Poor Wandering GM |
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"If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans." ~Stephen Hawking
The Necessary Evil campaign for Savage Worlds has long been a favorite of mine, so much a favorite that I am taking the likely insane step of translating it into play-by-post.
Confession time. This is my second attempt to run this. The first attempt ended in a debacle of stale pizza and mislaid underclothing. Well not really but it crashed hard and as the GM it was ultimately my fault. I would like to think I learned from this and became a better person and all but that is not my call to make. This game may well fail. Posting may be sporadic. Life will intervene. That said I'll give it my best and we will see what happens.
Necessary Evil posits a world where superheroes have been active since at least the First World War. This world by and large looks like ours. Ok computer controlled flying cars have just hit the luxury market and failing organs can be regrown thanks to knowledge gleaned from the 1918 zombie uprising. But it mainly looks like home.
This world is then set on fire. It turns out Professor Hawking was correct.
Four years ago Earth was attacked by aliens called the K’tharen. Luna base was lost and earth’s defenders both military and metahuman were hard pressed maintaining the war at a stalemate. Then rescue arrived. A new alien force, the V’sori, apparently a former slave race of the K’tharen, were hunting their former masters and found them here. We didn’t ask questions, we just accepted the help and watched the K’tharen ships burn. Earth had triumphed; our Heroes had saved the day again. The victory celebrations spanned the globe. Thousands packed the streets to witness the welcoming ceremonies as the V’sori ships hovered over our cities. Millions watched the live feed from Washington as Champion and the Alpha Squadron waited beside the President to greet Ambassador F’arak.
Millions watched as a city block sized energy weapon vaporized Champion (aka Superman), Alpha Squadron (AKA Avengers/JLA) and the gathered leaders. Across the globe with targeted strikes and occasional orbital bombardment the V’sori attacked. Through the dust of the first strike those few still with a functioning feed saw K’tharen troopships dropping from the V’sori cruisers. Leaderless, heroless, the occupation of earth had begun.
And this brings us to you. Over the past two years War-Master F’arak has hunted down every meta-human he could get his little blue fingers on. All the heroes are gone. Most of the big name villains are gone. You are what is left. You are what is left to save the world. You are the necessary evil.
Most Characters in NE are villains. Not in the class of Lex Luthor or Dr. Doom, yet, but a step up from killers like Zsasz. As the players guide puts it:
Evil, Not Psychotic
Necessary Evil is all about playing the villains of four-color comics, with their grand schemes of world domination and destruction. While these villains may be murderous and megalomaniacal, they don’t tend to be mindless killers without purpose. The super-villain you make up should at least have the potential for working with other super-villains. While playing a completely anti-social psychotic does have its charms, it does not usually make for good team game-play. Take some time to consider why your villain would cooperate with other villains, especially under the circumstances. Your villain could certainly murder his fellow compatriots at a later date to serve his own goals, but for the time being, he ought to realize he’s more powerful with others by his side.
So take Mark Hamill's Joker as the boundary line ok?
[Spoiler=But I want to be a hero!]
Good for you! The game can easily support heroes as well. Just remember that you were not a very famous/effective hero. They are dead. Your backstory is yours but you must never have been seriously considered for membership in Alpha Squadron (the Avengers/JLA of this setting). The language in this thread is villain-centric but know that you heroes are welcome too.
"It isn’t necessary to imagine the world ending in fire or ice — there are two other possibilities: one is paperwork, and the other is nostalgia.' Frank Zappa.
This game will be run using SWADE and SCP3. Using the More Skill points Setting rule. I know buying new books can be a pain so just do the best you can. You will NEED however the Necessary Evil Players Guide at the absolute minimum. This has the background you will need for understanding what is going on. as well as the clues you will need to change things.
What I need from you.
First off I am not requesting full characters. If you have the books go for it. Even supers are pretty quick to build in Savage Worlds.
What I do want are answers.
a) What is your concept? Give me a one or two sentence description of your character.
b) What do you look like? Hair/eye color? Height and Weight? Costume? Think of what your mug shot would look like.
c) What can you do? What separates you from the masses? Brains? Training? Acidic blood? Magic tea cozy?
d) What have you done? What separates you from a random survivor? Describe a typical crime. There is a reason you could not be at the welcoming ceremony with Champion. If you are a hero give me an example of your heroism and tell me why you were not incinerated for standing with Champion?
e) What have you been doing lately? How have you spent the last two years under V'sori occupation? Most importantly tell me about your capture by the V’sori. Yes you have been captured, no this cannot be negotiated.
f) What have you seen in the world? Detail a hero or a villain or an ordinary person you have ran into, worked with, fought, or just heard about. Maybe a member of Alpha Squadron you tangled with. Maybe a criminal mastermind you worked for. Maybe a taxi driver or whoever ran the newsstand near your old lair. Make them interesting. Think of yourself as pitching a 1 or 2 issue special series for the Necessary Evil comic book we are all creating.
"Everything I was afraid of when I was growing up, I've become. I've taken on my nightmares, like the devil and the end of the world, and I've become those things." Marilyn Manson
Concepts are up to you but I am afraid that the plot requires some restrictions. Feel free to ask me why but there is very little that I can tell you …
No Robots, cyborgs are fine but there needs to be meat in there somewhere.
No Aliens. Well there are Atlanteans and Atlantean-human hybrids but they are from Earth.
You must have a body. This does not mean you cannot turn into a ghost/a gas/a shadow/etc. You can even normally be in that state but if your powers are suppressed you have to have a body to go home to. Basically you have to be able to be restrained. If you can’t then the V’sori would have killed you rather that capturing you. See question e above.
Gadgeteer or other gear dependent villains may start under a slight disadvantage (question e again, sorry) but this will be temporary.
A note on the game system. No game system is perfect. Any system devised by humans can be broken. If your character is so effective that I am having to work around you or if it is making the game less fun you might have to rebuild.
This is all I need so please, show me a rogue’s gallery.

