"Stop roleplaying us out of combats--it's costing us loot!"

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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pad300 wrote:
In the campaign I am referencing, there were no characters (of 7 who participated) who had green or better saves across the board.

Well, that's normal. I think you should re-read the accomanying blog post - you don't need a green rating in each save. Reflex saves are also less important by nature, and occational bonuses or similar abilities (Superstition, Hardy, Greater Gift of Consumption, Charmed Life, Heroism etc.) also reduce the numbers needed/recommended without showing up on your character sheet. Note that while I made the spreadsheet, it is based on the numbers in that blog post - I actually use slightly different numbers, which you can find here, that I think paint a more accurate picture.

And while ABP does tend to be a little conservative on when you gain those bonuses (because players tend to spend most of their gold on them*), you shouldn't ever be more than +1 behind in any given bonus, which isn't something that makes or breaks a character.

Of course, it's entirely possible that the campaing you're using is above Paizo expectation in difficulty and numeric demands. ABP does have the option to grant the bonuses a level or two earlier than usual, if needed, that might fix your issues.

*) 7th level ABP hands out stuff worth 13,500gp (+300pg because your weapon doesn't actually need to be masterwork), that's ~58% of 7th level WBL.

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If your PCs don't want to fight, focus more on roleplay and have ramped up their skills in Diplomacy and Intimidate, why should they be penalized from talking themselves out of a fight?

If loot is a problem, they could easily Intimidate that opponent into giving them something as "punishment".

Sovereign Court

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Old story - from long ago, and actually, we didn't roleplay out of the combat... but it's kind of along this line...

My bard/linguist - used to communicate with the intelligent creatures summoned by someone else...

PC #1 to newly summoned earth elemental: "so, Rocky, we meet again?!"

Rocky: "Ha! You again?! What is dis, like 2 times this week?" Takes swing, misses...

PC #1: "Yeah, we've been busy lately." Uses a wand to cast Prot. Evil, "And how's your lady? and the little one... Chip isn't it?"

Rocky: "You still got dat wand t'ing? T'aught iddud be use't up by now... Chip's doing ok, starting up his own Rock Band!" moves on to attack another PC.

PC #1: "Hay! that's great! always good to have an artist in the family." glances down at wand in hand, and following Rocky to the next PC to tap him with the wand, "Well, it does come with 50 charges - and I don't get much use out of it any more, what with moving on to Year of the Serpent and not so much World Wound stuff..."

PC #2: "Dang it! Would you stop chatting up everything we meet?! That's the problem with having a Exchange Linguist Bard in the group... changing every good fight into a 'diplomacy encounter'... "

Rocky: "sheesh, w'at's wid dis guy? 'E's way to serious!"

Grand Lodge

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Old Story time (yeah, it's a slow day...)

I can remember a fight where the PCs just "Cake Walked" the fight. It involved a number of Kobolds in a ruined watch tower, and the PCs using sleep spells and grapples to beat them easily. Less then 10 HP taken in damage among the 5 PC. so they tie up the Kobolds, and gather up the loot and ... look it over.

Player #1: "What a bunch of C%$#P! Cheap, Small weapons, and wicker shields, 'food' I wouldn't feed my dog, rotten leathers, and COPPER PIECES! What the h&%%, I'm not loading any of this s&^%t on my horse to haul it outta here." off stomps PC #1

the rest of the party also shake their head in disgust and mount up. Rides away into the sunset.

Just then Player #1 starts to giggle "Talk about insulting. Think about it from the view of the kobolds. Not only are they not dangerous enough for us to kill 'em, but we didn't even want ANY of their treasure!"

Player #2 "yeah, (gollum voice), my presious, why didn't they take my presious" laugh.

Liberty's Edge

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Calybos1 wrote:

This was said as a half-serious, half-joking comment in a recent session, to our charismatic bard/priest: "Will you quit trying to talk our way out of these encounters? It's costing us valuable treasure!"

^_^ this was recently an issue for a few friends around the table with my Kellid Sorcerer, I've RP'd the group out of several issues big and small and lately they are wanting to get more combat.

Been able to change out my character with In-game story.

As for the GM, the game is a WAR Story with an army of Drow invading from their lands with Air Ships and Tactics on par with the Roman Legion. My Sorcerer Is now leading a Military Army while they are on a quest to fetch Magical artifacts that the Drow are looking for.

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Yeah, if the players are loosing treasure because of role playing/good skill checks then it's up to the DM to finds ways to give them treasure. It's not that hard.

Dragon78 wrote:
Yeah, if the players are loosing treasure because of role playing/good skill checks then it's up to the DM to finds ways to give them treasure. It's not that hard.

"Please, we REALLY need that 500,000 GP loan." (Diplomacy/Intimidate DC 60) :P

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