Interest Check: Traveller RPG


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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Who would be interested in either of these campaigns?

Skandersvik - A complete campaign for Sword Worlds Travellers as crewmembers aboard the merchant cruiser Skander. They will voyage through Darrian and Five Sisters subsectors, into District 268 and finally home again. There is money to be made and glory to be earned on such an expedition, but it is not without its hazards.

Secrets of the Ancients - Secrets of the Ancients will start your Travellers off within the familiar Spinward Marches, but quickly escalates to take them into times, places and dimensions they barely dreamed of. Traveller at its very best.


I want to stress that this is NOT a recruitment thread. I just want to know how much interest there would be. I will -LIKELY- run one or both of these, but only if there is enough interest. Knowledge of the Traveller game is not necessary, as it's easy to learn. We'd be using Mongoose Traveller, 2nd Edition.

If you want to know what I'm like as a GM, check my profile. I have seven campaigns currently running, including one campaigns of Pathfinder, Traveller, Pulp Cthulhu and The One Ring.

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Hello! I used to play Traveller during the little black book era. I would love to play in a PBP game.

I am interested. Just have to get my hands on a CRB and read up.

Liberty's Edge

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me please

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

If you're buying a Traveller rulebook, be advised that there have been many, many versions. I suggest the Mongoose link above for the correct version. If you prefer DriveThruRPG, here is the correct link.

I'm interested, I've played Traveller in the past. Skandersvik sounds really interesting. Sword Worlds don't get much play.

Tarondor wrote:

Who would be interested in either of these campaigns?

Skandersvik - A complete campaign for Sword Worlds Travellers as crewmembers aboard the merchant cruiser Skander. They will voyage through Darrian and Five Sisters subsectors, into District 268 and finally home again. There is money to be made and glory to be earned on such an expedition, but it is not without its hazards.

Secrets of the Ancients - Secrets of the Ancients will start your Travellers off within the familiar Spinward Marches, but quickly escalates to take them into times, places and dimensions they barely dreamed of. Traveller at its very best.


I want to stress that this is NOT a recruitment thread. I just want to know how much interest there would be. I will -LIKELY- run one or both of these, but only if there is enough interest. Knowledge of the Traveller game is not necessary, as it's easy to learn. We'd be using Mongoose Traveller, 2nd Edition.

Secrets of the Ancients is possibly one of the best APs ever
(long long b4 APs were a thing)

I'm interested even if I can't be Zhodani or psinoic ;)

If you want to know what I'm like as a GM, check my profile. I have seven campaigns currently running, including one campaigns of Pathfinder, Traveller, Pulp Cthulhu and The One Ring.

Grand Lodge

Tarondor wrote:

Who would be interested in either of these campaigns?

Skandersvik - A complete campaign for Sword Worlds Travellers as crewmembers aboard the merchant cruiser Skander. They will voyage through Darrian and Five Sisters subsectors, into District 268 and finally home again. There is money to be made and glory to be earned on such an expedition, but it is not without its hazards.

Secrets of the Ancients - Secrets of the Ancients will start your Travellers off within the familiar Spinward Marches, but quickly escalates to take them into times, places and dimensions they barely dreamed of. Traveller at its very best.


I want to stress that this is NOT a recruitment thread. I just want to know how much interest there would be. I will -LIKELY- run one or both of these, but only if there is enough interest. Knowledge of the Traveller game is not necessary, as it's easy to learn. We'd be using Mongoose Traveller, 2nd Edition.

If you want to know what I'm like as a GM, check my profile. I have seven campaigns currently running, including one campaigns of Pathfinder, Traveller, Pulp Cthulhu and The One Ring.

Liberty's Edge

Some definite interest here, thanks!

Oh dang, count me in as VERY interested!! Was just talking Traveller with a friend of mine and he bought me a bunch of pdfs that I can put to good use! I have fond memories of this game way back in the day, and would love to reacquaint myself with the game if this takes off!

Skandersvik sounds most interesting to me, but either would work for me!

I'm down for some Traveler, yeah. Either campaign works, but I'm leaning towards Skandersvik

I'd be interested in either campaign, and the Skandersvik campaign would give me an excuse to buy the Swordworlders sourcebook.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Surprisingly, Skandersvik occurs entirely outside the Sword Wolds, except for its start and finish.

Would love to join in, been playing traveller since 1977. Always looking to get into a good game and a good story.

I'm not familiar, but I'd be interested in trying a new system.

Liberty's Edge

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I would vote for the Ancients' adventure, but the other sounds just as exciting!!

Dark Archive

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I would be interested in one. I think the Ancients sounds more interesting with dimensional/time travel. But both could be fun.

