Northern Spotted Owl |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
You can prefix your Google search with "site:url/path". This means that web content that's organized in a path-like structure is really easy to search.
Want to find all of the spells that mention "undead"?
site:www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells undead
What about all of the weapons that mention "critical hit"?
site:www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-weapons "critical hit"
Analogously you can search the Archives of Nethys for feats that mention stealth via:
site:www.aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx stealth

Northern Spotted Owl |
Thanks!! Although there seems to be a problem with the search tip for Archives of Nethys. The way you formatted it leads to a "404 - File or directory not found result".
I just went to google on Chrome and cut/paste this into the search field.
site:www.aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx stealth
That was successful. Then did the same in Firefox, again with success. Not sure what issue you're running into.

Northern Spotted Owl |
A simple way to use google to search AoN is actually to just add “AoN” into your search criteria, it will bring all results from AoN to the top of the search results.
That's handy.
This is more for a narrow search. If you realize that all cleric material is under the path /classes/core-classes/cleric, then you can search for any mention of "hex" within this cleric material.
site:www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/cleric/ hex
What do we find?
Divine Scourge (of course)
Triadic Priest (never heard of this one...)
John Brazer Enterprises -- Domains & Subdomains (and a stray reference to a hex-based maps)

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I do not suggest ever using d20pfsrd for ... several reasons, primary among them is that they don't actually have the license to display information that relates to ANY form or IP that is specific to the Golarion Campaign Setting... soo, which means that something like 5% or more of the content there is just actual offical Paizo content that they don't have the rights to publish with the serial numbers scratched off to avoid legal trouble.
There are a number of other reasons such as them deciding to unilaterally go back and tweak the phrasing and wording of various 1e options, rules, and lore that they didn't like as well as promotion of their friend's 3PP content in giant banner ads as well as in their search feature that sits wrong with me. There are also other issues with the service, website, and operators as well that I don't want to get into here but... yeah...
Use the Archives of Nethys, they're the officially supported partner and will actually return the actual rules you're looking for every time instead of promoting products their friends wrote or versions of the rules that had to be stripped down to be OGL compliant.