Errenor |
A familiar can't attack or activate items ( there's a rare one that can attack though).
They can carry / pass items though.But they need manual dexterity.
Yep. But also caltrops aren't 'activateable' item! :) So, yes, while having 'manual dexterity' they can scatter caltrops. Not the oil though, it demands an attack.
breithauptclan |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Can a poppet familiar attack a creature? I see no stats for that in his character sheet.
No. By default familiars cannot make any strike actions.
If given the Spellcasting ability, they can cast an attack or other hostile spell.
They could also make some attack combat maneuvers such as Grapple. But it probably wouldn't work well.
It is not technically prevented to make other attack rolls - just Strike. In fact, the rules mention that if they do make an attack roll, they would use the stats of the controlling character.
Can he lay out caltrops?
Can he douse something in oil?
That is undefined. It is commonly ruled that if they have manual dexterity that they can carry some amount of items. But since they don't have a strength modifier, it is not known how much bulk they can carry.
And as was mentioned before, familiars can't activate items. Though it is a bit unclear about consumables. The place that mentions that familiars can't activate items is in a section on worn items. Unless there is somewhere else that mentions this that I am not aware of.
Radyn |
This familiar does have "independent", but I ruled that he could pour oil onto a square, but not the troll. As he approached to do so the Troll crit kicked him into oblivion all over the trees surrounding the area...soooo....