Enslave Soul and Resurrect

Rules Discussion

It is possible to ressurect (ritual) a character whose soul has been slaved by a Kalavakus?

"The demon enslaves the soul of a living creature within 60 feet. The target can attempt to resist this enslavement with a DC XX Will save. (...) If a slaver demon kills a creature whose soul it has enslaved, the demon regains 20 HP and the soul is consigned to an eternity of toil in the Abyss, adding to the slaver demon’s tally of souls and allowing the demon to enslave another."

1) I mean... that soul is automatically send to Abyss, without waiting for Pharasma's judgment? And it's possible or impossible to resurrect...?

2) You can Resurrect that soul but when the character dies again, their soul it's still consigned to Abyss? How can you break that slavery? through wish spell , maybe?

Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english u^_^

1) Yes the souls goes directly to Abyss and is unable to be resurrected unless by a Miracle (maybe by other Wish like spells). Yet I maybe wrong in the Miracle part.

2) No different from diabolic contracts this soul is condemned only if a slaver demon kills him and is restricted to only 24h after Enslave Soul success also if the demon who used the ability is killed the effect ends too.

Horizon Hunters

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You can only Resurrect a soul that is awaiting judgement, so if a soul is sent to the Abyss or Hell or something, it's no longer able to be recovered.

You might be able to recover a soul with a Miracle, but it's not guarenteed.

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