PFS2 3-07 The Locked Lodge

GM Discussion


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Hi all,

Few things I've noticed so far:
1. The "Weak" Hell hound is a variant weak hell hound. The template even says "variant weak hell hound". The difference between this variant and a normal weak hell hound is that the breath weapon does 3d6 damage instead of 4d6-4 damage. The Elite hell hound applies the elite template correctly (it does 4d6+4).

2. The maps have secret doors/tunnels marked directly on them, but the text ends up describing these as having left open by previous adventurers so it isn't an issue like I originally thought it was looking at the map files.

4/5 *****

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The dreaded "1 square = 10 feet" map has once again reared its head. The first-floor map would need to be something like 104 x 68 squares in a VTT…

I re-created the map assets for my own game, and am sharing them here. The full map is in 4:3 aspect ratio so it will fit as a Google Slide background or on a 25x19 grid in your vtt of choice.

I also split out each labeled area into its own image. Each file is named with the location label and the grid canvas size that you need to scale it properly in roll20 / Foundry (e.g. "a5-19x14" is the map for area A5 and it scales properly on a 19 wide by 14 high grid). p=sharing

4/5 ***** Venture-Lieutenant, Maryland—Hagerstown

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Oof....why would they do that to us.

Thanks for doing the hard work. I am running this via VTT and this will make it a hell of lot easier.

4/5 *****

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Doug Hahn wrote:

The dreaded "1 square = 10 feet" map has once again reared its head. The first-floor map would need to be something like 104 x 68 squares in a VTT…

I re-created the map assets for my own game, and am sharing them here. The full map is in 4:3 aspect ratio so it will fit as a Google Slide background or on a 25x19 grid in your vtt of choice.

I also split out each labeled area into its own image. Each file is named with the location label and the grid canvas size that you need to scale it properly in roll20 / Foundry (e.g. "a5-19x14" is the map for area A5 and it scales properly on a 19 wide by 14 high grid). p=sharing

- Running this on PbP too; added 16:9 images with grids pre-drawn on them for Google Slide backgrounds.

4/5 *****

Also for those prepping maps in roll20 / foundry, it looks like the vertical axis of the basement’s grid is off and therefore impossible to align. Save yourself the sanity and just get it "close enough."

See example here.

Sorry to rail a bit; these maps look lovely but are rather difficult to use in VTTs.

Envoy's Alliance 1/5 ***** Venture-Agent, Oklahoma—Oklahoma City

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Regarding the Infernal Insight bargain from Cinder, what happens if the PCs take the information but do not hand over Adrian Thrune? I see that combo is covered by the Reporting Notes, but do the PCs experience any repercussions?

Can someone explain the chronicle boon? The summary on the Boon page just says you get an Infernal Contract. What do you do with an Infernal Contract? Or maybe the specific wording of the actual boon refers to the Boon of Hellfire deal?

4/5 *****

Ran this tonight on low tier with 18 chp and a very experienced group. They almost wiped.

Adding so many mooks to what’s basically a shooting gallery for the big bad escalates difficulty more than it seems on paper.

Also I feel like the monastic bodyguard should have darkvision. Thrune can counter light spells and has a strong shadow theme, but decreasing light levels makes her own hired bodyguard a lot less effective. Maybe I missed something.

Dataphiles 4/5 5/5 ***** Venture-Agent, Colorado—Colorado Springs

Just to be clear, in the cellar, I think the party comes down the stairs from the left, and B1 is probably the first room on the left as they come down the big stairs? It doesn't seem to be marked on my map.

I concur with all the issues raised about the maps above. I ended up cropping the map provided into different sections and aligning the 10x10 grid to every other 5x5 intersection, so it is on three maps instead of one. Also, one of the tricks that helps me align maps in Roll20 is to set the Dimensions in the Advanced menu for the object in Roll20. These maps all have a border outside the actual grid, so I can't count squares and determine the proper size of the map when I overlay it onto the grid.

