First time GM Training Course for New GMs with Veteran Assistance.


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Hello and welcome to the New GM training course.

Trainee GMs will have One on One training and Hands on experience with e Veteran GM.

This thread and recruitment is to help New GMs get training. Furthermore even help in running their first game or even their first few games,
By being assisted by vetern GMs, whom will be a player in the game you Trainee GMs will be running.
The Veterns will help you out as you run the game and can show you tricks in running PBP games.

Now to Ensure that you, New GMs, are not overwhelmed with work, there will be no large modules or APs.
We'll focus on getting you a feel for GMing, by providing short adventures and modules.
Though if you really feel you can take it there are two mini-APs made by running certain modules in sequence.

I'll be providing a GM starter Bundle of free short Adventures from the old D&D 3.5 days that WotC gave away for free on their website.
I also provided links to Modules that I recommend for you New GMs that are free from Paizo.
Free Mini-Adventures Bundle
Some conversion work will be needed and the Vetern GM can help you with that, in finding reasonable substitutes.

For those New GMs that want to run something a bit longer, the spoiler below will contain links to paid modules.
And some of these Modules do work with other modules to form a Mini-AP (Adventure Path)

Trainee GM Paid modules:

Into the Haunted Forest - level 1

Hangman's Noose - level 1

Crown of the Kobold King - level 2

Flight of the Red Raven - level 4

--- PF and Likely have PFS credits, avoid if looking into going into PFS.
Crypt of the Everflame - level 1

Masks of the Living God - level 3

City of Golden Death - level 5

The Godsmouth Heresy - level 1

Murders Mark - level 1

Feast of Ravenmoor - level 3

The Midnight Mirror - level 4

Fangwood Keep - level 4

Carrion Hill - level 5

Gallows-of-Madness - 3 Adventures, levels 1 and 2, could be all run together as a Micro AP.

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If you want to do a Mini-AP, here are the Mini-APs using modules list.
Falcon's Hollow;
Hollow's Last Hope, Crown of the Kobold King, Revenge of the Kobold King, Carnival of Tears, Hungry are the Dead.

Price of Immortality;
Crypt of the Everflame, Masks of the Living God, City of the Golden Death.

I recommend not doing the Mini-AP if it is your first time running a game.
But if you've done a few games, and or feel you could do two or more modules in one go, then work with the Veteran GM on it so things got smooth.

Here is a Template of the recruitment thread for you new GM trainees and I recommend only editing what need to be edited, and KEEP THE REST AS IS, it'll save both Trainee and Assistant GM headaches,
and if the Veteran disappears, a new one can hope right in with with little to no work, or figuring out what crazy crap was allowed.
Trainee GM recruitment Thread Template.

To help mark the Veteran GMs helping the new GM, and be a Veteran GM perk, they can choose ONE non-standard option in the list below.
It will help mark in game that YOU are the vet and assisting the GM, but you have to write some fluff to explaining it or built around it.
And try not to do OP stuff with this please.

Veteran GM special character options (Veteran GM Picks one):

*Non-Core Race (ARG Featured and Uncommon races only, RP limit 20. Varients of aasimar, tiefling, changeling, ... etc allowed), but no racial trait replacements)
*One Non-core/APG racial trait.
*One Class not in the CC rules, No Summoner, Occult or 3PP please.
*One Feat not in the CRB or APG, but from a Paizo book in the PRD (Link in Online resources below).
*One Offical Template# of CR +0, or +1, (Pathfinder, or D&D 3.5 if there is not PF version, i.e. Draconic)
# Templates
Can only take Human (Standard) as a base race, no other races can be the base.
Templates that have a stat over +4 AND have total stat bonus of +6 or more, can not have a class that really uses that stat, and loose the floating Human Stat.
Furthermore if the template is OP, please remove or weaken racial features until reasonably fair,
and No templates with large Floating Stats like Half-fiend or Half Celestial.

I recommend those that choose an option above really try an role play with it.

---- GM Trainees ----

Please review the Modules and Adventures listed and given.
Then look over some of the Veteran's posts in the thread and find a Veteran that fits what you want in training

When you find a GM that you think fits with you ask them to train you.
Note these GMs can refuse if they feel like they have too many trainees and or games running at the moment.

