man, and I carry a lot of shame and self-doubt and imposter syndrome as a result of that, so I view my responsibility of amplifying the voices of other creators as seriously and as important as is my responsibility to create adventures and gaming content for Paizo to thrive as a company and for players to thrive as as gamers.

I'm not offended by your post, but I am a bit ashamed at having to have to reply with this "justify your job and role" post. I hope I'm not coming off as arrogant or as trying to minimize your very real concerns. I am and will continue to fight for non-white men to have creative power in the industry (alongside trying to get representation for bisexual people into the game, something I've pretty much been pushing for from the start with Merisiel).

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ye do kinda realize that if multiple different people didn't realize it was a joke, it kinda means the post just reads like a troll post at best? :'D At worst it looks like an actual silly internet complaint

(it wouldn't even be first time I've seen someone on internet claim that if someone can do x genre, they can do every unrelated genre with similar name as well x'D)

Shadow Lodge

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Someone hasn't heard of Tenra Bansho Zero or Ryuutama it seems.

Or Elden Ring.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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CULTxicycalm wrote:
...and JJ doesn’t consider these companies as competing with his own.

Please don't make assumptions about what I consider. (Nevermind the fact that Paizo is n ot my company; it's just where I work.)

Paizo Employee Community and Social Media Specialist

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Removed posts for hate speech

TOZ wrote:

Someone hasn't heard of Tenra Bansho Zero or Ryuutama it seems.

Or Elden Ring.

Or Record of Lodoss War.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

...I think I don't want to know what happened after I posted and went to sleep because trying to guess context from remaining posts kinda terrifies me :'D

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Dam it this discussion reminds me that we didn't get the good Dark Souls TTRGP and only got the crappy 5e version.....

Paizo Employee Community and Social Media Specialist

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Cleared the flags. If this conversation continues the thread will be locked.

Liberty's Edge

MadScientistWorking wrote:
Dam it this discussion reminds me that we didn't get the good Dark Souls TTRGP and only got the crappy 5e version.....

I've not got around to playing it, but Runecairn seems like an interesting Souls-like in ttRPG form if you want an alternative! :)

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