On striking runes

Kingmaker Second Edition

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Over in another discord there was a discussion that a poster felt that +1 weapon/runes were in short supply pre-Staglord. I did a review and found 9 pre-Staglord and another 3-5 quickly post Staglord, so I don't think its a problem.

However when looking at Striking runes, it does seem they may have been missed in the conversion. We'd expect to start seeing 1-2 in the level 3 range, with another 2-4 in the level 4 range, and then typically start seeing them on "standard" opponents/loot above that. (At least according to the guidelines and most past APs). However I'm not seeing any in the level 3-4 range. And typically only on side/severe encounters after that, so I think Striking runes were missed in the conversion -- not too surprising they aren't in 1e. Haven't review for greater/major to see if the trend continues, but GMs will need to keep an eye out for that. Probably check some of the level 3-5 quests and see if you can seed in a rune there. And probably have Oleg start stocking them mid level 3, or strongly hinting he can special order them for folks with the delay days as listed.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Resilient runes are also way under provided, GMs will need to watch for that and adjust.

Greater/Major Striking around levels behind (aside from the one, has to be a typo, Major Striking on a level 12ish NPC)

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
NielsenE wrote:

Resilient runes are also way under provided, GMs will need to watch for that and adjust.

Greater/Major Striking around levels behind (aside from the one, has to be a typo, Major Striking on a level 12ish NPC)

Definitely a typo. It's a +1 striking, major staff of fire.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Chemlak wrote:
NielsenE wrote:

Resilient runes are also way under provided, GMs will need to watch for that and adjust.

Greater/Major Striking around levels behind (aside from the one, has to be a typo, Major Striking on a level 12ish NPC)

Definitely a typo. It's a +1 striking, major staff of fire.

Heh, interesting typo, and something for us all to keep an eye on when formatting staves going forward!

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Just started reading and so far haven't found any striking runes was getting concerned that they didn't fully update this from 1st to 2nd edition. Treasure so far has seemed smaller than i have seen in other AP. Thinking grouo will need a lot more to build a kingdom and survive encounters without striking runes or appropriate magic items

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

My advice for the Striking/Resilient Rune:

In general this is adding/upgrading so it might go a little above WBL, only one of the suggestions is a downgrade. I'm not particularly worried about what to cut. But I'm also typically running for 5-6 PCs parties and have to add extra anyways. If you are only running for four and are worried about being above WBL, you'll need to find a couple of things to cut -- I'd focus on the non-magical fungible treasures to remove, even if most of those feel more thematic.

We'd like to have ~2 level 3 striking rune finds and there are none. So we adjust:

a) Have Oleg stock one after the players clear the thorn river camp bandits (and possibly the party has been shopping at Oleg's/building up a relationship with him) This one should restock continually every 2 weeks. Ie Basically let them turn money into striking runes, but generally at a pace of every other expedition (or less frequent if they're doing short day trips). This will generally only be abused if the party is (a) exploring and earning gold, (b) avoiding the more obvious destinations, and (maybe c) having to retreat a lot. So this replenishing supply feels like a good emergency correction mechanism. This also means the party should have at least one striking rune before the Stag lord.

b) Change the Lonely Warrior (pg 144) from a broken cold iron flaming bastard sword to a cold iron striking bastard sword. (Flaming is over-powered for this level range and we need another striking rune in this zone. This is a tough side boss in the area. Getting a level 8 rune on a level 3 quest is definitely out of balance. This one is seen as the "bonus" one before the Stag lord.

We'd like 1-2 more level 4 finds (after including Crackjaws and/or King Vestet)

a) Upgrade Davik Nettle's =1 Ranseur to a +1 Striking Ranseur (this is encountered pre-Staglord, but can't be achieved until post Staglord)

b) I'd probably upgrade the Stag Lord's +1 composite longbow to a +1 striking composite longbow, w/o chanigng his combat stats. Just assume his perpetual hangover is eliminating the extra weapon die, etc.

c) PRE-EXISTING Old Crackjaw's Den in the one pre=existing source, while in the level 3 exploration zone, is probably found post Stag Lord, so I'm considering it a "on-level" find.

d) PRE-EXISTING King Vesket also has one, though it's not always a combat encounter and isn't award when resolved peacefully. This is also a level 4+ acquisition.

And a couple of level 5's just in case people need backup weapons or missed some of the above. At this point however the PC's capitol city should be large enough to just buy level 2 items as well.

a) PRE-EXISTING Hodag's Den

b) add a striking runestone/weapon to the Dancing Lady's treasure. A "crude" (aka non agile/finesee) probably makes the most sense for why the fey guardians aren't using it.

For the Resilient Runes
(This arc generally happens without a good chance for shopping in the kingdom, so runes should be treasure (rather than convertible from treasure).

1-2 at level 7
a) DS2 (Web Lurker Lair) change the broken breastplate to a +1 resilient broken breastplate
b) Upgrade Darvian (Cult of the bloom) from +1 Leather Armor to +1 Resilient Leather Armor

2-4 at level 8
a) Upgrade Agai (Varnhold blockhouse, B15) to a +1 resilient breastplate (ie not subject to the Varnhold Treasure quest restrictions)
b) Add a Resilient runestone to the bag of holding at the same location as Agai or a +1 resilient explorer clothes whichever suits the party better and is easier to make obvious is not from Varnhold.
c) Skybolt Quest, add a +1 resilient leather armor to the quest reward for returning Skybolt

1-2 at level 9
a) LV2 Talon Peak: change +1 full plate to +1 resilient full plate
b) Vordakia's Isle (c3) add a +1 resilient chain shirt to the treasure.

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