Once they accept, you can PM each other over things you'll need to do to start the game.
Though the Recruitment Thread and it's Character Creation Rules are in the template given in this POST.
They are setup to make it as Easy to start GMing as possible, while not being so devoid of options it turns off players.

The Character Creation Rules should be KEPT AS IS, so if any GM needs a replacement things will be smooth.
Furthermore don't focus on needing to have all 4 party roles covered, you can have an interesting game if one or two roles are missing,
and this is a topic the Veteran GM can help you with so if you encounter it later you have an idea of what to do


---- Veteran GMs ----

To count as a Veteran GM for this you either have to have;
GMed PBP Games on the boards for over 5 years straight,
GMed an single AP, straight, covering 1 and 1/2 books worth out of the 6 books.

Sorry to veteran Table-Top GMs that have years of GMing experience, but we don't have a record on the boards to confirm it.
And PBP has it own quirks you need to learn before starting.

Veteran GMs please post in the thread that you are a Veteran GM
and answer the following questions in your post;
1) what are your strengths in GMing are?
2) What tools do you use to run or assist in your games?
3) Are you more Combat or Role-play focused, or something in between?
4) Who long have you been on these boards GMing or your longest run game?

5) Have you done experimental or creative things as you GM?
and given an example of it if you do.


Veteran GM here.

Been Running games on the boards for about 10 years straight.

1) what are your strengths in GMing are?

I have a creative side that can adds twists, and add things that help in building a common image among the players.
Also know how to bring life to the world using NPCs.

2) What tools do you use to run or assist in your games?

I use; Notepad++, Dropbox, DAZ Studio, and Various PDF readers and Image Editors, as I use both Windows and Linux Operating Systems.
I even use the Alias feature of the Paizo board to assist in giving better interaction between NPCs and PCs.

3) Are you more Combat or Role-play focused, or something in between?

I am balanced on Combat and Role-play, though I have tilted more to Role Play over the years.

4) Who long have you been on these boards GMing?

I've been GMing on the boards for about 10 years straight.
running various Modules and a few attempted starts of some APs.

5) Have you done experimental or creative things as you GM?
and given an example of it if you do.

I've run a few experimental games, some did better then others.
Link to a game where players had to use a semi-random character.
And the Semi-random game did spawn a bit of a crazy in games using the method.
I've come up with a lot of ideas, but have had little time to try all of them.

Well first although I do not qualify on this forum as of yet I have well over 40 years of experience being the GM of a game and over 30 years of being a GM of a PbP game.

1) Creating adventures on the fly as well as creating a semi-dynamic world that players can participate in without extensive GM effort as to prevent GM burnout.

2) My brain and notepad, yes there are fancier tools out there but dang you really only need folders and text files to make it work and keep it coordinated.

3) Something in between because most players want some combat but too much becomes too repetitive. Still I tend to focus more one what the players want and try to help them to learn the benefits of role playing vs hack-n-slash

4) First I have been a PbP GM for over 35 years but have only been on this particular server for less than 6 months.

5) I have always done experimental and creative things as a GM? As often the mechanics are flawed and require GM intervention other times it has to do with the campaign I plan on running

6) One of the things I do very well as a GM is to help a player play the chararcter they always wanted to play without the issure of how overcharge works

IF you've done PBP on other boards you could of made a few links to those boards and campaigns you ran?
At least it would give some proof of PBP GMing experience, especially if the name of the accounts are the same.

Okay well I only have one link I can provide at this time as the one where I did most extensive PbP does not exist anymore as the Compuserve forums closed down a long time ago. And I went on a hiatus from gaming having lost my personal computer and all its information when it completely died harddrive and all and then I could not find the forum that I had been on when I finally got a replacement computer. But here is a game I am running on the most recent forum that I am currently on

Ok, so I just choose the Module I want to run and make a post here? Or do I need to find My co-GM first?

Query the GM with the module you want to run, as they may have preferences to certain factors.
Or give them a list of modules and they pick one from that list.

DM Azure_Zero wrote:

Query the GM with the module you want to run, as they may have preferences to certain factors.

Or give them a list of modules and they pick one from that list.

I should of made it clearer.

Query the GM with the module you want to run, as they may have preferences to certain factors, Or give them a list of modules and they pick one from that list.
in this thread.

It'll give others a heads up on if any GM is really getting a load of requests.

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