Devout Pilgrim

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Im interested in everyone's interpretation of the "Devout Pilgrim" cleric archtype, specifically in regards to "Caravan Bond". Are the "Traveling Companions" considered cohorts, followers, generic NPCs or do/should they follow some other rules?

Caravan Bond (Su)

At 1st level, by leading a group prayer for 1 minute, a devout pilgrim can select a number of traveling companions equal to her cleric level + her Wisdom bonus. She may use her domain-granted powers on any of these traveling companions as if they were her. She can use these abilities on her traveling companions at a range of up to 30 feet, even if the ability normally requires her touch.

This ability replaces the cleric’s proficiency with medium armor and shields—she retains proficiency with light armor only.

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Traveling companions is just an artful way to say “her allies”. It’s a bit like share spells. The cleric can use her personal domain power benefits on her allies. Like if she had the trickery domain, she could give copycat to an ally

Anyone who takes part in the prayer limited only in number as per cleric level + wisdom bonus.

So any party members or NPCs or cohorts or followers etc.

Further, I doubt any animal companions or anything like that could realistically participate in the prayer. So no to stuff like that.

Thanks for the clarity everyone

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