Why do I hate the monk where everyone seems to like it?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Sry for the Necro.

My problem with Monk is not how good it is but more how flavourful the mechanics are.

I love the idea of a Martial artists that use Kung-Fu like abilities and even the spiritual energy to defeat opponents, but the 2e monk (and in other ttrpgs) doesn't fulfil the fantasy for me.

Flurry of blows just happens to not be my thing and that's where most of the power of the Monk is. Also I don't feel like I can always properly make use of the extra actions I have leftover to do the cool monk stuff I envision (with a couple of small exceptions). I do love the idea of stances, but after that the Monk interest kinda ends for me.

I would love to see an alternative version of the monk without flurry of blows and see what Paizo can do with it.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Alternate class features could be pretty cool.

Eldorado8 wrote:
I would love to see an alternative version of the monk without flurry of blows and see what Paizo can do with it.

So would I.

But I also highly doubt it would be easy to do. There is a fair bit enabled off flurry of blows as it is. Flurry of blows is the classes defining feature.

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Gortle wrote:
Eldorado8 wrote:
I would love to see an alternative version of the monk without flurry of blows and see what Paizo can do with it.

So would I.

But I also highly doubt it would be easy to do. There is a fair bit enabled off flurry of blows as it is. Flurry of blows is the classes defining feature.

The classic thing to do in 3.x was to replace it with another feature that served a similar role and was (ideally) approximately as useful.

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