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(With all those wonderful quotes I feel compelled to follow suit.)
"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right" --Henry Ford
A) Question the First! Mind Controller/Telekinetic. Based off the White Queen/Emma Frost. (She makes an excellent heroic villain because she has played both sides.) A controlling mastermind that doesn't mind getting her hands dirty.
B) Physically smallish. Certainly not a physical threat. Blue skin and white hair for a distinctive appearance that drips allure and danger.
In her mug shot she stares disdainfully through the camera so any viewer feels like they're being watched. Like they know...she's coming for them, too.
C) Mind Control and Telekinesis as main threats, but maybe some smaller utility powers like Mind Reading and Paralysis. Probably Persusion.
D) For a typical crime she stalks target of some means and influence, then dominates them to just give her the resources she needs. This was always her lot in life because she's the daughter of a modestly known mastermind that, despite being a normal human, he was able to pose a threat to even some members of the Alpha Force (albeit the minor ones).
She wasn't at the welcoming ceremony because she was convincing a man who had worked for all his life to give her his retirement account. Hey, a girl's gotta eat.
E) Occupation under the V'Sori is only slightly different than beforehand. For the criminal the conditions stay the same, only the hand holding the whip changes. There will always be shadowy corners the powers-that-be don't go.
Someone snitched. It had to be. It was supposed to be easy. Gather a few like-minded individuals who had a taste for money and a loose grasp of common morals. Go and find the target and tell him that, yes, he -is- going to accept the lucrative deal that he's been putting off for far too long. Slap him around a bit, done. Day at the office.
But no. Instead of one surprised businessman it was...them. No one got away and the V'Sori just don't care about the normal amounts of threats and bribes.
How will our intrepid protagonist get out of this one?
F) Her dad's reputation seems to both precede and follow her. His great exploits, his genius ideas, his ability to have no powers but still lead some of Earth's greatest super-heroes on a merry dance. Him him him HIM! It's always him. But she's not him. And where is he now? She can't stand the side-ways glances, 'Oh, you're -her-. Do you know what -he- did?' And then there are only two ways that can go. it's either 'Aren't you ashamed at what he did?' or else, and worse, the, 'Well? Are you going to do better?'
Nope. No she can't.
It's a different world. He could make a nuclear bomb out of a paper clip, a can of hair spray, and some rather moldy milk, no doubt getting into some kind of cheese-based arms race. She can't do any of those things.
And where is he now? He disappeared about the same time as Champion's death. Probably got broke and dead, both at the same time. Be just like him.
Of course it might be easier if she didn't take his last name. The name of...Luthor.

Mightypion |
1: "Omega White".
The war, as well the the perceived American dominance in the super hero population, caused a significant increase in Russian experiments to create super soldiers, ultimately culminating in Omega-Red (Marvel). Who was alas destroyed alongside Moscow. Early versions were less "ambitious", with "Omega white" being described by some "bugdet copy of Collussus with some regeneration".
"Omega White" is, when not activating his steel skin power, a tallish an well muscled black haired human. He does regenerate, including lost body parts, and, as he rather painfully found out during captivity, he can regenerate all the way down from decapacitation. Dissolving him in Acid or incenerating him would permanently kill him though.
What can he do:
He does have superhuman strength, endurance and regeneration. At range he typically uses a high powered sniper rifle. He has been known to use gadgets such as Jetpacks or stealth fields, but needs to have them build for him, he cannot make such tools himself.
He has been extensively trained by the pre conquest Russian military.
He generally wears a long trenchcoat to hide his steelskin while fighting, preferring to not be recognized.
Crimes/recent things:
--Suspected involvement in several high profile assassinations and abductions of military officials in Poland, the Baltics, Ukraine and the United Kingdom prior to the alien invasion.
--Known to have massacred Alien-Sympathizers in Dagestan
--Supected to have wiped out the Fuerta Gracias Kartell's leadership on behalf of the Medellin Cartel
--Suspected involved in the end of the "Heavenly Lotus Triad" possible on behalf of the Shinto-Ryuchi Yakuza
--Known to have eliminated Shinto-Ryuchi Yakuza over unpaid bills
--Was offered a mercenary contract for the Vsori, accepted, seeing little issue with working for the powers that be, instantly betrayed and captured. Now regards the Vsori as completely non-agreement capable.
--He was depending on the super villain "Kalashnikov" (Soviet style mad scientist) for his gadgets, considers reports of the latters demise to be premature, as Kalashnikov likely faked his death via some type of doppleganger.
Fun fact:
Accidentally dated a junior member of the Alpha Force, neither being aware of each others identity, initially over a language tandem to reduce the strength of his accent while speaking english (she was curious about Russian literature).
Extremely cynical, pretty upbeat otherwise, very specific about contracts, making him a bit more lawfull evil. He is a teamplayer, and is generally speaking amoral rather then antimoral.
He does not, generally speaking, kill for free because that undercuts his prices, but at this point will make an exception for Vsori, likely accepting a contract to kill all Vsori for a price that commiserates with the value of their lives, which he estimates at 0,5 rubles (a bit under 10 cent) per Vsori.
How does he plan to get out:
OK, Situatia. The f+@*ing Ebat-Alien-S&@&faces have me suspended over a cozy acid bath, no easy way of getting out of that. Every X days, they knock me out via remote administered poison and harvest some of my organs. But the idiots are using the same poison, and I am growing resistant to it! I was actually concious during the last organ harvesting, 2-3 more rounds and I can resist the poison enough to be combat capable. So, man up further, endure horrific torture, and then break out, taking the organ harvester as a hostage in particular. Lets hope I am not on a space station, that would make exfiltration challenging. At minimum, I should be in a condition to rip off that tiny blue head and ram it up is own anal orrifice.

