Monkeygod |
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I've seen a few GMs post about running 'speed run APs', where they skip a lot of the minor/unimportant/useless battles & encounters, and only focus on the ones that matter for moving the plot along.
I would dearly love to play, and hopefully complete, at least a few APs, and would have no problem with speed runs. **Especially** if meant the possibility of 'continuing the adventure' for some of them, as there's some really cool post AP ideas for a lot of them.
As there a *lot* of PF1 APs, I made a tiered list of which ones I want to play in the most to the least. There's no real order within a given tier:
RotRL, CoCT, CC, Wrath, II.
SD, LoF, JR, SS, Serpent's Skull.
KM, RoW, MM, GS, HR, HV, War, RotR, TG.
S&S, IG, SA, RoA.
Hopefully I can at least one GM willing to help me out!

Philo Pharynx |

Oh, I definitely like the idea of cutting out the filler and focusing on the RP and important fights.
One option I've seen is to do narrative posts for the lesser fights. One I've seen is to have each player narrate a complication in the fight. Then the GM assigns them to different characters and we say how we would deal with it.

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I'm not exactly sure how much I could speed run Carrion Crown AP in 1e since it is a new concept for myself though not insurmountable, but I have a complete roll20 table and ran it twice before (one group was core only). Currently I play starfinder on Tuesdays and run 2e on Thursdays at 5pm PDT (gmt -07). So Mondays and Wednesdays would be best if it was to happen.

DoubleGold |

We can do play by post or roll20. If doing play by post, we run 2 or max 3 at a time, with a different DM for each one. If roll20, we might still be able to do at most 2 maybe 3 at a time if done on different days, with a different DM for each one of course. Want to get through most of the Aps, running through them one at a time takes a while, running through them 2 or 3 at a time gets you through faster.

DoubleGold |

One thing I can do to speed things up is to bypass all perception checks to located hidden treasures and things, cause eventually you'll find them if you spend long enough in the room giving you several perception checks over the course of say 20 minutes in a room. Of course you'll still need to roll perception for traps and hidden enemies. And when it says roll for arcana to know more about this statue, I roll the arcana check for everyone. You'll still need to roll your own knowledge checks if you want to identify creatures and such.
I keep a chart of everyone's inits, perceptions and knowledge skills, in which waiting for someone to roll can bog down the game.

DoubleGold |

I'll start with Wrath of the Righteous. But instead of Mythic powers, you increase race points and a stat.
Character Creation Idea: 150 starting gold, 2 traits, 1 of which must be campaign. 25 Buy Points. All Paizo classes, core races, though you may take the alternate racial traits. Race Builder You get 2 extra race points to upgrade your race. You cannot change your type like buy out the idea that your character is an aberration, you cannot pick any that upgrades a stat like +2 constitution, though you can upgrade +1 to cmd, ac or acrobatics or something of that nature. And you must meet the Prerequisites.
At the end of book 1, you increase one of your stats by 1 and you get 2 extra race points, though you cannot bank race points.
At the end of book 2, same thing. These increases are in addition to level ups. Book 3, +1 to one stat and 3 extra race points. Book 4, +1 to one stat and 3 extra race points and book 5, +2 to one stat and 4 extra race points. End of Book 6, well don't worry about it, that is the end of the game.
To be clear though if I do start it will be after New Years.

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I'll start with Wrath of the Righteous. But instead of Mythic powers, you increase race points and a stat.
Character Creation Idea: 150 starting gold, 2 traits, 1 of which must be campaign. 25 Buy Points. All Paizo classes, core races, though you may take the alternate racial traits. Race Builder You get 2 extra race points to upgrade your race. You cannot change your type like buy out the idea that your character is an aberration, you cannot pick any that upgrades a stat like +2 constitution, though you can upgrade +1 to cmd, ac or acrobatics or something of that nature. And you must meet the Prerequisites.
At the end of book 1, you increase one of your stats by 1 and you get 2 extra race points, though you cannot bank race points.
At the end of book 2, same thing. These increases are in addition to level ups. Book 3, +1 to one stat and 3 extra race points. Book 4, +1 to one stat and 3 extra race points and book 5, +2 to one stat and 4 extra race points. End of Book 6, well don't worry about it, that is the end of the game.To be clear though if I do start it will be after New Years.
You might want to 'approve' race choices instead since, due to the nature of WotR, Aasimar is a very popular choice but, at 15 RP, wouldn't be available.

DoubleGold |

DoubleGold wrote:I'll start with Wrath of the Righteous. But instead of Mythic powers, you increase race points and a stat.
Character Creation Idea: 150 starting gold, 2 traits, 1 of which must be campaign. 25 Buy Points. All Paizo classes, core races, though you may take the alternate racial traits. Race Builder You get 2 extra race points to upgrade your race. You cannot change your type like buy out the idea that your character is an aberration, you cannot pick any that upgrades a stat like +2 constitution, though you can upgrade +1 to cmd, ac or acrobatics or something of that nature. And you must meet the Prerequisites.
At the end of book 1, you increase one of your stats by 1 and you get 2 extra race points, though you cannot bank race points.
At the end of book 2, same thing. These increases are in addition to level ups. Book 3, +1 to one stat and 3 extra race points. Book 4, +1 to one stat and 3 extra race points and book 5, +2 to one stat and 4 extra race points. End of Book 6, well don't worry about it, that is the end of the game.To be clear though if I do start it will be after New Years.
You might want to 'approve' race choices instead since, due to the nature of WotR, Aasimar is a very popular choice but, at 15 RP, wouldn't be available.
I thought about that, but I didn't feel like cherry picking which featured races are and aren't allowed. All core races I'm told have 10 race points, so that way everybody is as equally as powered while still getting some of the features of other races. If they like Assimar because of Darkvision, 2 RP gets you that. 1 or 2 RP gets you increase in skill in special occasions and 1 or 2 gets you a resistance.