
XHC-5's page

40 posts. Organized Play character for Nomadical.


| SP 38 / 91 | HP 53 / 53 | RP 8 / 9


EAC 21 KAC 21 (with 0 EP) | Fort +11; Ref +9; Will +7 | Active conditions: EP 0


Non-binary (he/him) Haan-presenting Xenometric Android (ace pilot) Vanguard 7






Brethedan, Common, Shirren

Strength 14
Dexterity 18
Constitution 22
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 16
Charisma 8

About XHC-5

XHC-5 “Shaq”
Haan-presenting Xenometric Android (ace pilot) vanguard 7
NG Large monstrous humanoid (android)

Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +13


SP 91 HP 53 RP 9

EAC 22; KAC 22 (Assumes 1 EP in pool, otherwise both ACs 21)

Fort +11; Ref +9; Will +7
Constructed: +2 vs. disease, mind-affecting, poison, and sleep effects (unless the effect targets constructs)
Fortitude Save (Level 6 armor (Ysoki refractor suit)): Immune to low-level radiation
Fortitude Save (Level 6 armor (Ysoki refractor suit)): +4 circumstance bonus to save vs. radiation exposure (but not to cure radiation sickness)

Defensive Abilities mitigate (7 damage); Dampen; Friendly Fire (14 damage), robooting nanites, Uncanny Agility


Speed 40 ft. / Fly 40 ft (5+ ranks in Acrobatics) includes enhancement bonus from Viridian Balbis aeon stone
Initiative +4

Melee entropic strike +11 (2d6+13 A & B; operative, force effect; Crit staggered) or
. . opportunistic merciful living lash +9 (1d8+8 S; Bind; living, powered (capacity 20; usage 1), reach, thought*, unwieldy*)
Entropic strike is channeled through his lash, granting the reach, merciful & opportunistic properties and critical Bind and Staggered effects. Opportunistic +2 attack and +3 damage when making attacks of opportunity
*Has a limited telepathy species graft, which counteracts unwieldy

Weapon traits and effects:

Bind: The target is entangled, as if the weapon had the entangle weapon special property. A creature hit by an entangle weapon becomes entangled until it escapes with an Acrobatics check (DC = 10 + weapon’s item level + the attacker’s Dexterity modifier) or a Strength check (DC = 15 + weapon’s item level + the attacker’s Dexterity modifier). An entangled creature can attempt such a check as a move action.

Force: A force weapon is treated as having the force descriptor, which can cause it to interact differently with some targets (as defined by the targets’ special rules). Force weapons deal kinetic damage but still target EAC.

Living: Unlike simpler forms of biotech, a living weapon is not just organic material—it’s actually a simple living organism. The core function of a living weapon is based on the same scientific principles as manufactured weapons, but come about as part of its natural development and body function.

A living weapon can be affected by spells that target creatures, though it is mindless, incapable of independent action, and has no ability scores other than Constitution (which is always equal to its item level). It is subject to poisons and diseases, though it does not need to breath and is always protected as well as a creature with active environmental protection from armor. If it is forced to make a saving throw, its save bonus is always equal to its item level. If it suffers a condition that would normally cause it to take a penalty to attacks, damage, or save DCs, those penalties apply to any attack or effect created with it. Living weapons “eat” by absorbing part of the charges or fuel (or energy from some other form of ammunition) when fired. They do not sleep or breathe, cannot communicate in any way, are immune to pain effects due to their incredibly simple nervous systems, and are mindless.

If damaged, a living weapon can regain Hit Points from effects that restore Hit Points to living creatures, such as a mystic cure spell, and it regains a number of Hit Points equal to its item level each day. You can use the Life Science or Medicine skill instead of Engineering to repair a living weapon.

Merciful: A weapon with the merciful fusion often hums pleasantly when at rest and makes soft, airy musical noises when it is used to make an attack. The magic of this fusion subdues the damaging effect of the weapon it is added to. While this fusion is active, the weapon’s regular damage becomes nonlethal damage. If the weapon deals two types of damage, both of the damage types become nonlethal. You can activate or deactivate the merciful fusion as a swift action.

Operative: Any character can add her Dexterity modifier rather than her Strength modifier on melee attack rolls with weapons with this special property.