My post from the other day is all jackeed, sorry about that.
Ancients really is an amazing adventure, there is a LOT of the Traveller 'feel' to it.

Would character generation be 'pure' RAW?

As in, to be really really good at something your character needs to have been 'in' for 11 terms and be like 100 years old, or will you tweak any of that?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Again, this is NOT a recruitment thread. I haven't made any of those decisions, or even decided TO run a game. I'm mulling it over, including those questions.

As to the campaigns, I really fell in love with both of them, and they showcase very different parts of the Traveller universe. One is down to Earth, dominated by trade, interstellar politics and the drums of war, while the other is epic, cosmic and potentially cataclysmic. First season of Babylon 5 versus the third season, if you will.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber


Okay. Let's do this. I'm running both campaigns. I will take 4-6 players for each of the two campaigns. You may sign up for both, but I will try to make sure that as many people get to play as want to, so if there are 12 or more people interested, you won't be able to play in both. I think we have 8 who expressed interest, so that should be enough to get at least one and possibly both of these games off the ground. other players are still welcome to put their hats in the ring, of course.

1. We'll be making characters together. Don't start yet. I've written up extensive Player's Guides for each campaign.

2. PBP campaigns are LONG. If you've played in one, you know what I mean. If not, trust me - it's slower than you expect, even the fast ones. Please don't sign up if you can't be in it for the long haul.

3. Each campaign is a bit of a railroad. A cool railroad, but a railroad nonetheless. And in the interests of keeping the story moving, I'm not going to indulge a great deal of going off the rails. However, I'll indulge story and character growth and roleplaying all day long.

4. I'd like to shoot for one post per weekday, one post per weekend. Everyone needs time off from time to time, so I'm not harsh about it or anything. But that's the goal.


5. Post which campaign you'd like to be in: Skandersvik, Secrets of the Ancients or both. If you want to be in only one, please say whether you're willing to be in the other one instead (if I get too many players for one and not enough for the other).

I will keep this open only long enough to hear from each person who has already posted. So if you're interested and haven't posted yet, now's the time!

I would be happy to take part in either or both!

Liberty's Edge

hehe..I would go for both as well, but if I had to choose one it would be the Ancients!!

Also, I finally received my copy of the Traveller Mercenaries Kickstarter...and WOW it has some amazing stuff in it!!

I am interested in Secrets of the Ancients, but definitely willing to be in both.

Would prefer to only play in one. Either one is fine. Willing to play in both if more players are needed.


I'll throw my hat in the ring for Skandersvik. I can play in both if necessary.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber


Secrets of the Ancients


Byron Hasperson
Daniel Stewart (pref: Ancients)
Zanbabe (pref: Ancients)

Mirko Rainer

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Evindyl wrote:
As in, to be really really good at something your character needs to have been 'in' for 11 terms and be like 100 years old, or will you tweak any of that?

My House Rules do fiddle with the standard character generation a bit, yes. Characters should be slightly more competent than usual. Plus you get your chosen career automatically if you qualify.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Mirko Rainer wrote:

Me too!

Tarondor wrote:


Secrets of the Ancients


Byron Hasperson
Daniel Stewart (pref: Ancients)
Zanbabe (pref: Ancients)

Mirko Rainer

Totally up for both, pref to Ancients, double pref to actually DOING both ;)

Tarondor wrote:
Evindyl wrote:
As in, to be really really good at something your character needs to have been 'in' for 11 terms and be like 100 years old, or will you tweak any of that?
My House Rules do fiddle with the standard character generation a bit, yes. Characters should be slightly more competent than usual. Plus you get your chosen career automatically if you qualify.

These are exactly the kind of things I wanted to see.

When we played back in the day, we used to allow for anagathetics debt and a few other things to keep it kinda sassy

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber


Secrets of the Ancients


Byron Hasperson
Daniel Stewart (pref: Ancients)
Zanbabe (pref: Ancients)
Evindyl (pref: Ancients)

Mirko Rainer

Is there a chance for getting killed in creation like the classic system? ;)

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Phillip Gastone wrote:
Is there a chance for getting killed in creation like the classic system? ;)

Not unless a meteor hits you while you're at the computer, rolling up your character.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Evindyl wrote:
When we played back in the day, we used to allow for anagathetics debt and a few other things to keep it kinda sassy

Anagathics (anti-aging drugs for those of you who aren't Traveller grognards) will be available, but hard to get unless you have a good SOC.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Speaking of "grognardiness," here are my bona fides:

I've been playing RPGs since the same year Traveller was first published and I bought my LBB's (Little Black Books - the original Traveller books) the next year. I played a little Traveller back then but was more into D&D. But I stayed in touch with Traveller, buying most of the stuff from every edition, even all of 4th edition, 5th edition, Star Hero, T20, GURPS, all of it.

