
Doomlocke's page

6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Thanks for the clarity everyone

Im interested in everyone's interpretation of the "Devout Pilgrim" cleric archtype, specifically in regards to "Caravan Bond". Are the "Traveling Companions" considered cohorts, followers, generic NPCs or do/should they follow some other rules?

Caravan Bond (Su)

At 1st level, by leading a group prayer for 1 minute, a devout pilgrim can select a number of traveling companions equal to her cleric level + her Wisdom bonus. She may use her domain-granted powers on any of these traveling companions as if they were her. She can use these abilities on her traveling companions at a range of up to 30 feet, even if the ability normally requires her touch.

This ability replaces the cleric’s proficiency with medium armor and shields—she retains proficiency with light armor only.

Thanks for the suggestions

Is anyone familiar with a function similar to the "Loss of Heritage" Flaw but in regards to Class abilities? Additionally, what are some reasons why its a negative if it does?

Loss of Heritage

Prerequisite: Race with at least two racial abilities

Effect: Choose a racial ability. You are never able to use that ability, unless granted through some other means, but such effects are temporary at best. The ability you lose cannot be restored permanently to you through the use of Wish, Miracle or any other such magic.

Zaister wrote:

Your thread is in the wrong forum, this would most likely belong in the 1st Edition rules forum.

Nevertheless, the answer is, the trait bonuses do not stack. Generally, only racial bonuses, circumstance bonuses, and dodge bonuses stack. All other types of bonuses do not stack, and if you get multiples, only the best bonus counts.

I appreciate it

If a character were to choose two traits that ultimately grant a bonus to the same number pool (albeit through different means and triggers) would those numbers stack?


1) Heavy Hitter

Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls made with unarmed attacks.

2) Killer

Benefit: You deal an amount of additional damage equal to your weapon’s critical hit modifier when you score a successful critical hit with a weapon; this additional damage is added to the final total, and is not multiplied by the critical hit multiple itself. This extra damage is a trait bonus.

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moon glum wrote:
Hobgoblin Shogun wrote:
What are the approximate numbers for each of the gangs? I gotta assume there are more Smilers and/or Steel Hawks than the ones explicitly placed in encounters. And then how many individuals are there in Scrap Wall that aren't part of any gang.

The module never says, but it does say that there are 'hundreds' of ratfolk and orcs in the lords of rust (add in some androids, humans, chokers, darkslayers, the odd ogre, maybe a wayward halfling).

When I ran the smiler's part of the module, I assumed that there were about 100 individuals affiliated with the smilers, with about a 3 dozen extra smiley smilers (who had modified their faces with soothe) ready for random encounters. I wrote up a couple of extra smiler leaders (a gunslinger, and a smiler orc barbarian with a bite attack) but never got a chance to use them. The one smiler random encounter I did was with a wanna be up and coming orc gang called the red hands. After Marrow had been killed, a few smilers tried to join this orc gang, and the gang leader decided to initiate them. The red hands surrounded the PCs, told them they were in red hand territory, and asked them to pick the weakest of them to fight the initiates. They picked Yule, the android gunslinger, who promptly shot all the initiates dead.

Wow, I really like that idea. The evolving political landscape of Scrapwall. I'm wondering about the Steel Hawks, because I think my PCs are getting ready to lead a gigantic gang war.

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Tarondor wrote:

Magnus, Robot Fighter

and to a lesser extent:

Kamandi, The Last Boy on Earth

Magnus is clearly a Steel-Breaker Brawler.

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Update on my game.

Since everybody and their mother seemed to be TPKing on poor Hetuath, plus I felt that seeing the sun (thus ending the effect of his ancient curse) might make for a more compelling story. I figured I'd avoid the fight altogether since Hetuath would just see the sun and thank them. Done and done.

Only. That didn't happen.

Also a major reason for this is that my party has been struggling with combat. Only three PCs: a wizard, an investigator, and a bard. Not exactly heavy-hitters. Just fights with CR 1/2s make them breath hard. Plus they all have the Technologist feat, so I've kind of decided they're the Ghostbusters. Their lives will be easier once they get laid down with proton packs.

