Xenometric Android in Organized play

Starfinder Society

What are the restrictions and limitations, if any, on building a Xenometric Android for SFS? Is the feature allowed? Is it limited to emulating core races? Do you need a racial admittance boon for playing, say, a kalo-modeled android or a dragonkin-modeled android?

Liberty's Edge 3/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Nebraska—Omaha

I recommend looking at Annual of Nethys. It has good information.

Gary Bush wrote:
I recommend looking at Annual of Nethys. It has good information.

It does say SFS legal, but before I jump in and make something like an android dragonkin or the like I want to make sure I dont need additional steps, cause being able to make an android version of a race you otherwise need boons for feels like something that shouldn't work. I wont complain if it does work like that though

Liberty's Edge 3/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Nebraska—Omaha

You ask a good question and your question has been asked a few times before and there had been no answer saying it would be illegal or require a boon,

So I think you are OK to take the trait.

Gary Bush wrote:

You ask a good question and your question has been asked a few times before and there had been no answer saying it would be illegal or require a boon,

So I think you are OK to take the trait.

nice, gonna work on an android-dragonkin later once I have more of a concept behind them

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

From the Character Options page:


All options from this book are allowed for play, with the following exceptions and clarifications:

Alternate Race Options: Swarmer [Ysoki], Cultural Chameleon [Half-Elf ], Skittish [Halfling]

So Xenometric Androids are a *thumbs up*

Exo-Guardians 5/5

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Nefreet wrote:

From the Character Options page:


All options from this book are allowed for play, with the following exceptions and clarifications:

Alternate Race Options: Swarmer [Ysoki], Cultural Chameleon [Half-Elf ], Skittish [Halfling]

So Xenometric Androids are a *thumbs up*





Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif) 2/5

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Sure you are, the big arthropodian android says rolling all four eyes. And I'm a "real" haan, even though I have no clue about anything haan-related.

XHC-5, known to his fan club as "Shaq, the big guy," continues listening with one ear to the shirren middle schooler in front of him while simultaneously dissing the dragon-presenting android in his head. It wouldn't be so bad if these kids had any clue about what he himself had been through not so long ago, but like all kids their age, they thought they were the center of the universe.

He and XHC-1 through -4 had been sold as surplus by the Haan Colonial Administration Budget Committee when they ran out of funds in their search for a new planet to colonize. Unfortunately there was some mix up with the middleman sales broker who mistranslated "laborer" into "one who molds things," and then sold him to a Shirren school district as a guidance counselor.

Suffice to say there was some surprise when he was activated, and that it didn’t take long for XHC-5 to grow tired of listening to Shirren teenagers whine about not knowing their purpose in life. And by "not long" I mean sometime during the morning of his first day on the job he started flipping and disintegrating desks and was escorted out of the school.

Fortunately, the school’s coach was a former Starfinder and put him in touch with the right folks to quickly get him out on his first mission. He finds the missions interesting, and in a way calming in that they provide an acceptable outlet for his anger issues. It seems no one cares when you punch an alien’s head clean off nearly as much as they do about destroying some school furniture.

His desk destruction videos have gone viral, and now he’s got infosphere followers that keep track of his Starfinder missions and when he’s been hired at another school between them. Though, that usually doesn't last long before he's back out on the road again. As is likely to happen very soon....

Are you done, you sniveling piece of ..." he snarls telepathically to the youngling seated before him. Look, at least you know what the heck you are. Or like Zalibraxis, you at least believe you know. His big hand starts to glow, and the "I Hate Firstdays" caf-mug he was holding begins dissolving in the entropic energies. Maybe you should just go and become the being you envision yourself to be, he advises the whelp the Swiss Army Mage.

1/5 5/5

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I just wish there was some way to have the option for kobolds.

Acquisitives 1/5 5/5

"Spoken like someone who doesn't understand kobold society and how we work. Our worker collectives do GREAT in making sure we have qualified, trained workers that are happy in their jobs -- unlike some of the *shudder* horror stories we've heard about the mistreatment of androids! Far too often androids get 'built' just because someone doesn't want to work and assumes someone else will do the work and not complain about it. They really need a good union!"

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif) 2/5

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"You're damn straight we need a union. Just like those Goblins in Redmond got! Good for them!" Shaq replies to the kobold standing on the sidewalk outside the school. The security guards escorting him off the property (again) for his destructive outburst nod in agreement.

"Too bad the "Powers That Be" made being a union organizer illegal. We oughta petition for a change!"

Apologies for the thread drift. I'll take my rabble-raising to a new thread.

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