Doctor Toxic |

Well, I do have a character from a previous Necessary Evil game. If yours was about 2017, then I might have been part of it. Edit: Looks like you played in that one.
a) Doctor Toxic is a blob of chemical goo with powers based on the chemicals he's absorbed.
b) I look like a green blob. You can see a few squishy bones, a brain, and some eyeballs floating within it.
c) Well, to start off with, there's the doctorate in chemistry. (okay, the transformation may have scrambled his brains a bot, but he's still a d8) His body is squishy, with the usual features. He can use either a poisonous touch, an acidic touch, or throw adhesive goo.
d) He has been looking to experiment on his body and mostly hit chemical warehouses. He would use his acid to break through the walls or floors. When possible, he would disable the guards without harming them.
e1) During the V'Sori conflict, he has gone underground. Literally. He moves through the sewers. He's tried to avoid notice of the V'Sori. But he couldn't resist trying to find out if they had any new or exotic chemicals he could add to his mix.
e2) Since he's a permanent gooform, I'm assuming they have restrained him in a big bag that is acid-resistant and physically tough. The world's toughest ziploc bag.
f) Origins: Doctor Toxic. After getting his doctorate, Sebastian Schrader worked in the EPA's Extraordinary Chemical Remediation department. They were tasked with analyzing and destroying chemical weapons developed by supervillains. Obviously such work involved knowing how such weapons worked. And a stockpile of chemical weapons was a tempting target. Various members of different superteams rotated through to protect this place. Often this was members in the doghouse for problems.
Nobody in charge realized what a bad idea it was when Rocket Ranger and Concussive Force were the heroes protecting the facility. Two heroes whose powers dealt with explosions. One through a power suit, and the other a very limited telekinetic.
Sebastian understood the problem, but as a new employee his opinions on security were not appreciated. He was walking through the storage facility inspecting the vats when the attack occurred. The Ter-Roar-rizer was looking for his fear gas. Why an eight-foot tall lion-man felt the need to use fear gas was a mystery, but that was his MO.
When the explosion ruptured all of the vats around him, Sebastian felt his body dissolving. But one of the vats was of Evilution's Evo fluid. While they had originally produced enough to mutate a whole city, they only kept a smaller amount to use for analysis.
All of his cells were mutating as he was exposed to poisons and acids and other chemical attacks. Somehow enough cells learned how to deal with this situation. If left him changed forever.

CucumberTree |
a) Concept:
A Vampire who led the undead rebellion. Captured by the US government, he was frozen in liquid helium for future research. He was recently thawed. his savior unknown. He wakes up alone and to be unleashed on a world decades older than what he remembers.
b)Black hair, super-white-ass skin, gaunt, welcoming but creepy-ass smile. Arches his eyebrow alot.
c) Very, very hard to 'kill'. able to temporarily leach powers from other mutants if allowed to feed on them. Anyone fed on will probably become dead or another subservient undead.
d) Attempted to start undead revolution earlier in history
e) Deep inside a underground government facility deep in the desert.
f) he was captured in "The Turn of New York". The Turn happened when more were undead in New York city than were alive.
I'll need to think up an appropriate ending battle, that I can add later.

Poor Wandering GM |

"How many PP are we starting with? Is it 4-color, or something else? I know you said we don't need to create a complete PC, but I want to plan ahead.."
@GM I assume Power Level 1? This is my first taste of SW SPC and NE.
Since folks are asking I put the character generation guidelines and setting rules on the campaign page. The rules etc that most impact character generation are in bold.
Though again I want to stress that full characters are not necessary for recruitment. Questions a through f are. You concept may well change once you see the other chosen players. You might be stepping on someones toes. And themed super teams are a thing and would not be unwelcome. I am looking for creativity and quality. There is no rush, recruitment will be open for some time.
But I also understand the rules are a comfort in a time of trouble so have fun.
Special note: A couple/three of the hindrances have been marked with warnings. This is not to say you can't or shouldn't take them. This is to say that if you do take one or more of them you do not get to complain when the V'sori war machine slams into you like a runaway fright train with a particular grudge against your family.

Poor Wandering GM |

f) he was captured in "The Turn of New York". The Turn happened when more were undead in New York city than were alive.
I'll need to think up an appropriate ending battle, that I can add later.
Not New York, not DC, Plot reasons. For those who know "Breakout" is cannon but is not likely to impact this gme.Also could I get another sentence or two for each of the answers. Vampy seems a little thin right now. Do not be afraid of creating things this is the rough draft phase. Everything is good.
If there is a conflict I'll toss you a note like this one.

Poor Wandering GM |

No recruitment page survives contact with the players. AKA I forgot a question. Please add this or answer it how you like. Question list is also added to the campaign page for ease of reference.
g) What is the greatest thing in life? What is your desired end state/goal. Tell me what is important to you.