Opportunistic: The opportunistic fusion guides your accuracy when making attacks of opportunity and leaves your foes vulnerable to your attack. You gain a +2 bonus to attacks of opportunity made with this weapon. If your attack of opportunity hits, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll for that attack of opportunity. This damage increases by 1 if the weapon is item level 5, and by an additional 1 for every 5 item levels thereafter. Only melee weapons can benefit from this fusion.

Powered: A melee weapon with an internal battery that must be charged to function has the powered special property, which lists its capacity and usage. Unlike with a ranged weapon, the usage is for 1 minute of operation rather than per attack, though using a powered weapon for less than 1 full minute still expends 1 full usage. The number of charges expended is equal to the usage × the number of minutes the weapon is used, rounded up to the nearest minute. You can activate the power of the weapon as part of the action used to make an attack with it, and it automatically deactivates after 1 minute.

As with ranged weapons, you can recharge the battery of a powered melee weapon using a generator or a recharging station, or you can purchase new batteries for it. If you try to attack with a powered weapon that’s out of charges, it functions as an improvised weapon (see page 169).

Reach: Only melee weapons can have the reach special property. Wielding a weapon with reach gives you 10 feet of reach for attacks with that weapon. See

Thought: A thought weapon can be fully or partially controlled via telepathy. If you have the telepathy or limited telepathy racial trait, are benefiting from a telepathy spell, are wearing a mindlink circlet, or have a similar ability, you ignore the weapon’s unwieldy weapon special property.

Unwieldy: (see Thought above) Weapons with the unwieldy special property are large and awkward, can’t be fired without cooling down first, or are otherwise difficult to use with repeated attacks. You can’t use an unwieldy weapon as part of a full attack (or any other action in which you could make multiple attacks), you can’t attack with it more than once per round, and you can’t use it to make an attack of opportunity.

Staggered: The target must succeed at a DC 19 Fortitude save or be staggered for 1 round.

Teleportive: This weapon’s fired ammunition teleports a short distance after being fired. You take only a –1 cumulative penalty when attacking outside the range of this weapon.

Combat Maneuver Bull Rush: +15 (+2 with Thruster Heels) and targets EAC+8

Ranged tactical skipshot pistol +11 (1d4+3 P; bleed 2; teleportive) 60 feet

Fire Spray: 30 foot Cone, 1d6+10 fire damage, Reflex DC 19 for half, standard action

Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with lash)


Str 14 (+2); Dex 18 (+4); Con 22 (+6); Int 10 (+0); Wis 16 (+3); Cha 8 (-1)

Acrobatics +13 (6 ranks)
Athletics +8
Culture +6
Medicine +5
Perception +13
Piloting +14 (7 ranks)
Profession (counselor) +12 (+5 for Day Job)
Sense Motive +1
Stealth +10
Survival +13
Reduce the DC of Culture checks by 5 when recalling knowledge about starship and vehicle models and parts as well as famous hotshot pilots.
Amateur Hireling: Life Science, Mysticism & Physical Science +9 (+2 + Level)

Languages: Brethedan, Common, Shirren


Coordinated Shot: When threaten a foe with a melee weapon, allies gain +1 to ranged attacks vs. that foe as long as you are not granting the foe cover.

Improved Combat Maneuver (bull rush): You gain a +4 bonus to your attack roll to resolve that combat maneuver.

Tight Fit: While you’re squeezing, you don’t gain the entangled condition and your speed is reduced by 5 feet instead of halved. You still can’t run or charge while squeezing.

Nanite Integration (Rebooting Nanites): Whenever you fail a saving throw against an effect that causes you to gain the asleep, blinded, confused, cowering, dazed, dazzled, deafened, exhausted, fatigued, frightened, nauseated, panicked, shaken, sickened, staggered, stunned, or unconscious condition, you can spend 1 Resolve Point as a reaction to attempt a new saving throw against the effect at the same DC. If you succeed, the condition ends, though you still suffer any other effects of the original failed saving throw.

Trading Places: You can take a move action to switch places with a willing or unconscious ally within range of your normal movement that’s no larger than one size category larger than you. This requires spending one Resolve Point. This movement doesn’t trigger attacks of opportunity. You can’t use this ability again until you take a 10-minute rest to recover Stamina Points.

