Boons for one or boons for all?

Pathfinder Society


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Having just finished GMing Extinction Curse #1-3, I noticed that the Chronicle sheets for EC grant several boons (i.e., Snare Training).

Do these boons apply to me as a player (and can be used with any character, possibly more than once)? Or do I have to assign them to an individual character and they only apply towards that specific character?

How does one know for any given boon? Some don't appear to be as clearly worded as others.

4/5 ****

You read the boon, generally things only apply to the character in question unless specifically labeled otherwise.

Peeking at my Extinction Curse #1 chronicle sheet, everything on there only applies to the character you've applied the sheet to.

Might I recommend peeking at the Bequeathal Boon on the ACP shop. It can help you move boons around to the characters you want them on.


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Pirate Rob wrote:

You read the boon, generally things only apply to the character in question unless specifically labeled otherwise.

Peeking at my Extinction Curse #1 chronicle sheet, everything on there only applies to the character you've applied the sheet to.

Might I recommend peeking at the Bequeathal Boon on the ACP shop. It can help you move boons around to the characters you want them on.

Wait, I have to apply ALL of the boons from one sheet to one character? I can't say, apply Snare Training to a non-caster character that utilizes snares and Expanded Summoning to a different character that happens to be a spellcaster?

Dark Archive 4/5 ***

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Probably not the intended way but here's what I would do:

Since you're the GM, report the game with just your information and the PC number you assume would want the boons most.

Claim said boons for said PC, download them.

Check what the boons say.

Fix the character number if it turns out the boons are locked to the character so that the correct character gains access to the boons.
If you want some boons to one PC and some to another, remember that you can transfer some boons with the bequethal boon which is pretty cheap in terms of acp.

Tell your players what boons they get from the chronicle sheet, and ask which PCs they want the sheets to be assigned to.

Fill in the player numbers into your report.

That being said, unless the boons were changed from the original sanctioning, all of them only apply to the character that receives the boon.

Since Bequethal only allows you to transfer a single thing (as far as I recall), I would prioritize snare crafter/expanded summoning and apply the sheet to a character that benefits from those, and then bequethal the archetype (or a single interesting snare/summon if you really want to).

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Ravingdork wrote:
Pirate Rob wrote:

You read the boon, generally things only apply to the character in question unless specifically labeled otherwise.

Peeking at my Extinction Curse #1 chronicle sheet, everything on there only applies to the character you've applied the sheet to.

Might I recommend peeking at the Bequeathal Boon on the ACP shop. It can help you move boons around to the characters you want them on.

Wait, I have to apply ALL of the boons from one sheet to one character? I can't say, apply Snare Training to a non-caster character that utilizes snares and Expanded Summoning to a different character that happens to be a spellcaster?

Much like 1e, unless the wording allows for any of your characters to gain it, only the assigned character gains the boon.

As pointed out, there are ways to transfer a specific boon or item to another character with ACP. That is new for 2e and a welcome benefit.

Dark Archive 4/5 Venture-Captain, Online—VTT

Ravingdork wrote:
Pirate Rob wrote:

You read the boon, generally things only apply to the character in question unless specifically labeled otherwise.

Peeking at my Extinction Curse #1 chronicle sheet, everything on there only applies to the character you've applied the sheet to.

Might I recommend peeking at the Bequeathal Boon on the ACP shop. It can help you move boons around to the characters you want them on.

Wait, I have to apply ALL of the boons from one sheet to one character? I can't say, apply Snare Training to a non-caster character that utilizes snares and Expanded Summoning to a different character that happens to be a spellcaster?

It'll be very clear, if a boon says "all your characters have access to/obtain/whatever X" then they all do! If not then just the character who the chronicle sheet is attached to does. Things on one chronicle don't benefit any other characters unless they say so, it's all on the one character who has the chronicle unless it says otherwise, they "earned" it. If you want to move some options then there's a few that can use the bequeathal boon as mentioned above.


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Richard Lowe wrote:

It'll be very clear, if a boon says "all your characters have access to/obtain/whatever X" then they all do! If not then just the character who the chronicle sheet is attached to does. Things on one chronicle don't benefit any other characters unless they say so, it's all on the one character who has the chronicle unless it says otherwise, they "earned" it. If you want to move some options then there's a few that can use the bequeathal boon as mentioned above.

The first adventure module chronicle sheet says "This adventure qualifies you for five unique Achievement Point boons."

I assumed it meant me, the player, and that I could assign the individual boons to specific characters via the website's dropdown boon purchase menu.

Hypothetically speaking, if I had already purchased a number of these boons for separate characters, how might I go about fixing that?

4/5 ****

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I think the system only lets you buy them on a character that has credit for that adventure.

I just tried Buying one from an AP I've played but on a different character and I got back the error:

"That character does not meet the requirements for that boon."

