Lostling Template: Undead or Not?

Advice and Rules Questions

So in the fluff of the Lostling Creature Template, it says it is an undead monster. However, there are two problems with this: first is that the template doesn’t give what type it gets adjusted to, so we don’t know if the base creature becomes undead or not. Additionally, when you go down to the ability score adjustments, it gives it +6 to Constitution, which undead don’t have.

I’m liking the concept of the creature, but the editing needs a lot of work here.

What you see is what you get. The flavor text describing it as pitiful and Undead is nothing more than blah blah blah. It doesn't necessarily need to be rewritten... if anything, they need to just remove all the BS written before "Creating a Lostling Creature"... or people need to learn to ignore that $#!+. Lol.

The template begins at "Creating a Lostling Creature"... it doesn't say it changes the base creature's type to Undead, so it doesn't. That fixes the second issue with the Constitution increase... not Undead... has Constitution that can be increased, so increase it by what the template says to [+6].

Anyways, slap this Lostling template on your Pugwampi Gremlins and your Gravedraggers for epic amounts of Unluck.

In addition to VoodistMonk's RAW arguments: Pathways 28 has an example creature, a phase spider that's still a magical beast after applying the template.

So maybe the author initially planned the template to turn creatures into undead, but later abandoned the idea. Without realizing the impact on the introduction (fluff) text.

Liberty's Edge

I'd take stuff from Rite publishing with a grain of salt. Early on they were one of the greats but their stuff fell off in quality over time.

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