Anyway, they make it to the environ room, examine everything, read that the controls might control weather, seem to get it. I even describe specific buttons that say things like "Rain", "Sun", "Cloud", etc.

...then decide not to touch anything and move on.


I feel the TPK coming as they saunter into the next room and see Hetuath, who immediately goes to town on them. I have Hetuath screaming things in his alien tongue about "how he needs the sun" and "wants it all to end", and the investigator, still under the influence of "Comprehend Languages" passes it on to the party. The bard tries to Intimidate him then swashbuckles a little with his longsword to no good result. Hetuath drops him. The wiz tries zapping Hetuath with some lightning (to which he is immune) and then Hetuath drops him. The investigator retreats and keycards the door shut. He makes it back to environ room and I do some scary "huge banging on the door, it's slowly wrenching it open" stuff. The investigator turns on the sun just as Hetuath breaks in. Light floods the chamber. Hetuath places a hand on the investigator's shoulder, and gives a wistful "...thank you..." before dissipating into ash.

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Neongelion wrote:
a League delegation that came to Torch shortly after the heroes re-lit the fire

I like it.

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Session One is finally in the bag! Not exactly what I expected, but really, it never is. Meet the party:

-Android Infiltrator Investigator (Qayin): He's actually an Android in secret. I didn't like that people more or less all know what Androids are in Numeria, so I'm holding that back, too, to introduce it slowly, along with the other tech ideas. I'm also looking for the big reveal of his character secret to the other PCs, especially considering

he has backstory with Meyanda and knew her before her fall to Hellion.

-Half-Elf Thundercaller Bard (Erushin): I've placed this character as Val's biological twin. Additionally, I've set it up so

his biological father is Khonnir's rival who was doing weird experiments on his pregnant wife. Khonnir was in love with the rival's wife, and helped smuggle the twins out.

-Human Soundstriker Bard (Shredrick Powerchord): Very silly character, he's a Falstaffian lovable oaf who wants to be a Rock and Roll star. No real secrets for him other than the fact that the player wants the torchlight going out to be his fault, like he leaned on the wrong thing and POOF. He is also insisting that he and Erushin start a band.

-Human Pistolero Gunslinger (Thaddeus Nash): True Grit meets Fisher King. Grisled old gunfighter, he talks like pirate. I've cast him as an old friend of Khonnir's who would come into Torch periodically to trade information and stories, so he's like a crazy uncle to the Thundercaller. He's fairly drunk all the time, so we quickly realized there was some dark humor since his character seems to have a serious, crippling addiction and his alcohol use is hardly glorified.


So a weird party. They may TPK. But I love weird party compositions. All the more interesting.

So Erushin and Mr. Thaddeus Nash meet up in Torch, which I've described as practically bursting at the seams with travelers and gloryseekers curious about the disappearance of the Torch. They start sifting the town for rumors. Shredrick Powerchord stumps up to share what he's learned. They wander over to the Temple of Brigh to find Qayin praying and share rumors. Qayin perks up at the mention of a "woman with purple hair" and the PCs all start excitedly discussing ideas in-character. Awesome stuff to watch as a DM.

They decide they need to learn even MORE rumors, despite the fact that they know where to go and I keep implying that time is of the essence. Shredrick declares that they'll throw a "totally rockin show" at the Foundry as a special opening, since it's been closed, as a way of making more gold, catching more rumors, as well as fame as the band.

I ask them if they've named the band, which they have not. They stare at each other blankly, then Shredrick's player goes:

"The Rock and Role Players."

A legend is born.

Erushin tends to a catatonic Val, Shredrick rolls diplomacy to get the word out in town, Qayin examines the bar while taking notes about everything, and Thaddeus goes snooping around the Foundry for anything Khonnir might have left behind. This leads him to Khonnir's workshop and gets jumped by the drone. Thaddeus goes one-on-one with it, gets his ass kicked a bit, but ultimately takes it down as the PCs come running after hearing the sound of the gunshot. They marvel over the concept of a robot and I let the foreboding nature of such an advanced automaton creep into them.

They have a rocking show. I play a serious of teenagers screaming in the crowd. Shredrick tries to smoke a pipe and drink an ale at the same time, fails completely, but the crowd loves him anyway. Erushin casts some Dancing Lights and Silent Image of Khonnir and they produce lyrics that they'd written while I wasn't looking about "the Age of Numeria" and "The Tale of the Mighty Khonnir" and other glam rock such themes. They do a little crowdsurfing.