Therenger |

Here's my concept: Dave Finsterman, aka Dave Finsterman.
a) Dave Finsterman always wanted to be just like his idol, Champion, but he was just a fat loser. When the aliens attacked, he suddenly discovered that he could hit things really, really hard. Superhero hard! He spent his life savings on a plane ticket to Washington DC where the real action was. But when he got there and tried to help, Champion told him to beat it. Some jerk caught the exchange on video and it went viral, and so did his new hero name: Fister-man. Months later, humiliated and depressed, Dave watched his childhood hero Champion get vaporized on live TV, and he felt absolutely nothing.
b) Short and pudgy (5'9", 201 lbs), Dave has straight brown hair and hazel eyes. His skin is a pale pink like the color of milk from a cow with mastitis. His costume is just his everyday red polyester Addidas tracksuit. He bought it at a rummage sale for $7.50 and thinks the stripes make him look cool. The most common reaction to his mugshot would be, "Is this a joke?"
c) Bullies have hounded Dave his entire life. Now he has the power to smash in their stupid faces. The aliens are a bunch of bullies, so he wants to smash their faces, too. He's not randomly violent, and he's pretty lazy by nature, but they took away the Internet so now they have to eat knuckle sandwiches.
d) Dave still likes to think of himself as a hero. But he's damaged in a way that forgotten children from broken homes often are. What he craves more than anything is positive attention. For a while after the first invasion he would bust up random thugs trashing furniture stores and stuff like that, but the local news never took him seriously as a hero, and whenever the cops showed up they would just tell him to go home. But the way they would say it was, "Gee thanks, Fister-man, we'll take it from here." All condescending-like. Just once he wishes they would say, "Nice job, kid."
e) Dave turned himself in to the V'sori. He got so depressed at the lack of appreciation for the work he was doing and the constant toil of punching dirtbags that he figured maybe if he got himself captured and then flatlined some V'sori he could finally get the attention he was so desperate for.
f) Dave thought that if Champion saw him crush a few alien skulls the venerated superhero would take him under his wing, make him a sidekick, maybe. But that's not what happened. Instead he told Dave to get out of his way and pound sand. Champion seemed like a super nice guy on TV but in reality he was a total douchebag who thought he was better than everyone else. Screw that guy.
g) The greatest thing in life? If Dave were honest with himself, he'd say affection and a sense of pride from one's parents. But since he never experienced that, it's Internet porn. And then the stupid V'sori robbed him of that minor indulgence, so he's got nothing. Hopefully by showing the world he can put his fist through a V'sori armored breastplate and tear out its still-beating heart he can be famous, and people will like him. What's better than that?

Mightypion |
a) More amoral Russian Hybrid of Deadpool and Colossus
b) Tall, an pretty significant item, looks human when he is not activating his steel skin. He never put much faith in costumes, but he was wearing a three striped Adidas tracksuit one on occassion before the Vsori.
c)He regenerates, is military trained and can turn his skin into steel. Doing so does somewhat strains his metabolism, as does regeneration.
He does use Gadgets provided by remnants of Russian black ops, but cannot make them himself.
d)Suspected involvement in several high profile assassinations and abductions of military officials in Poland, the Baltics, Ukraine and the United Kingdom prior to the alien invasion.
Known to have massacred Alien-Sympathizers in Dagestan
Supected to have wiped out the Fuerta Gracias Kartell's leadership on behalf of the Medellin Cartel
Suspected involved in the end of the "Heavenly Lotus Triad" possibly on behalf of the Shinto-Ryuchi Yakuza
Known to have eliminated Shinto-Ryuchi Yakuza over unpaid bills.
e) Surprisingly little changed for a highly competent violence provider. He has worked for various criminal organizations with quite a sizeable degree of success. When a contract by the Vsori was offered, he was quite happy to get into the new overlords good graces, only to be immidiatly betrayed and repeatedly organ harvested.
f) His closest ally was the Russian gadgetmaker "Kalashnikov" who he very much hopes just faked his death. He disliked Champion, having met him on a diplomatic occassion and considered him to be an arrogant hyporcrite.
g)To see the invaders destroyed and his homeland to rise from the ashes once more. Also, get rich, powerful and unassailable, but this requires to remove the invaders.

Poor Wandering GM |
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Here's my concept: Dave Finsterman, aka Dave Finsterman.
e) Dave turned himself in to the V'sori. He got so depressed at the lack of...
"You have been captured, tell me how." is a rare but far from unknown trope in RPG's. But in all the games where I've asked that question to players, answered it myself or even saw it go by while I was lurking I have never seen a player saw they turned themselves in due to severe self-esteem issues. This is new.
Well played Mr. Finsterman. Well played.

Dave Finsterman |
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b) Tall, an pretty significant item, looks human when he is not activating his steel skin. He never put much faith in costumes, but he was wearing a three striped Adidas tracksuit one on occasion before the V'sori.
Tonight's top story: a metallic human colossus wearing a striped Adidas tracksuit wiped out a squad of V'sori commandos...
Dave spits Cheerios all over the TV and himself. "That's what I wear! He stole my look! Oh no, now whenever I go out people will say I'm pretending to be him! NOOOO! This is a disaster!!!"

Dave Finsterman |

Meet Dave
Smarts d4
Spirit d8 (w/4 pts from hindrances)
Strength d6
Vigor d8
Pace 6"
Parry 2+(1/2 Fighting) 8+5
Toughness 2+(1/2 Vigor) 15(4)
Skills: (15)
Athletics (AG) d10
Common Knowledge (SM) d4-1
Notice (SM) d4-1
Persuasion (SP) d4
Stealth (AG) d4
Fighting (AG) d12
Focus (SP) d12
Bad Luck (Major)
Clueless (Major)
Mild Mannered (Minor)
Poverty (Minor)
Arcane Background (Super Powers) [Free!]
Brawler [Human Free!]: +1 Toughness, +d4 to melee dmg
Counterattack [2 pts from Hindrances]
Super Powers 45 pts, 15 pt limit
Armor +4 (2 pts)
Dodge +5 (5 pts) + Deflect (2 pts)
Parry +5 (5 pts)
Toughness +4 (4 pts)
Melee Attack Str+3d6 (6 pts) + AP 10 (5 pts) + Smash (3 pts)
Super Skill, Athletics (1 pt)
Fearless (2 pts)
Regeneration (10 pts)

