Can you force a Disease or Poison save to proc sooner?

Rules Discussion

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I can find no specific rulings on this, which makes me think the answer is no but I wanted to confirm.

If you are under the effect of a disease or poison, and you are subjected to the same disease or poison again, will that immediately cause another save to go to the next stage of the disease or poison?

We were fighting Ghasts and our Monk contracted Ghast Fever. The next time the Monk got bit, out GM had the player roll another save, she failed again, and our GM said she progressed to stage two, took the damage and all healing was cut in half.

I told him that rules don't say that, and that she won't be further effected by the fever until the next day.

The GM said "that's how poisons work, and I thought they worked the same way?", and I don't think he's right about that either.

Can I get some clarification?

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AoN wrote:
Multiple exposures to the same curse or disease currently affecting you have no effect. For a poison, however, failing the initial saving throw against a new exposure increases the stage by 1 (or by 2 if you critically fail) without affecting the maximum duration. This is true even if you’re within the poison’s onset period, though it doesn’t change the onset length.

Your GM is right about the poison part. The rule does NOT apply to other forms of afflictions like diseases or curses, though.


There is a weird distinction that comes in, too. If there is an onset, no matter what stage of the poison you succumb to, it still won't hit you until you pass through the onset.

This is a bit confusing because there are a number of diseases which have their first stage be 'carrier with no ill effects' for a period of time which feels like it could easily have been an onset. Even though the multiple doses does nothing for diseases, if you critically fail vs. ghoul fever this means you might still immediately contract level 2 rather than find out you got infected a day later.

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