VoodistMonk |

I am going to add the Sorcerer Creature template to each of the following Hags, and would like your help picking Bloodlines for each of them... even Wildblooded alternatives if fitting. Possibly even a few good spells for each of them, too [if you would be so kind].
This is more for flavor than power optimization. I like Hags, and want to spice them up a bit. Not everything has to be brutally effective if it's fitting and fun. I'm not retraining existing feats, or adding bonus feats, so spell optimization isn't really a thing outside of Bloodline Arcana and possibly swapping Bloodline Powers for Bloodline Mutations. I was thinking about picking spells that add to the Hags' survivability more than anything, but if you have something especially thematic/flavorful or useful without needing optimization... I will greatly appreciate suggestions. Some Bloodlines seem like they may be obvious, but I have a few things I am trying to finish... I don't want to forget to do this, so I'm asking for a little help.
I will provide the Rebuild Rules, and each of the Hags' HD, adjusted CR, adjusted Charisma, and levels of spells available from the chart mentioned in the Rebuild Rules... I don't know if this will maybe help with suggestions knowing roughly what level they will be encountered.
Special Attacks: bloodline arcana†, bloodline powers† (using its HD – 2 as its sorcerer level to determine the effect and DC [minimum 1]); Sorcerer Spells sorcerer creatures can cast a small number of sorcerer spells (see Table: Sorcerer Spells Known below) using its HD as its CL and gaining two spell slots for every spell level known; Ability Scores +4 Charisma.
Annis Hag
7HD CR 7 (6+1)
Cha 14 (10+4) 0-to-2nd-level spells
Ash Hag... Elemental [fire]?
7HD CR 6 (5+1)
Cha 17 (13+4) 0-to-2nd-level spells
Blood Hag
12HD CR 10 (8+2)
Cha 23 (19+4) 2nd-to-4th-level spells
Boreal Annis Hag... Boreal?
7HD CR 8 (7+1)
Cha 14 (10+4) 0-to-2nd-level spells
Dreamthief Hag... Visionary/Dreamspun?
13HD CR 13 (11+2)
Cha 25 (21+4) 2nd-to-4th-level spells
Green Hag... Groveborn/Verdant?
9HD CR 7 (5+2)
Cha 18 (14+4) 1st-to-3rd-level spells
Moon Hag... Destined?
9HD CR 9 (7+2)
Cha 23 (19+4) 1st-to-3rd-level spells
Mute Hag... Shapechanger?
14HD CR 14 (11+3)
Cha 22 (18+4) 3rd-to-5th-level spells
Night Hag... Umbral/Shadow?
8HD CR 10 (8+2)
Cha 21 (17+4) 1st-to-3rd-level spells
Sea Hag... Seaborn/Aquatic?
4HD CR 5 (4+1)
Cha 19 (15+4) 0-to-1st-level spells
Storm Hag... Stormborn?
10HD CR 9 (7+2)
Cha 20 (16+4) 1st-to-3rd-level spells
Winter Hag... Rime-Blooded/Boreal?
10HD CR 9 (7+2)
Cha 22 (18+4) 1st-to-3rd-level spells