ZenFox42 |
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a) A human male who uses some form of telekinesis for just about everything he can do.
b) Average height, thin, blonde hair with blue eyes. Didn't/doesn't wear a costume. By changing his clothes for each job, he figures he won't stand out as much. He does have a signature knee-length black coat that he likes to wear sometimes, however.
c)His TK separates him from everyone - he was born with it, so he's known since he was a small child that he was different from everyone else. He can do almost anything with it, from flying to lifting things (including other people), throwing things, deflecting things coming at him, etc. [Details TBD by his build.]
d)Before the V'Sori, he was a successful sneak thief. He would use his TK to enter a place, open the vault / safe / whatever, and get the goods. He could crush any security cameras, so no one ever got a good look at him. He vividly remembers that his last job before the V'Sori wiped out the heroes was a high-end jewelry store.
e)In the last two years, he's really stepped up his game. He's been using his powers to nip at the heels of the V'Sori, decimating their patrols, attacking lesser-guarded facilities and wrecking them, destroying their smaller flying machines (while they're on the ground), doing whatever he can to weaken their coordinated efforts to control mankind. He was captured at a facility that was more heavily-guarded than he expected (in retrospect, he thinks that might have been due to he previous attacks, so in a sense he was his own reason he was captured).
f)The most interesting person he's ever met is Flying Fortress. He met her by accident, they both happened to attack the same V'Sori station at the same time. She wears complete-coverage armor that enhances her strength and allows her to fly, so together they made quick work of the place. Their banter during the attack led to their meeting up IRL, which eventually led to their hooking up to do jobs and...other things. She was just recently killed by the V'Sori while attacking a large research installation, and he still mourns her loss, and now his anger at the V'Sori is personal.
g)The greatest thing in his life *was* Flying Fortress. His current goal, the most important thing in his life, is to wipe every single V'Sori off the face of the earth.
PWGM - the Mind Control power was SUPER (pardon the pun) overpowered in SPC2. I haven't looked at the SPC3 version, but you'd better make sure it can't be abused.

Doctor Toxic |

Yup that was me. Thought I recognized you.Follow up on questions b&d are you trying to get your body back? Are we looking at a Victor Fries situation here?
I don't see that as a primary goal, and it's definitely not something that he wan't permanently. If he runs across a way to be able to transform between human and goo form, he'd pick that up, but it's not something he's going to seek out.
g) He wants the freedom to explore the fringes of chemistry without pesky financial or moral restrictions.
btw, the rules posted are from SW Deluxe. If I'm picked I'll pick up the new version and go from there.

Poor Wandering GM |

PWGM - the Mind Control power was SUPER (pardon the pun) overpowered in SPC2. I haven't looked at the SPC3 version, but you'd better make sure it can't be abused.
Any power can be abused. Any rule set can be broken.
I just ran across an exploit using common bond and Minion that makes game balance a quaint old fashioned concept.Supers games are notorious for broken bits and exploits. We are all going to need to keep an eye out for this. If you feel something is causing an issue or making something less fun, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF MONGO say something. Send me private message, drop a note in the discussion thread, anything, and we WILL work it out. We are all in this together and if one of us is not having fun then the campaign will likely die.
Specifically on Mind Control. SPC3 made some important changes to this and Telepathy which closed some of the easier abuse avenues. MC is also not one of my favorite powers so the Eye of Sauron will be on any mind controllers in the cell. Not in a hostile way, a friendly Eye of doom.

Poor Wandering GM |
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Current malcontents in no special order with added snark
Atlas21112. Friendly neighborhood Luthor. Mind control, telekinesis, and daddy issues.
Mightypion. Omega White. Everlasting anger and post Soviet angst foil wrapped for your convenience. Member of the track suit mafia.
Philo Pharynx. Doctor Toxic. Specialist in Acid reflux.
CucumberTree. A blood sucking, rabble rousing politician from New York who just won't go away....Have I already seen this movie?
Therenger. Dave Finsterman. Rising star or one punch wonder? Proud member of the track suit mafia. (psst...White wears it better)
Zenfox42. Telekinetic in a trench coat. Mourning the loss of his B-17.
I think that's everyone, sorry if the snark was over the top. One of those mornings.
I'll give it a few more days to see if we get any door knockers but I think we are getting the core of a group here.

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g) What is the greatest thing in life? What is your desired end state/goal. Tell me what is important to you.
G) To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, blah blah blah. But that goes without saying, doesn't it?
IF such a thing could be had, she'd like to see her dad one last time. He wasn't "exactly" an absentee father, but he certainly wasn't around as much as she'd like. And if he did show up, if she were being honest (which is always a dicey thing) she'd like his approval. Some moment when he addressed her as "my child, with whom I am well pleased."
That aside, she wants to be in control. Have some little corner of this world where her word counts more than any other. With the V'Sori in charge that sort of by default makes them enemy #1. So they need to learn their place. By any means necessary.

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ZenFox42 wrote:PWGM - the Mind Control power was SUPER (pardon the pun) overpowered in SPC2. I haven't looked at the SPC3 version, but you'd better make sure it can't be abused.Any power can be abused. Any rule set can be broken.
I'll bet anyone a pdf of Cyberpunk 5E that Zen's first build is game breaking and the GM needs to cry "Unkle!" on at least one point. I mean, PWOGM isn't outlawing -any- powers. It'd be a shame to waste such a sweet opportunity. =]
"You have been captured, tell me how." is a rare but far from unknown trope in RPG's. But in all the games where I've asked that question to players, answered it myself or even saw it go by while I was lurking I have never seen a player saw they turned themselves in due to severe self-esteem issues. This is new.
Well played Mr. Finsterman. Well played.
I too am impressed with the amount of skill, care, and genuine emotion that went in to creating the tale of what, at base value, is a dumb brick. Well played indeed, sir!
One might even call it... Genius!

