Downloads not working

Website Feedback

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I see a bunch of threads in the Customer Service forum, so I'm adding one here to help get this to someone in IT.

Lots of people who are trying to download files, both new purchases and items they bought long ago, are getting empty 22kb files instead. I tried it myself with an old product and got the same results - no actual download, just an empty zip folder.

Paizo Employee Software Architect

Thanks for the heads up, Cintra!

It appears we have a platform runtime issue that is preventing downloads from being prepared properly. The issue appears to have started today, and likely affects all downloads. We'll be prioritizing this in the morning and will provide additional updates here as they become available.

The problem has still existed.

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Arachnidious wrote:
The problem has still existed.

Hopefully with Brian saying they are looking at it in the morning, it will get figured out, it’s not quite 9am at the Paizo offices currently

Just made a digital purchase, having the same issue, tried two unzippers.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I was here to say that I'm experiencing the same problem, but it looks like you're already looking at it, so I'll just patient.

This is extremely frustrating. FIX IT!

Paizo Employee Software Architect

Hello, all. We've resolved the issue, and downloads should be working properly now.

If you have an empty 22 kb zip already queued up from yesterday, click on the "Problems downloading this file? Click here." link to regenerate the download.

It is not allowing me to download Guns and Gears as a complete file.

Paizo Employee Software Architect

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
It is not allowing me to download Guns and Gears as a complete file.

Can you provide some more detail about what it's not allowing you to do? Looking at your downloads page, I see a 37.54 MB file for the Guns & Gears (Single File) download, and I was able to download and open it from your downloads page without issue.

I click on the Problems: Click here link.
I wait the minute. It opens up blank again.

Most of the files seem to work fine now, but i'm still having an issue with Carrion Crown Player's Guide. It seems to be stuck on personalizing. I tried logging out and in again, but that didn't help.

Stachu wrote:
Most of the files seem to work fine now, but i'm still having an issue with Carrion Crown Player's Guide. It seems to be stuck on personalizing. I tried logging out and in again, but that didn't help.

Same, with Pathfinder Mythic Adventures

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

My guns&gears single file download is still in limbo as well. It seems stuck on the "Personalizing... Click link again in 60 seconds to download" part indefinitely.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Last night I was trying to get PFS 3-02 and 3-03 and those were getting their downloads stuck in limbo of the "Personalizing... Click link again in 60 seconds to download" and in frustration I tried another PDF and ended up with the 22-byte zip files. The second issue seems to be fixed as I can download other PDFs, but the original issue of not being able to download PFS 3-02 and 3-03 remains.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I've fixed this myself. If you right click the link to the stuck PDF, paste the link into a new browser tab and replace downloadDigitalAsset with repersonalizeDigitalAsset before hitting enter, it will seem to regenerate the link and start working again. YMMV.

Paizo Employee Software Architect

Files stuck "Personalizing" will automatically reset themselves within 24 hours of when they were initialized.

Stachu, Clockworkjon, and Castarr4: I went through your downloads from today and yesterday and ensured that all of them are properly generated and ready for you to download. Please let me know if you have any further issues.

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:

I click on the Problems: Click here link.

I wait the minute. It opens up blank again.

Terevalis: can you please confirm that your downloads page indicates that Guns & Gears is 39.34 MB and 37.54 MB for the per-chapter and single-file links, respectively?

Paizo Employee Software Architect

Fryguy's workaround is valid, and there should be no issues using it. The revamped downloads page that's in the works will have that link directly accessible from the UI in more contexts, so that such workarounds won't be needed.

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:

I click on the Problems: Click here link.

I wait the minute. It opens up blank again.
Terevalis: can you please confirm that your downloads page indicates that Guns & Gears is 39.34 MB and 37.54 MB for the per-chapter and single-file links, respectively?

Check and check.

Paizo Employee Software Architect

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Check and check.

Try right-clicking the links and opening in incognito mode. It's possible your browser has cached the old files, and incognito mode would bypass that. Clearing the browser's cache, using a different browser, or waiting for the cache to expire naturally would all also work.

Wanted to say the issue appears to have resolved itself for all of my files, but a similar issue exists for one of them(although the download size is now listed at a normal number at least), for my advanced players guide file per chapter I get an empty 1kb Zip file.
Single file advanced players guide works and file per chapter for everything else works fine and trying the incognito mode(also tried refreshing the download multiple times) for the file per chapter didn't work.

Hope you can help with this last lingering one.

I'm having the same issue trying to download Pathfinder Society Scenario #2-03: Catastrophe's Spark. I tried removing cookies, incognito mode, and a different browser (Chrome and Edge). Nothing seems to help... The page shows the download size as 45.54MB which is unusually large for a PFS scenario but the zip comes up empty.
Possibly related to the fact that I only just purchased 2-03 yesterday (Order 36688073) and maybe the site was having problems assigning it to my digital assets... Other existing files I've tried to re-download work just fine.

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My issue has been resolved after a few more re-personalisations. I assume this involved some manual labor in the trenches and I thank everyone involved. You guys are trench rockstars.

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Came to confirm same for me, its downloading properly now, have all my files fully available, great job :)

Hey, just wanted to chime in here. I've been suffering the same problem and, while it's been mostly resolved, I still can't seem to get the single file Pact Worlds PDF to download. The site now says it's a 229.79MB folder ready to download but it's still an empty folder. Thank you for all your hard work! You guys are awesome!

I can't download "Community Use Package: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Character Sheets". There are no files (neither 0kb, nor 22kb) - the window of the main page of the site opens and that's it.
And character sheets are not available anywhere on the network - all links lead here...

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