I ran a TNE (The New Era) campaign (my favorite setting) back in 1993 and another one right here on the Paizo boards from 2015-2021. We used Mongoose Traveller for that, and I'm running a Traveller game (The Pirates of Drinax) right now.

I've run dozens of PBP (Play-by-Post) games both short and long, stretching back about 20 years (Amber Diceless, Star Trek, The One Ring, D&D, Pathfinder, Pulp Cthulhu and Traveller. I'm probably forgetting some others.)

I don't fade away or just stop posting, but I do take mental health breaks and occasionally lose interest if everyone's slowed to a crawl.

Plus all the hoops one needed to jump through to learn psionic abilities.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Are you going to sign up, Phillip?

Nope. Just chatting about my past experiance

Having been a Pathfinder nerd, I always wondered why Starfinder never scratched my sci-fi itch. Now that I've read up on Traveller, completely understand. I've just been missing a good sci-fi system to play.

Skandersvik for me. Looking forward to it

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber


Secrets of the Ancients


Byron Hasperson
Daniel Stewart (pref: Ancients)
Zanbabe (pref: Ancients)
Evindyl (pref: Ancients)

Mirko Rainer

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Mirko Rainer wrote:
Having been a Pathfinder nerd, I always wondered why Starfinder never scratched my sci-fi itch. Now that I've read up on Traveller, completely understand. I've just been missing a good sci-fi system to play.

For me, Pathfinder is the best version of D&D. And I enjoyed a bit of sci-fi in my fantasy when we played Iron Gods, but for whatever reason, I never cared for the mix of fantasy in my sci-fi. For me, science fiction is Dune, Foundation, Blade Runner, Starship Troopers, Rendezveous with Rama, The Expanse and even Firefly. None of those are really well modeled by Starfinder. Not knocking the game; it's just not my flavor.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Looks like we're waiting to hear back from:

*Spirit of the Dragon
*Brannon Brighthammer
*And anyone else who wants in

I'll give those good folks a few days to chime in. Let's say Tuesday-ish (5/10/22).

I play in one Starfinder game, but I think it has some notable design flaws.

I actually think my favorite space game is Dark Heresy. It had a lot to work with story wise. The system is easy to lean and fun. But the printed mods for it are apparently crazy deadly. I ran a longtime game but I mostly just did my own things.

Tarondor wrote:
Mirko Rainer wrote:
Having been a Pathfinder nerd, I always wondered why Starfinder never scratched my sci-fi itch. Now that I've read up on Traveller, completely understand. I've just been missing a good sci-fi system to play.

For me, Pathfinder is the best version of D&D. And I enjoyed a bit of sci-fi in my fantasy when we played Iron Gods, but for whatever reason, I never cared for the mix of fantasy in my sci-fi. For me, science fiction is Dune, Foundation, Blade Runner, Starship Troopers, Rendezveous with Rama, The Expanse and even Firefly. None of those are really well modeled by Starfinder. Not knocking the game; it's just not my flavor.

and almost all of these have an RPG at this point, and I think I just read that Bladerunner is about to have one, right?

I do think there really is a Baskin Robbins effect with genres: you can like alllllllll sorts of ice cream, but the reality is, you aren't going to want to mix them all in the same cone. To me, that is Starfinder ;)

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Evindyl wrote:
and almost all of these have an RPG at this point, and I think I just read that Bladerunner is about to have one, right?

Yep. By Swedish company Fria Ligan (Free League). There is a Kickstarter going on right now.. They raised $1.2 million already. They did a great job on "The One Ring."

Tarondor wrote:
Evindyl wrote:
and almost all of these have an RPG at this point, and I think I just read that Bladerunner is about to have one, right?
Yep. By Swedish company Fria Ligan (Free League). There is a Kickstarter going on right now.. They raised $1.2 million already. They did a great job on "The One Ring."

OMG I remember buying like the 1st edition of that as a birthday present for myself. It was all so cool, and then there was an expansion and I made a character who had a raven ... anyway, it was seriously cool ;)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Okay. Well, let’s get this show on the road.

Stiehle is a player in one of my games and I know he was excited to play in this, so I’m going to reserve a slot in Skandersvik for him.

That gives us the following rosters:

Byron Hasperson
Daniel Stewart

Mirko Rainer
Byron Hasperson
Daniel Stewart

Yes, that’s seven players for Skandersvik, but long experience tells me that it won’t be seven forever. And there’s plenty to do, even for seven!

Please head on over to the appropriate links (below) and introduce yourselves.

Skandersvik Discussion

Secrets of the Ancient Discussion

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