Grand Archive 4/5 ****

Ravingdork wrote:

Hypothetically speaking, if I had already purchased a number of these boons for separate characters, how might I go about fixing that?

FAQ wrote:

Achievement Points and Boons

What do I do if a boon was purchased for the wrong character?

Email with your Organized Play ID, the incorrect boon, and your desired resolution (either a refund of the points or transfer to a different character).


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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks everyone! I'm saddened to see that the boon system is more limited than I initially thought, but you've all been a great help in forwarding my understanding of it.

Wayfinders 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

That's one of the reasons I am overjoyed at the Bequeathal system. It lets you reassign those boons!


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
That's one of the reasons I am overjoyed at the Bequeathal system. It lets you reassign those boons!

Indeed. A nice addition to the edition.

Just to confirm, the Bequeathal boon doesn't let you transfer the actual boons, right? It specifies "select one [Uncommon/Rare/Unique] character option" and it is possible to be granted access to multiple character options from a single boon.

For example, there are some boons that give you access to a number of spells from an adventure path. Since these spells are usually an "[Uncommon/Rare/Unique] character option", my current understanding is I have to transfer the spells one at a time. This does make sense to me because I may want different spells to go to different characters.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

That is correct. However the specific item in question can only be bequeathed once.


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Gary Bush wrote:
That is correct. However the specific item in question can only be bequeathed once.

Not that I don't believe you, but is there a clear source for that?

(I have friends who undoubtedly will ask.)

Wayfinders 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

It's in the text of the Bequeathal boon itself.

Bequeathal (Uncommon Option):

Pathfinders often find strange treasures for which they might not have any use. In keeping with the Society's ethos of cooperation, generous Pathfinders spend some of their own time and resources tracking down other agents who could benefit more from these rewards. When you acquire this boon, select one Uncommon character option to which you’ve gained access through an adventure’s Chronicle Sheet or via a no-cost boon from the online boon store (e.g., a listed magic item or a boon that allows you to acquire a special animal companion).

Choose another of your characters. That character gains access to that special option instead. The receiving PC must also meet any prerequisites for the boon (e.g. they must be Liked by a particular faction to access that faction’s unique gear from Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide). On the Chronicle Sheet or Boon, write “Bequeathed” and the recipient character’s number next to the option. You no longer have access to that option (and must retrain the character option or sell an item back for full cost if you acquired the option and would no longer qualify for it).

I hope this helps!


Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

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To help provide clarity. Since you no long have access to the item, you can't use the bequesthal boon again on that item.


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thank you both!

Grand Archive 4/5 ****

Ravingdork wrote:
Gary Bush wrote:
That is correct. However the specific item in question can only be bequeathed once.

Not that I don't believe you, but is there a clear source for that?

(I have friends who undoubtedly will ask.)

I mean, you *could* bequeathe a boon multiple times, but it wouldn't give you multiple copies of the boon. So you could bequethe a boon from character A to B, and then later from B to C.

You could not bequethe a boon from A to B and then from A to C.

2/5 5/5 **

A point with some distinction to mention: you are bequeathing access to the specific option and not the boon (boons have no rarity or access requirements).

So if you have Extinction Curse book 1's chronicle, you can give one spell from "One with Nature" to another character and one of the others to a different character using two Bequeathal boons. This also means you don't get access to all 3 spells in "One with Nature" with one Bequeathal boon.

4/5 ****

OP Guide wrote:
Unless a boon states otherwise, you can only apply one of any given boon to a character.

I know bequeathal didn't have text overriding this in the past, did that change at some point?

2/5 5/5 **

Oh. Erased a post because I think I misunderstood the question. Can one character have more than one Bequeathal boon in order to give away more than one character option?

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

Pirate Rob wrote:
OP Guide wrote:
Unless a boon states otherwise, you can only apply one of any given boon to a character.
I know bequeathal didn't have text overriding this in the past, did that change at some point?

If it doesn't, it would be nice if it did. It would be disappointing if you used Bequethal, and then later got something really cool on that character that they can't use...

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Finland—Turku

The system currently (last I checked) doesn't allow one to purchase multiple copies of the same boon for one character.
However, there are three different bequethal boons (uncommon, rare, unique), so you can purchase at least each of those once for a single character.

What happens if you've already bequethaled an uncommon option and want to bequethal another uncommon option? I don't really see any reason why you couldn't purchase the next one (rare option) since it costs a bit more acp and use it to bequethal a less rare (uncommon) option - you're just paying more acp for transfering something of less value. The boons probably should/ could say "you can transfer an option of rare rarity or lower" or similar.

Wayfinders 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

Oh, there absolutely should be a way to purchase more than one bequeathal boon for a character!


Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

The current language does not allow going down on in rarity.

But each level is called out separately so could a chapter could have one of each.

My earlier post was incorrect about using the boon multiple times for the same rarity.

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