Racial Abilities

Constructed: For effects targeting creatures by type, androids count as both constructs and humanoids (whichever type allows an ability to affect them for abilities that affect only one type, and whichever is worse for abilities that affect both types). They receive a +2 racial bonus to saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and sleep, unless those effects specifically target constructs. In addition, androids do not breathe or suffer the normal environmental effects of being in a vacuum.

Flat Affect: Androids find emotions confusing and keep them bottled up. They take a –2 penalty to Sense Motive checks, but the DCs of Sense Motive checks attempted against them increase by 2.

Alternate Ability Adjustments (Laborer): Laborer androids were created to perform menial tasks and endure the hardships of space. In many regions, they were considered corporate property for far longer than typical androids. A laborer android’s ability adjustments are +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, and -2 Charisma.

Xenometric Android: Although most androids are manufactured to resemble humans, those crafted in the likenesses of other species exist. Such “xenometrics” possess abilities that mirror those of other races, sometimes even using hybrid tech to duplicate magic abilities. An android with this trait selects one of the species detailed in the paragraphs below. This choice cannot be changed. In addition to possessing physical features resembling those of the chosen species, the android’s size category and reach changes to match the chosen race. In addition, xenometric androids gain some of the chosen species’ racial traits, which are noted in parentheses next to the race’s name; these count as racial traits for the purposes of prerequisites. If the chosen species has a different type than humanoid, the xenometric android’s type changes to match. This replaces upgrade slot and exceptional vision.
Haan: Firespray & Slow Fall. Large Monstrous humanoid, Space & Reach = 10 ft.

Firespray: As a standard action, a haan can create a 30-foot cone of flame that deals 1d6 fire. Starting at 3rd level, a haan adds 1-1/2 × her character level to the damage. A creature in the cone can attempt a Reflex save DC = 19 (10 + half the haan’s character level + her Constitution modifier) for half damage. A haan can’t use this ability again until she has taken a 10-minute rest to recover Stamina Points.

Slow Fall: A haan in an environment with atmosphere can slow her fall by inflating a web balloon as a Reaction. This is an extraordinary ability that functions as per flight cast at 1st level. She instantly falls slower, at a rate of just 60 feet per round (equivalent to the end of a fall from a few feet). She take no damage upon landing while the spell is in effect.

Ace Pilot: [Theme 1] You are obsessed with starships and vehicles, and have committed to memory almost every related tidbit of knowledge you’ve ever come across. Reduce the DC of Culture checks to recall knowledge about starship and vehicle models and parts as well as famous hotshot pilots by 5. Piloting is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to your Piloting checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Dexterity at character creation.

Lone Wolf: [Theme 6] You know at least a little bit about handling every role on a starship, and you can sub in for certain tasks in a pinch. Whenever you need to attempt a skill check either during starship combat or to directly repair or otherwise maintain your starship, you can treat half your ranks in Piloting as your ranks in the appropriate skill for the check, if that would be better (since you effectively have ranks in the related skill, you are considered trained in the skill for the purposes of this check).

Class Abilities:

Dampen: You can dampen the entropic release of energy in violent effects. As a reaction when you are in the area of a damaging effect, you can spend 1 Entropy Point to cause it to deal only half damage to all creatures in the area.
At 6th level, if the effect allows a save and you succeed, you can spend 1 additional Entropy Point to allow creatures that successfully save against the effect to take no damage.

Entropic pool: Maximum points in pool = CON: 6

Full text:
You have the supernatural ability to control matter as it changes states, allowing you to arrest, accelerate, or even reverse the typical course of events. This energy takes the form of a pool of Entropy Points (EP). You can have a maximum number of EP in your entropic pool equal to your Constitution modifier (6).

You can gain EP only when involved in a combat encounter that includes a significant enemy. When combat begins, you gain 1 EP at the beginning of your first action; at the end of combat, you lose any EP you have remaining. In addition to methods granted by vanguard aspects, you can gain EP in the followings ways.