Mightypion |
A secondary consideration was "Monument", a history buff turned super villain because funding for his history class was cut. He can possess monuments, and then walk around in them, Godzilla style if he yoinks like "The Motherland Calls" (87 meters, and has a sword) or set things on fire with the "statue of liberty" (maybe she is also a spell caster? Useful torch for sure!), with the possibility of some enterprising gadgeteers mounting a multiple rocket launch system, or maybe 5 on them on the shoulders.
Didnt seem like a good idea if you want to be sneaky and the enemy has air superiority.
Also, I imagine the Vsori considerably reduced the monument pool.

Philo Pharynx |

A secondary consideration was "Monument", a history buff turned super villain because funding for his history class was cut. He can possess monuments, and then walk around in them, Godzilla style if he yoinks like "The Motherland Calls" (87 meters, and has a sword) or set things on fire with the "statue of liberty" (maybe she is also a spell caster? Useful torch for sure!), with the possibility of some enterprising gadgeteers mounting a multiple rocket launch system, or maybe 5 on them on the shoulders.
Didnt seem like a good idea if you want to be sneaky and the enemy has air superiority.
Also, I imagine the Vsori considerably reduced the monument pool.
You'd also need to deal with all of the kaiju and extradimensional beings.

Poor Wandering GM |

Poor Wandering GM wrote:I'll bet anyone a pdf of Cyberpunk 5E that Zen's first build is game breaking and the GM needs to cry "Unkle!" on at least one point. I mean, PWOGM isn't outlawing -any- powers. It'd be a shame to waste such a sweet opportunity. =]ZenFox42 wrote:PWGM - the Mind Control power was SUPER (pardon the pun) overpowered in SPC2. I haven't looked at the SPC3 version, but you'd better make sure it can't be abused.Any power can be abused. Any rule set can be broken.
To quote the great Han Solo: "Don't get cocky kid!"
PWGM has not banned any powers, yet. I said it before and I'll say it again. Any power can be abused. I don't see a game breaking exploit built around Speak Language or Spacer but this is simply lack of imagination on my part.
I tend not to 'ban' powers classes etc because even a badly written hot mess can result in interesting and entertaining play. However, I find exploiting broken systems boring. It is too easy. It's been done. it's dull. Dull play leads to lack of engagement and this kills games.
If any of you are having less fun because you feel someone is exploiting the system, abusing a power whatever. Let me know and we will solve the problem like adults. (Swords or pistols? Are your seconds prepared?)
All that said if I were looking at powers to ban Mind control would be towards the front of that line. I think Atlas can pull off an entertaining mind controller but the ice Ms. Luthor is dancing on is thin.

Dave Finsterman |

I too am impressed with the amount of skill, care, and genuine emotion that went in to creating the tale of what, at base value, is a dumb brick. Well played indeed, sir!
One might even call it... Genius!
Thank you! No, thank you! But you won't be laughing if that dumb brick ever flies at you with the power of a god propelling it.
That said, the mind control type powers were definitely on my, err, mind when I was building Dave. He's a living weapon, but any big brain could simply force him to Fight Club himself. That's why I jacked up Spirit, which goes a little against type, but I felt like I needed at least a little protection.
Tying this back to Saitama, at least in the Netflix series, he never met a challenge that couldn't be solved with his fist. But I suspect he would be totally immune to any form of mind control, with the exception of his one weakness: advertising.

Poor Wandering GM |

Funny you should ask.
I just opened the Discussion thread which is where all the mechanical magic will happen. But no rush at least 2 folks need to get books/pdf's so there is plenty of time.
Philo Pharynx
You all have the password to this particular speakeasy.
CucumberTree, get your app finished. It's looking good so far.
Oh and since I have no sense of shame...

ZenFox42 |

PWGM - here's my first tentative build. I may change it drastically as I understand the SPC3 rules better (especially the Telekinetic and Force Field Powers), but I wanted to run this by you :
p52 : Armor(5), Heavy Armor(+4), Requires Activation(-1) : +10 heavy armor (8 SPP)
p63 : Flight(4) : pace 12 (4 SPP)
p80 : Ranged Attack(15), Heavy weapon(1), Lethal(-1) : 6d6 heavy damage (15 SPP)
p57 : Dodge : -5 to be hit by Ranged attacks (5 SPP)
p69 : Invisibility : -4 to be Noticed and vs. attacks (8 SPP)
p78 : Parry : +5 Parry (5 SPP)
All with the Trapping of telekinetic force.

Poor Wandering GM |

Oh man! Necessary Evil? Yes please. You're still looking for folks? I'm going to look through what is there and find a niche to fit into.
I am. We are just starting to talk mechanics in the discussion thread so you are in [i]plenty[i] of time. And note nothing you post in this thread is set in stone. Feel free to tweak/change/abandon anything or everything about your character once you get the key to the Evil Lounge (aka are accepted and sent to the discussion thread)
Take a look at the first post and the Campaign page to put your application together. (Question g is on the campaign page list. I forgot to add it to the first post.)
The campaign page also lists the setting rules we are using and some changes/advice to edges and things.
Please note we are using SWADE, the NE players guide and the new SPC3. You might be able to get by with earlier editions but the NE guide in some form (it's a $5 PDF I think) is vital to understand the setting.
Feel free to ask me anything.
I look forward to seeing who you bring me.

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Hey Mr. GM, I have a question that the new class may want to know about.
The NE Player's Guide is a wonderful resource full of rich atmosphere and interesting details.
However, I believe that it is a bit older, and may contain details that might conflict with the other two SWADE books. Is any of that gonna be a problem, and, in a conflict, what is the order of precedence?
i.e. The NE guide says that we all start with $1000. Is this good?