The maps in this scenario demonstrate one of my other Pet Peeves: map orientation changes. The first floor map has North to the right, but the other two maps have North at the top of the map.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

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The maps all came from the adventure path. They didn't make new bad maps, they just reused the bad maps from 15 years ago. I don't think their intention is to start making bad maps again.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Great Lakes

A question for the hive mind, as another VO and I are disagreeing on it.

Cinder's Offer:
Does the damage from this double? the wording is:
On a critical hit, the weapon flares with hellfire and deals an extra 1 point of fire damage and 1 point of evil damage for the attack (2 points of fire and evil damage for levels 5–6).
I said it doesn't, but they think it does, since when you compare it to a crit effect, like that on the rapier, it is not specific.
Rapier: On a critical hit, the weapon adds a weapon damage die of the listed size. Roll this after doubling the weapon's damage.

Thoughts from others? Since it doesn't have the specific language for after - does it double or not?

4/5 ****

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Doubling Rules

Benefits you gain specifically from a critical hit, like the flaming weapon rune’s persistent fire damage or the extra damage die from the fatal weapon trait, aren’t doubled.

2/5 5/5 *****

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'm having a late swap from one scenario to this one for PaizoCon. I was hoping to bring a fair number of 3d terrain build but without having run this one online or otherwise I'm not sure how much it would benefit from it.

Looking for feedback from GMs on how the balance of time has been in the scenario -- how much time has been spent in each floor, etc.

I've been leaning towards using the one letter-page sized maps for exploration mode, with a couple rooms build for the combat at 1" grid scale. Because ~1/2 the encounters are on the 'too-large' scale first floor to build the complete thing in the first place. The outside encounter has trees & walls which makes for some tactically interesting value for the terrain. The inside one has some interesting geometries.

The second floor would be the easiest I think to build full scale through, but there's no combat on that floor, and 3d builds tend to always slow down players, so that feels like it would add time to what probably a quick portion of the adventure, and probably making the ending rushed.

The third floor should be pretty easy to build and has an encounter so I think that's a definite on my end. Of course after the final encoutner here, timewise we might be in 'gotta go fast' mode so the rest of the build might be useless.

Any thoughts?

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

This doesn't have any bogged-down parts and it didn't run noticeably long for me. Based on my 2 runs (1 online and 1 in-person) and my admittedly vague impression of your GM style and table control formed from remarks you have made in the past, I feel it is unlikely that you would feel rushed in a 5-hour con slot even if you had lavish terrain absolutely everywhere.

But to answer your question, the garden encounter is a minor speed bump. The first-floor encounter could run somewhat longer depending on how many flying things are around and how annoying they want to be to the party. This is IMO the most visually interesting part of the building and the scale problem is unfortunate. The second floor does indeed run very quick if the party is decisive. Doing terrain here would maybe make this floor a bit more memorable for players... Whether you think that's worth doing for an area with (as you say) no combat I guess depends on whether you would enjoy going slower while subverting player expectations that something nasty must happen here because why else would the GM build out terrain, right? My experience of the final encounter is that it isn't particularly long for the rated severity so I don't think the rest of the build would have to go unused.

2/5 5/5 *****

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Thanks for the comments! Working on the builds/packing list this weekend, so I'll see how heavy/bulky stuff is getting and make a decision on floor 2 after I finish that.

And yes I do find that adding terrain often extends scenario run time by about 50% for the portions that use it, the PCS also often want to stay in encounter mode rather than exploration mode, but maybe after a couple more years of pf2 experience from the last in-person games with terrain, players might be more conditioned to drop to exploration mode/willing to trust the GM when the GM prods them that way.

(Also running Enter the Pallid Peaks which checks all the boxes for my 'most benefited by terrain' rubrics and 'Stuck by Shadows' which hits a few. The Pallid peak build is going to be fairly big/bulky, while the Struck by Shadows one should be compact.

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