They wake up the next day hungover, but with a little more gold, but far less than they'd hoped considering that Shredrick kepting paying for everyone's drinks, all of which Qayin had written down meticulously. They also realize they'd forgotten to search the people for more rumors, but they put on a truly rockin show, and that's all that matters.

They wander over to the Weeping Pond. I try and talk about the need for "a blessing of Brigh", but they mostly just pray to her, then Erushin drives in headfirst. He rolls a Nat 1, swallows a bunch of the water, takes a bunch of ability damage, becomes schizophrenic, takes a negative level and dies, rising as a wight.*


*(a special thanks to Oliver Veyrac)

They get scared s*@&less of the water and take a while to decide they should go back in. They just start diving in, so I just help them out and decide they can make it to the caves below without "Water Breathing" for the sake of pacing.

They all make it and then see the floating bones of the past expeditions, and I menacing describe the chittering sounds of hungry creatures all around them...

Cliffhanger. End of Session 1.

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Blackvial wrote:
Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
Hey, who turned out the lights?
at least it is ok for us to blink
You still might be eaten by a grue.

I am Grue.

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Misroi wrote:
Android Swashbuckler (Killswitch) - by day, a rather unimpressive Torch guardsman named Daneel Milesteen; by night, Killswitch, scourge of the underworld. Someone needs to take a stand against the Technic League, and Killswitch is that man.

I support all dual-identity characters!

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Angry Cow wrote:
Rather than reroll characters entirely, we decided to just rewind the entire fight from initiative and give the party a second a chance. The second fight started as a mirror of the first, but I let them use every little metagamey trick they could think of to pull though.

I love the whole story! Full of excitement and drama! This "rewind" stuff makes me a little uneasy, as a PC and a DM. I mean, there's No Wrong Way To RP. But I would feel like I lost "fair and square" as a PC, and wouldn't want a rewind.

And if I was a DM, I would be excited to fill this in to the larger plot. A great opportunity! Flash forward in time... Double the stakes! The 5th Party hasn't returned.... make the symptoms cast over the town ever worse.... Perhaps the Technic League has finally begun to sweep into town! Perhaps the party IS the Technic League...! Have a real time limit to full meltdown! The possibilities are endless and enticing!

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mikeawmids wrote:

Fugitive half-orc bandit from Scrapwall, has a rocket powered fists and smokes multiple cigars at once.

Elven archer with cybernetically enhanced eyes.

Human/Android gunslinger who hates androids and has no idea that he is one.

Goblin engineer who wears a homemade power suit and calls himself 'Iron Goblin'.

Are you just crazy lenient with the stuff you allow? Also, how could a android not know he's a android. "Naw, I just never sleep cause I'm a badass. And these 'tattoos' are to show how much I HATE androids. So that's why I look like one."

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Well, it's reeeeally hard to follow up a James Jacobs response. But MY theory is

since the various books imply that they just happen to be listening to the Technic League's orders, but also will just simply ignore those orders. And since the Technic League "found" the Gearsmen in the Silver Mount, I reckon they're just directly or indirectly under the power of Unity.

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Freehold DM wrote:

Hoi chums,

Devs/Authors- What music would work for this adventure path?

GMs- What are you going to play at your table to make Iron Gods your own?

Players- What is your character's theme song/entrance music?

GM here. Excellent question. And this is something I am pretty good at. I'm doing a slight cyberpunk, horror mix it up. I've included music from:

-Fallout 1/2
-Silent Hill 1/2

And some of the less bombastic, more ambient tracks from:
-Deus Ex

And this is only the beginning! As I continue with the planning process for session one (I haven't begun the game yet, pretty excited about it).


Silver Mount

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I'd like something with witch and full BAB. Not sure what to use though.

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Yeah, re-skinning is where its at. Take the stats. Then Describe whatever you want. Change the behavior too. I often use different stats even when the PCs are fighting something they recognize. Keep those metagaming buggers on their toes.