- While you have no EP, you can spend 1 Resolve Point as a move action to gain 1 EP (2 EP at 10th level).
- Each time you take damage equal to or greater than 14 (twice your character level) from a single attack or effect (after applying any ability to reduce that damage, such as DR, energy resistance, or the mitigate class feature), you gain 1 EP.
- If you take damage from a critical hit, you gain 1 EP, in addition to any you gain from the attack’s normal damage.
- If you score a critical hit on a significant enemy, you gain 1 EP.
- If you take a full action to charge, you gain 1 EP.
- If you take two move actions on the same turn to move your speed each time, you gain 1 EP.
- As a move action, you can designate a willing adjacent ally as an entropic focus. They remain an entropic focus until the beginning of your next turn, unless they cease to be adjacent to you or you designate a new entropic focus (both of which end this effect). If your entropic focus takes damage equal to or greater than twice your character level from a single attack or effect (after applying any ability to reduce that damage, such as DR, energy resistance, or the mitigate class feature), you gain 1 EP. If you are at least 6th level, you can expend a Resolve Point to designate an adjacent, willing ally as your entropic focus as a reaction when they take damage (and gain EP from damage they take from the triggering attack, if appropriate).

Entropy Points can be expended in various ways, some of which you gain through vanguard aspects and disciplines. As long as you have at least 1 Entropy Point in your entropic pool, you gain a +1 enhancement bonus to your Armor Class.
- As part of a full action to charge or a move action to move your speed, you can expend 1 EP to gain a +10-foot enhancement bonus to your speed (normally land speed, but you can apply it to the speed for any movement type you have).
- As a move action, you can expend EP to boost the damage of the next entropic strike attack you make before the start of your next turn. You must decide how many EP to expend when you take this move action, and you can’t expend more EP than your level. If the boosted entropic strike hits, you deal +1d4 damage for every EP expended.

Entropic strike:

You can focus the power of entropy into a forceful attack. Though you must touch your target to damage it, the damage is not from the impact but from focused waves of entropic energy that unbind and dissolve your target, crush it, or both. Your entropic strike is a magical one-handed advanced melee weapon with the operative weapon special property that targets EAC (even when dealing bludgeoning damage). You can make this attack with nearly any body part and do not need a hand free to use this ability. Using your entropic strike does not require any additional action to use beyond the action you take to make an attack (for example, it can be used to make an attack of opportunity.) For any calculation that requires the item level of your entropic strike, treat your vanguard level as your entropic strike’s item level.

You can also deliver an entropic strike with any melee weapon, or any shield that allows you to make unarmed attacks (replacing the normal attack with your entropic strike). The attack’s damage is equal to the entropic strike damage of a vanguard of either your class level or a class level equal to the weapon’s item level, whichever is lower. When you use this option, your entropic strike is considered to be made of whatever material the weapon or shield is made of (such as for the purposes of bypassing DR or creature weaknesses). Additionally, you can apply any weapon special property, critical hit effect, or weapon fusion the melee weapon or shield has to your entropic strike as long as the effect can be applied to a one-handed advanced melee weapon that deals acid or bludgeoning damage, doesn’t use additional ammunition or charges, and doesn’t require information beyond that specified for your entropic strike to function. If the weapon special property, critical hit effect, or weapon fusion requires information provided for your weapon (such as the amount of a bleed critical hit effect), use the value for the weapon you are gaining the effect from.

At 1st level, your entropic strike deals damage equal to 1d3 + your Constitution modifier, but you do not add your Strength modifier (unlike most melee attacks). For each attack, you can deal acid damage, bludgeoning damage, or both. This damage increases as you gain levels (Level 7 = 2d6). At 10th level, you also add your Strength modifier to the damage of your entropic strike. At 5th level, when you use any combat maneuver for which you have Improved Combat Maneuver, you can target a foe’s EAC + 8 (rather than KAC + 8) to determine success, and you also determine the level of success (such as how far you push a foe with a successful bull rush) using EAC.

Mitigate: You can control how you are affected by damage or effects that alter damage. As a reaction when you take damage, you can spend 1 Entropy Point to reduce the damage you take by an amount equal to your vanguard level (to a minimum of 0 damage). If you do, you can’t gain any Entropy Points from that attack.

Aspect Insight: (Momentum): You gain Improved Combat Maneuver (bull rush) as a bonus feat and a +2 insight bonus to Culture checks.

