Invictus Spartan |
Hello there.
Would you be so kind to help me out with the math/formula/build?
The point is to try and cause as much damage in a single, melee attack, but there are some rules:
- The books allowed are: Core, Advanced Player, Advanced Class and all the Ultimates (Battle, Campaign, Combat, Equipment, Intrigue and Magic).
- The character cannot be any half anything that buffs it by raising it's ECL. So no half-giants, monstruous hybrids, monster races. Just the normal races from Corebook.
- Built with 25 points build, infinite money, level 20, NO MYTHIC RULES ALLOWED (that's from other book that is not this one).
- For the sake of math, we'll check what is the most we can get dice-wise.
What I made so far was a normal human that crits on a mounted charge... mounting a mammoth or a t-rex. Any mount with huge Str mod.
Build: Race: Human (Core /28)
Points Base Race Initial Age Level Manual/Tome Item Total Mod.
17 Str 18 2 20 5 5 6 36 13
1 Dex 11 11 5 16 3
1 Cons 11 11 5 6 22 6
-2 Int 8 8 3 5 16 3
-2 Wis 8 8 3 5 16 3
10 Cha 16 16 3 5 6 30 10
Level Class Feat Feature
1 Cavalier (APG /32) Gendarme (UCom /37) Mounted Combat (Core /132), Ride-By Attack (Core /133) Spirited Charge (Core /135)
2 Cavalier (APG /32) Gendarme (UCom /37)
3 Cavalier (APG /32) Gendarme (UCom /37) Power Attack (Core /132)
4 Cavalier (APG /32) Gendarme (UCom /37)
5 Cavalier (APG /32) Gendarme (UCom /37) Furious Focus (APG /161) Spring Attack (Core /135)
6 Cavalier (APG /32) Gendarme (UCom /37)
7 Cavalier (APG /32) Gendarme (UCom /37) Leadership (Core /130)
8 Cavalier (APG /32) Gendarme (UCom /37) Improved Bull Rush (Core /127), Unseat (Core /137)
9 Cavalier (APG /32) Gendarme (UCom /37) Cleave (Core /120)
10 Cavalier (APG /32) Gendarme (UCom /37)
11 Cavalier (APG /32) Gendarme (UCom /37) Cleaving Finish (UCom /92) Great Cleave (Core /125)
12 Cavalier (APG /32) Gendarme (UCom /37)
13 Cavalier (APG /32) Gendarme (UCom /37) Improved Cleaving Finish (UCom /105)
14 Cavalier (APG /32) Gendarme (UCom /37) Weapon Focus (lance) (Core /137)
15 Cavalier (APG /32) Gendarme (UCom /37) Improved Critical (scythe) (Core /127)
16 Cavalier (APG /32) Gendarme (UCom /37)
17 Cavalier (APG /32) Gendarme (UCom /37) Toughness (Core /136) Combat Reflexes (Core /120)
18 Cavalier (APG /32) Gendarme (UCom /37)
19 Cavalier (APG /32) Gendarme (UCom /37) Improved Initiative (Core /128)
20 Cavalier (APG /32) Gendarme (UCom /37) Blind-Fight (Core /119)
Weapon: Lance +5 Thundering, Icy Burst, Shock Burst.
Build: Str 36, Charisma 30, lance +5, mammoth mount,
cavalier gendarme lvl 20:
8 (weapon) + 19 (str*1,5 for using two hands) + 18 (power attack with -6 to hit using two hands) + 11 (mount strength) + 10 (Charisma from Knight's Challenge)
+ 20 (cavalier challenge) +5 (magic lance) = 91x4 = 364 on a normal mounted charge or 546 (91x6) dmg on a crit.
Explanation: Order of the Sword allows me to add my Charisma to damage and my mount's strength (t-rex and mammoths are official mounts, check druid's animal companions, and they have the highest str). Gendarme final power causes damage from mounted lance charges to deal quadruple damage. According to the rules, lance is x3 crit, so the math is 4+3-1 = x6 on the 91. Since it's x6, it adds 5d8 sonic (thundering), +1d6 ice, +1d6 shock, +5d10 cold, +5d10 shock. Again, supposing all dice go as high as possible:
Final count: 594+40+6+6+50+50 = 746 damage, if the enemy has no DR or resistances.
Just to give you an idea, let's say, instead, I'm using just a Lance +5. It's still 546 dmg. The motherf+~*ing Tarrasque (Bestiary pg 262) has 525 HP and DR 15/epic. So If I hit it and crit it, I'd still cause 531 damage. The Tarrasque does not have Diehard, it'll be knockout senseless until it's Regenaration 40 kicks in.
Additionally, against many foes, thanks to reach from lance+mammoth and these feats, it can kill 35 to 70 enemies per turn with a 40 ft mount. +10 enemies per +10 ft the mount can walk.
I made this build listening to King Theoden speech on repeat. I'm sure it can cause even more damage using a different lance and mount, but I feel like killing gods with one blow it's enough. I'd just like to hear your opinions on this build, under these rules and I'm curious if you have other builds that can cause as much destruction, do share! Thanks for reading.
zza ni |
unchained monk, with jabbing master, meduza's wrath (and one of the many ways to pull it off) power attack and +5 amulet of mighty fists, hasted and using elbow smash as class style attack with ki to get 1 extra attack (and im not even going into adding natural attacks via tengo etc).
number of attacks when full attacking = 12
1 haste, 1 ki, 2 medusa, 2 elbow smash (deal non lethal), 2 flurry, 20/15/10/5 bab . jabbing master add 2d6 to 2nd attack that hit and 4d6 to every other attack after that.
lets say he got +10 str (OP went to 36, im being modest here)
at level 20 his unarmed damage is at 2d10 (didn't even enlarge him or such, nor went with adding energy damage etc)
1st attack would max deal 2d10+10(str)+10(power attack)+5 (amulet). 2nd attack would do the same and add 2d6, 3rd-12th (last 10) attacks) do as 1st but add 4d6.
total max damage if all hit and non crit:
12(10+10+5+20) + (2x6) + (10x4x6) = 12(45)+12+240 = 792 and i went for realy low things, no enlarge, no energy nothing that add more damage etc.
side note: 2 attacks worth of damage is nonlethal.
Name Violation |
2 handed (archetype) fighter 4/titan mauler 3/living Monolith
Power attack
Butchers axe 3d6
Oversized butchers axe 4d6
Enlarged oversized butchers axe 6d6
Impact oversized Enlarged butchers axe 8d6
Growing impact enlarged oversized butchers axe 12d6
Huge user, oversized impact growing butchers axe 16d6
Use cyclops helm to get auto 20, Vital strike/greater vital strike, furious finish to maximize all damage.
Assuming only a +5 furious weapon and a 50 str while huge and raging. Remember 2 hand fighter gets 2x str to damage.
3x(16d6+65)+48d6, all maximized
771 damage guaranteed. Feel free to add 4d6 elemental for giggles.