Clebsch73 |

I'm considering submitting a character concept. In the meantime, could you list the books needed without initials? I'm not that familiar with the available books and want to know what it would cost to get the books, assuming I go on to create a character in detail.
I have Savage Worlds Deluxe (Not explorer's edition). Is that sufficient? I have figured out that SWADE is Savage Worlds Adventure Core Rules.
What is SCP3?
Edit: I've figured it out. Now my question is who sells the Super Power Companion 3rd edition? I've only found 2nd edition vendors, so far.
As far as a character, so far, my thoughts are gravitating toward an vigilante who doesn't play by the rules that heroes like Superman and Wonder Woman use, where it's a major sin to kill an enemy, even in self-defense. He/she/they will have a quirky sense of justice and won't bother trying to capture the people he chooses to go after.
Abilities will be heavy on stealth and some quiet and effective way of killing. One example from comic books that comes to mind is Ghost, a woman who is not really a ghost but can become insubstantial. She used guns with bullets that became substantial as soon as the gun was fired.
One possible backstory would be a pure-blood member of an indigenous group out for revenge on pretty much everyone associated with the colonial era and the inheritors of the wealth obtained thereby. Not normally a team player, he/she/they would view the aliens as doubly deserving of death, so would be willing to team up with others to try to rid the world of the new evil.
I should be able to provide answers to the questions listed above sometime this weekend.

Poor Wandering GM |

Hey Mr. GM, I have a question that the new class may want to know about.
The NE Player's Guide is a wonderful resource full of rich atmosphere and interesting details.
However, I believe that it is a bit older, and may contain details that might conflict with the other two SWADE books. Is any of that gonna be a problem, and, in a conflict, what is the order of precedence?
i.e. The NE guide says that we all start with $1000. Is this good?
Starting funds are $1000.
This violates the general SPC3 - SWADE - NE precedence order but the standard $500 is a bit skinny in this setting.

Poor Wandering GM |

I'm considering submitting a character concept.
In the meantime, could you list the books needed without initials? I'm not that familiar with the available books and want to know what it would cost to get the books, assuming I go on to create a character in detail.I have Savage Worlds Deluxe (Not explorer's edition). Is that sufficient? I have figured out that SWADE is Savage Worlds Adventure Core Rules.
What is SCP3?
Edit: I've figured it out. Now my question is who sells the Super Power Companion 3rd edition? I've only found 2nd edition vendors, so far.
You can get it direct from the source or Drive through RPG. There may be others but I know those have it.
As far as a character, so far, my thoughts are gravitating toward an vigilante who doesn't play by the rules that heroes like Superman and Wonder Woman use, where it's a major sin to kill an enemy, even in self-defense. He/she/they will have a quirky sense of justice and won't bother trying to capture the people he chooses to go after.
Abilities will be heavy on stealth and some quiet and effective way of killing. One example from comic books that comes to mind is Ghost, a woman who is not really a ghost but can become insubstantial. She used guns with bullets that became substantial as soon as the gun was fired.
One possible backstory would be a pure-blood member of an indigenous group out for revenge on pretty much everyone associated with the colonial era and the inheritors of the wealth obtained thereby. Not normally a team player, he/she/they would view the aliens as doubly deserving of death, so would be willing to team up with others to try to rid the world of the new evil.
I should be able to provide answers to the questions listed above sometime this weekend.
Sounds pretty good. The backstory risks getting exploitative but I expect you will handle that with care.

Poor Wandering GM |

.... find a niche to fit into.
Niche hunting can be a bit of a trap. This is not Pathfinder/5e. There are no bases that need to be covered.
That said of the common tropes, I have not seen an occult oriented villain, or an water oriented one (you are on an island remember) or even a tech villain. The last I find surprising given the love the Device modifier usually gets. Yes tool users will be at a transient disadvantage, see question e. But it is not a big deal.

KingHotTrash |

Niche as in less of "we need a healer" and more of a "what is my thing". I got a solid idea of what I want to make right now but I need to get my hands on the books so I can make it work.
I'm thinking of a ranged/tech character; used to be a very popular streamer known for their incredible reflexes in FPS shooters. Practically unmatched. Was discovered to have superhuman ability and banned from all tournaments after mom got diagnosed with some sort of expensive and fatal disease. Turned to crime to pay the bills. Goes by the name of Hitscan.

KingHotTrash |

Now that I'm in the right spot, here is the character idea.
a) What is your concept? Give me a one or two sentence description of your character.
~I will be playing Hitscan, a tech shooter that used to be a famous streamer that uses their inhuman reflexes and hand-eye coordination to pay the bills, live the life they want, and keep their mom alive in the hospital.
b) What do you look like? Hair/eye color? Height and Weight? Costume? Think of what your mug shot would look like.
Hitscan is not physically impressive, standing at 5'9 and weighting around 170lbs. He dresses in an almost business casual outfit, favoring speed over protection. Black hair and grey eyes, he has a cocky smile that never seems to vanish.
c) What can you do? What separates you from the masses? Brains? Training? Acidic blood? Magic tea cozy?
A mixture of training and inhuman talent, Hitscan has insane accuracy with all form of ranged weapons and has the ability to absorb information at absurd rates. He is also a gifted expert with technology, devising tools as needed.
d) What have you done? What separates you from a random survivor? Describe a typical crime. There is a reason you could not be at the welcoming ceremony with Champion. If you are a hero give me an example of your heroism and tell me why you were not incinerated for standing with Champion?
After being banned from all major FPS shooter tournaments and seeing his last money be eaten up by the health insurance companies to keep his mother alive, Hitscan found that his natural talent applied to firearms in real life as well. He became a professional killer, assassinating political and criminal figures the world over. He was on site when Champion was eradicated, though a few blocks over leveling a shot against the district attorney. Didn't need to pull the trigger to finish that job.
e) What have you been doing lately? How have you spent the last two years under V'sori occupation? Most importantly tell me about your capture by the V’sori. Yes you have been captured, no this cannot be negotiated.
He was captured recently during a V'sori raid, sold out by an employer who didn't want to pay his fee and was pressured by a V'sori informant. Since his internment, he has been trying to learn all he can about the enemy so he can escape. So far all he has learned is that he can't and that leaving the surface of the planet is not good.
f) What have you seen in the world? Detail a hero or a villain or an ordinary person you have ran into, worked with, fought, or just heard about. Maybe a member of Alpha Squadron you tangled with. Maybe a criminal mastermind you worked for. Maybe a taxi driver or whoever ran the newsstand near your old lair. Make them interesting. Think of yourself as pitching a 1 or 2 issue special series for the Necessary Evil comic book we are all creating.
Vanessa Crane is a nurse at Star City Hospital and she is the main caretaker of Hitscan's mother. She has no idea who he is but is kind and affectionate to the young man who is so dedicated to the sick woman. Hitscan has a crush on her but also realizes that he is a killer, an actual villain. How could he bring her into his life?
g) What is the greatest thing in life? What is your desired end state/goal. Tell me what is important to you.
Hitscan's greatest thing in life is his mother. Call him a momma's boy but she supported him when he started his streaming career and was there through all the bumps and issues. Her sickness devastated him and brought him into a life of crime.
He would love to be rich enough to take care of her forever, get her the experimental and groundbreaking medicine she needs to recover, and maybe just retire peacefully where he can game for fun like he used to.