Aspect Embodiment (Ex): Once per combat, when you move a distance greater than your normal speed in one turn (using multiple move actions, the run full action, or a bonus to speed that allows you to move beyond your normal maximum), you can gain 1 Entropy Point without taking any additional action.

Reactive: Once per day, you can take an additional reaction during a single round, though you can still take only one reaction per triggering event. You can take a reaction before the first time you act in a combat, but not in a surprise round in which you are unable to act.

Friendly Fire (SU): You have learned to bleed energy from the attacks of your allies when they affect you. You can reduce the damage you take from your allies’ attacks and effects by 14 (an amount equal to twice your vanguard level), to a minimum of 0.

Aspect Attunement (Weapon Special Property): At 5th level, choose one of the following weapon special properties: breach, bright, feint, force, or penetrating. Once made, this choice can be changed only when you gain a new vanguard level. As long as you have at least 1 Entropy Point, your entropic strike has the chosen special property.

Ruinous Rush: You can break down your body to reap critical energy, boosting your speed. When you take a move action to move your speed, you can take damage equal to your vanguard level to gain a +20 enhancement bonus to your movement speeds (maximum twice that movement’s speed) until the end of your next turn. This damage bypasses any Stamina Points you have and is applied directly to your Hit Points.

Entropic Attunement (Weapon Critical hit effect): At 7th level, choose one of the following critical hit effects: corrode (1d8 for every 3 vanguard levels you have), knockdown, or staggered. Once made, this choice can be changed only when you gain a new vanguard level. Your entropic strike gains this critical hit effect as long as you have at least 1 Entropy Point. If your entropic strike has another critical hit effect, when you score a critical hit, you can choose either the entropic attunement critical hit effect or the other critical hit effect. Alternatively, you can expend 1 Entropy Point to apply both critical hit effects.

Uncanny Agility: You are immune to the flat-footed condition, and your opponent doesn’t gain any bonuses to attack rolls against you from flanking you or attacking you when you’re prone. Furthermore, covering fire and harrying fire don’t provide any advantage against you.

Combat Gear: Ysoki refractor suit (upgrade: infrared sensors, jet pack), merciful opportunistic living lash, tactical skipshot pistol with 20 small arm rounds; Viridian Balbis aeon stone (+10 enhancement bonus to all speeds)

Magic items: Ring of Resistance mk2 (Will)

Augmentations Mk1 ability crystal DEX; Mk2 ability crystal CON; Thruster Heels (cyber, feet); Species graft: Amplify (skin); Limited Telepathy (brain)

Amplify: (Skin) Whenever you take energy damage, you can voluntarily take an additional 1d4 damage of the same type. The next time you hit with a melee attack, you release this energy, dealing an additional amount of damage equal to the extra damage you took (and of the same type). You can’t take additional damage in this way again until you release your stored energy. If unused, the stored energy dissipates after 10 minutes.

Thruster Heels: (Feet) Powerful thrusters built into your feet provide you with a brief burst of locomotive force. If you activate your thruster heels while jumping, you gain a +30 enhancement bonus to your Athletics check to jump. If you activate your thruster heels while flying, you gain a +30-foot enhancement bonus to your fly speed until the end of your turn, to a maximum of twice your normal fly speed. If you activate your thruster heels while attempting a melee attack to perform a bull rush or reposition combat maneuver, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to the attack roll, and you can also use the thruster heels to gain a +2 enhancement bonus when attempting to escape a grapple with an Acrobatics check or melee attack. Thruster heels don’t provide any stabilization, steering, or sustained life, so they can’t be used on their own to fly or perform similar aerobatics. After you activate the thruster heels, you can’t use them again until you’ve rested for 10 minutes to regain SP, though you can spend 1 Resolve Point at any point to recharge them immediately.

Limited Telepathy: (brain) Many creatures, such as lashuntas, shirrens, and entu colonies and symbiotes (page 34), are capable of partial telepathic contact with other creatures, and this augmentation mimics that racial trait. You can telepathically communicate with any creature within 30 feet with whom you share a language. Conversing telepathically with multiple creatures simultaneously is just as difficult as listening to multiple people speak at the same time.
