Wrong John Silver |
Hello! I'm an old player, but I haven't played for the past five years. So, I'm starting again with Pathfinder, and I figure a PFS2e character would be the right way to do it.
So I've been reading PFSRD, Archives of Nethys, etc., and I'm trying to build a support-role gnome cleric.
Would someone be able to look at what I've got and let me know what's right and what's wrong? The character is here.
I know I still need equipment at the very least, but I'm not sure what I'm able to use properly.
Thanks in advance!
breithauptclan |
Looks pretty reasonable.
At some point you will want to note what proficiency rank you have in those skills. At level 1 I don't think you can get any that are above Trained, but that will change as you gain levels and get skill boosts.
I know I still need equipment at the very least, but I'm not sure what I'm able to use properly.
Cloistered Cleric has only unarmored proficiency. So you won't be able to effectively use any armor. Just try to stay out of easy reach of enemies. Maybe carry a shield. You can use Raise Shield to get +2 to your AC even if you don't have Shield Block.
For weapons you are looking at simple weapons and deity weapons. And a Starknife isn't terrible. You will want to get a Returning rune on it at some point, but you can't do that at level 1. You might also carry a crossbow of some variety if you feel like using ranged attacks at low levels. By mid levels you are probably going to want to be using spells primarily instead of weapons.
But the Divine list is notorious for having little combat power at low levels. Somewhat difficult to find something useful to do when no one needs healed. Divine Lance is decent, but it won't work against everyone. You are at least dealing Good damage, so that is often usable against enemies that you encounter. Won't help if you get attacked by a wild animal or LN soldiers that are just doing their job.
Heal is an interesting spell. The most common use case for it is the 2-action single target version used in combat to prevent someone from dropping to 0 HP. Try to avoid using it outside of combat. Focus spell healing or Treat Wounds checks are better for patching everyone back up after the battle is over.
Wrong John Silver |
For weapons you are looking at simple weapons and deity weapons. And a Starknife isn't terrible. You will want to get a Returning rune on it at some point, but you can't do that at level 1. You might also carry a crossbow of some variety if you feel like using ranged attacks at low levels. By mid levels you are probably going to want to be using spells primarily instead of weapons.
Thank you! I've updated the sheet with those details, so I should have something (relatively) complete. Thank you for your help!