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Taking something like Exalted, you power up the PCs to power up the challenges. Instead of being Zorro and fencing six guys at once impressively, you're an ant leaping down a lion's back and swinging it around by its tail. Instead of swinging from chandeliers, you're jumping over mountains. Instead of holding a door shut to preventing a troll from bashing it down, you're holding interdenominational timespace portals open with your martial arts.

All that being said, I haven't read the book yet. Very excited too. If you think the power additions are too much too soon, limit them. House rule it. Give the PCs... maybe one power point each. Then later. Two, total. Make them cherish their power. Then ramp the power level of the enemies faster than that of the PCs, so even with their f-ed up powers, they're barely hanging on.

Everything is up to the DM. I can't wait to read this book.

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I'd stand on the other side of a normal 5ft wide door. Fought a couple Cubes in my youth. Bane of the low level PC. I was just talking about the war stories the other night. All of 2nd level PCs once saw a Cube and booked it and all ended up cramping into a single bathroom and swinging our swords at it through the door frame til it died.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Hobgoblin Shogun wrote:
Do you rage ever?
When the chips are down, he'll bounce back with renewed vigor to win the day, yes.

Haha, I like it!

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DCSJ30 wrote:
Improved natural attack I believe.

Totally. I'm absolutely taking that. Also, there are an INCREDIBLE amount of crazy sick Goblin feats. So incredible. Check it! :D

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I love these guys. They have the potential to be really damn fun. Are there ways to make the bite do more? Has anyone given this archetype any thought at all? I already love Goblins, so I'm just itching to play one of these!

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What would make the ultimate assassin?

There is, of course, the Assassin PrC, but I'm curious to see if anyone has any build ideas from yesteryear or is inspired by. Any class/race. I also find that the "ninja" rogue variant is better than the rogue in every seeming possible way.

There are certainly also many kinds of assassin and definitions of such. What would you draw your inspiration from? 47? Etzio? Chigurh? Leon? I want to know where your mind goes! :D

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So my friend is doing a Northern game. Pretty damn viking, with the killing of dragons and such, the Pathfinder world is pretty detailed and it definitely impresses me. The Lands of the Linnorm Kings is a cool country.

So I figured, knowing nothing about the in-game setting, history or flavor that I'd play my male witch. And not just any witch, but the winter witch, an archetype made sick because you're descended from Baba Yaga.

But I failed to realize my entire race is actually the antagonists of the region.

More or less, the country of Irrisen are the lands just east of the Lands of the Linnorm Kings and actually used to be part of the country. Around 1000+ years ago, Baba Yaga straight up came in with armies of ice trolls and frost giants and cold fey and conquered all this land from the vikings and that land became Irrisen.

So the rulers of Irrisen are all the daughter and grand daughters of Baba Yaga herself. This is the part that made me go "Ho, damn":

Every century, she returns from her endless wanderings amongst the planes to place a new daughter in charge of Irrisen; the old daughter leaves with Baba Yaga to view the infinite wonders of the multi-verse by her side. Baba Yaga also takes all of her daughter's children (Baba Yaga's grandchildren) with her; this means that every hundred years. there is a complete change of leadership and aristocracy of Irrisen. The grand children of the queen (the great grand children of Baba Yaga) are left behind and are one of the lasting legacies of any previous queen of Irrisen.

Holy whatin hey say what.

So I devised a character that is Irrisen royalty, with the understanding that the traditional power structure is matriarchal. I decided there were several contradictory prophesies about a male winter witch. One that will ultimately rule and slay Baba Yaga, which might cause Irrisen to collapse or conquer the Lands of the Linnorm Lings for good, bringing Irrisen into its golden age.
Thus, as the prince grew, his considerable natural gifts became evident and people became to whisper, "Is it him?" And then, they began to act. There are secret Orders that believe the prince is the messiah. Others believe he will bring the end of everything.
And as one hundred years passed since Baba Yaga returned to this plane, she came again for the Queen, as she always had, taking the Queen's children with her as well. But something singular occurred. Something that had never once happened before.
The prince was left behind.
This emboldened the paranoid powers that be and in terror at the unknown and untread, assassins were sent to take his life and cover up what had occurred before the truth got out. One of the messiah cults, however, anticipated this attempt on the prince's life and protected him, slaying the assassins. The prince was smuggled into the night and out of the country. They send him to the Land of the Linnorm Kings, the place of his people's hated enemies and thus the perfect place to hide.
Just before the assassin's returned, killing the prince's protectors, sending the prince into the cold night alone, they told him that his sister, Anelisha, had been placed on the throne by his mother.
Baba Yaga chose a daughter and left a son. Irrisen is...unsettled.
Now he uses his talents as a witch to shifts his face and form to stay hidden, particularly from the Blackravens, the elite military order whose sole purpose is to hold the witches and horrors of Irrisen back. No one can know who he is, lest he be murdered by his innumerable enemies.
There is much for the prince to uncover. Is there truth to these prophesies? Has his sister sent the assassins for his life or the cults to protect him? Is Baba Yaga manipulating these events or are they even beyond her control?
Why does still he remain?
There are answers to be found. And he will find them.