CucumberTree |
Mr. Sardonicous followed his assignment into the marble adorned bathroom. His prey picks stall and enters. He closes the door. Mr. Sardonicous quickly checks the other stalls. Thankfully for Mr. Sardonicous, they were all empty.
Mr. Sardonicous slides a chair to brace the entrance.
Mr. Sardonicous quietly moves to his prey's door.
Mr. Sardonicous rips the door away.
Mr. Sardonicous says, "Capone says you're mine."
Mr. Sardonicous engulfs his body with a beastly embrace and devoirs his blood.
Mr. Sardonicous' head lifts and exposes his mouth dripping in ichor.
Normally the undead that he created from feeding, were Wild. They understand very simple mental commands within ? distance. One in ten thousand may be Civil. (one who keeps their mind and cannot be controlled)
His hands, which were long, white and thin, wrap both sides of his depleted prey. Mr. Sardonicous begins to squeeze. The prey's skull begins to crack. It's eyes begin to pop from their orbits. The skull explodes with blood, bone and brain. Mr. Sardonicous raises his gore soaked hands and flicks them hard. The grisly mess is spayed across the back of the stall.
Normally Mr. Sardonicous would wait to see if the corpse was wild or civilized before killing it. He had to stay hidden for centuries this way. The wild would feed and create more, which would create an epidemic. He knew that he instead needed to create a pandemic instead.
To create a pandemic of undead, Mr. Sardonicous needed to ship the Wild to his trusted Civil who were located in major cities all over the USA.
Al Capones office
Mr. Sardonicous enters and stands in a column's shadow. "He's dead."
Capone pushes back on his leather chair. He kicks his feet up onto his desk. He grabs a Cuban cigar from his humidor. He bites of the end and spits the tobacco piece onto his Afghan rug. He laughs and takes a puff.
"You have become very, very powerful in the short time I've worked fo you." says Mr. Sardonicous.
Al laughs and pulls a drag from his Cuban cigar. "Yeah. All while I ship...whatevers across the country."
Mr. Sardonicous steps into the light. His mouth creepily smiles from ear to ear. "I'd like to tell you that I appreciate your help." Mr. Sardonicous looks at the three other people in the room. Two goons sat on either side of Capones desk, And his moll laid across his sofa. She looked bored.
Mr. Sardonicous launches himself to devour Capone. His two guards pull their guns, but they cannot shoot the vampire without shooting Capone. Mr. Sardonicous releases the dead body of Capone into his leather chair. The guards fire. Sections of his chest and arms explode with black blood then quickly repair.
Mr. Sardonicous grabs one guard and throws him into the other. He steely steps on one guards neck and lifts the other by his neck. He quickly empties their blood from them. His eyes roll back into his head as he drains. His eyes dart to the woman on the couch. She is frozen by fear.
"As a mortal, I deeply enjoyed the company of a beautiful woman. However now, My feelings are as dead as I am. The only joy that I have is to take the life essence from another." He says. Her eyes freeze in fear.
After Mr. Sardonicous finishes the girl, He walks to Capone's desk. He tosses Copone's body to the floor. The body spasms on the floor as it begins to turn. Mr. Sardonicous grabs the phone. He contacts his friends to start the Undead rising.
The four Wild wake and are ravenous. Mr. Sardonicous tells them mentally "Go Feed."
A few nights later
Chicago burns before him. He watches as the ravenous undead crush the city under their endless hunger. His smile shows a few to many teeth. A pop sounds in the air behind him. [Teleporter Character] grabs him from behind and yells, "I got 'em."
Unfortunately the [Teleporter Character] was wrong. Mr. Sardonicous slips away and around to embrace him. The [Teleporter Character] is drained of powers and not of life.
[Strong, Flying Character] lands with a crack onto the penthouse porch, and punches Mr. Sardonicous off the building. Mr. Sardonicous tries to unscramble his punched brain. He clumsily uses his new powers. He can only teleport to what he sees. He teleports to the street.
The team of superheroes follow. Somehow they knew where he was. The teleporting power began to fail. And still he could not escape them. Mr. Sardonicous tried to escape to the sewer. As he lifted the manhole cover, [Iceman] hit him with a blast of ice.

Clebsch73 |

You can get it direct from the source or Drive through RPG. There may be others but I know those have it.
I just checked both links, and they have 2nd edition, but not 3rd edition.
Searched lots of online stores that have the 2nd edition but have yet to find any that list the 3rd edition.