So in 2E, is it normal to just feel... really weak?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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You mean like this one from the rules forum, or this one or this one from the advice forum. Or even this one from the homebrew forum where people are giving ways of tweaking the rules to work better.

Silver Crusade

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Easl wrote:
Gaulin wrote:
You'll see a lot of people giving advice on how to build characters, tactics to use, etc. And while thats helpful, know that it is simply that sort of a game. Characters feel less heroic than in 5e or pf1, it revolves around teamwork or very specific combos for a party to excel. Some people like that balance (I prefer it in a lot of ways) but it's not for everyone.

A big boss is making maybe 3 rolls per round, all at >50%. The party is making maybe 12 rolls per round, all at <50%. So yup, it's going to feel like the boss always hits and the players always miss. Some of that is just perception - call it "anti-confirmation bias" where you tend to more strongly remember your misses than your hits, and the bosses' hits more than their misses. You ARE hitting, they ARE missing, it just doesn't feel what way.

But some of it is because, as you and other other folks remarked, PF2E is more teamwork focused. The APs are designed under the assumption that the party will spend some of those 12 actions per round *changing the odds* in their favor and *wasting the opponent's actions*, rather than 12 actions = 12 strikes. If you aren't changing the odds and forcing your opponent to use actions on non-strike things, yep it's going to feel even more like an uphill battle.

Post. From. A year. Ago.

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Rysky wrote:
… why did you necro a year old thread to rant?

Because it is fun?

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I, for one, am glad to see this post get necro'd. Reduce, reuse, recycle.

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Indeed. Looking at the URL there appears to be an eight character identifier for each thread that includes lower case letters and digits. Assuming only non-zero digits are accepted, that means that there are approximately only 2.25 trillion possible threads in each subforum. If zero is also included in the identifier character set, then that becomes 2.82 trillion threads.

In either case it is good to reuse them when possible.

But it may be better to reuse ones that are closer to the new topic.

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