Nulatek Yaga: The Winter Witch Prince

What do you think, guys?!

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blackbloodtroll wrote:
Really? That is actually awesome. I play a lot of gobliniod characters, and I never knew that. Is it in the Bestiary? Where can I find the RAW?

You too? Never woulda guessed. Think it's appropriate I post this.

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So I've seen a few different threads about Crane style and how people thinks its broken. At the very least, its very good. And cool. Which is where I'm going with this. What other styles do you like/think are strong/think are cool?

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I realize it gets a bad rap for being weak and boring, so can we make it better? Want kind of build can a wiz (faster spells) or a sor (more spells per day) make to squeeze the best burnmage blaster possible?

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I absolutely love PreGens. As many as humanly possible, especially in easy to read stuff for the Beginner's Box and/or backstories. I play with a lot of idiots. >_<

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Yep, you betcha! My personal favorite game for the SNES and one the best RPGs of all time. And it's aged well, unlike some the Final Fantasies, though I love them still. But I was thinking about how to make Chrono Trigger PF characters. This just off the top of my head:

Frog: Who wasn't inspiring to make a Frog character back in mid school ;)

I'm thinking Grippli Magus. (This is what started this actually. Have an actual Frog people race. So of course I'm going to want to make Glenn!) The Grippli are Small and get -2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Wis. Not terribly useful for a Magus, but I think the Magus gets the closest in terms of flavor. There are some pretty cool archetypes for the Magus, like the Spire Defender ( s-archetypes/spire-defender), which has some free movement and Acrobatics stuff (for the agile Frog feel).

Alternatively, you could just go the Paladin route but I'm trying to go for flavor similarities and I don't see much overlap other than general attitude. Though you do get some healing (Lay of Tongue?) and you can ditch the horse and for the sword and call it the Masamune.

Chrono: Either the Magus Archetype Kensai ( s-archetypes/kensai) and give him a katana with the free exotic WP, or maybe a straight samurai. Something with some magic would be preferable, but we want Chrono to be a strong fighter!

Lucca: Make Lucca an Arcane Bomber! ( ard-archetypes/arcane-bomber) Pretty perfect actually. I was thinking to make her the Wizard because of the Int based stuff, or maybe an Alchemist, but then I remembered this variant. I think this is one of my more solid ones.

Ayla: There are a few possibilities for Ayla, (Some less mystic Monk variant, Unarmed Figher) but I think I need her to be a Barbarian, due to the high HP and more savage attitude. For variants, we have just the thing! The Brutal Pugilist ( barbarian-archetypes/brutal-pugilist) and the True Primitive ( barbarian-archetypes/true-primitive). They don't completely overlap, unfortunately, But it's not a total loss since you can maybe drop Trophy Fetish of the True Primitive since it's not really in due with Ayla's lack of weapons.

Robo: This guy is tricky. I'm still not sure about him. But I've gone with a Warforged Monk of the Four Winds and Monk of the Sacred Mountain at the same time. Still not a hundred percent pleased, but it's my first thought.

Marle: Make her a Cleric with the Water Domain, uses a crossbow. Easy. Couldn't find a lot of cool variants for her.

And Magus? Make him.... a..... uh.
I got nothin.

Thanks for sticking with me on this little geeky fantasy!

Any suggestions? Comments? Ideas?