Will magic classes be disallowed in this AP?

Outlaws of Alkenstar

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Not sure if this has been discussed elsewhere, but given Alkenstar’s location and the volatility of magic there, will players be discouraged from playing casters in this adventure path? I’m not opposed to the idea if so, but I’ve been curious since it was announced, and I also wanted this brand new forum to see some action. What are everyone’s thoughts on an explicitly all-martial campaign if this is the case, or if not now, in the future?

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I mean, we had a “you must be some degree of Arcane or Primal caster” AP, so I don’t find the inverse /that/ strange. My honest expectation is that Outlaws doesn’t touch on it much, but rules for the Mana Wastes might sneak into a hypothetical Lost Omens book.

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I doubt that we are going to see a widespread caster-disallowed campaign. Casters make up a fair number of classes and playstyles, and removing them as options cuts down on a lot of what makes a fantasy game like Pathfinder fantasy.

The opposite works really well, giving martials magical oomph in Strength of Thousands as an example, because it's bringing other options in line with the campaigns expectations, which increases the number of possible character concepts. An all-martial game does the opposite, which is markedly less fun.

The furthest I expect things will go is that characters are granted access to martial archetypes to help them out in combat more when magic becomes less feasible. They won't have the to hit numbers of martials but it would at least grant them access to the action compressing tactics that martials have.

Liberty's Edge

Paizo does not do the "do not play this or that". At most, they warn that playing such or such might not fit well.

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I believe they mentioned at gencon that there would three different modes of play offered in the players guide (a bit like edgewatch), basically a low magic default, a no magic, and a magic except for during specific story beats. They didn't go into a lot of the specifics, other than the anti-magic effect being tied to storms that come and go.

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I am wondering how a Time Oracle (coming in Dark Archive) might feel in this AP, given what the product page says about volume 2.

Liberty's Edge

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I now need a PF2 rabbit ancestry to play an Oracle of Time who is always late and in a hurry.

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The Raven Black wrote:
I now need a PF2 rabbit ancestry to play an Oracle of Time who is always late and in a hurry.

Luis Loza has a very fun Rabbitfolk ancestry up for sale on Infinite!

I doubt that casters will be banned. If I get to play this on I will go with a churgeon alchemist.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Perhaps it will be a free gunslinger/inventor dedication for all PCs, similar to what Strength of Thousands did for wizard/druid.

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