Magus : Student of the staff and runic impression compatible?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Hi, I'm making research for my future Magus. I was wondering if student of the staff is compatible with the focus spell "Runic impression" since property runes (or diagrams in this case) has to be imprint in my spellbook to affix a property.

Student of the staff :
"In addition, you can place property runes into a magic
staff you prepare, even though a magic staff can’t typically
hold property runes. You must first inscribe the property
runes into your spellbook, using the same process as
transferring a rune (Core Rulebook 580). The rune takes
the form of a specialized diagram in your spellbook,
occupying one page."

Runic impression :
"Your unarmed attacks or weapon gain the benefits of
a weapon rune you choose when you cast this spell:
corrosive, flaming, frost, ghost touch, returning, shock, or
thundering. If you cast runic impression on a weapon, this
spell ends if you cease holding the weapon."

Thank you in advance.

Technically by RaW, no. Specific overrides general but the student of the staff allows it only through one specific process (putting the rune in a spellbook, then onto the staff) and other than through that process, the rule of "no property runes" applies.

On the other hand, I'd houserule and allow it, because technically by RaW, Runic Impression is kinda broken anyways, and not in the buzzword way. In the "I can't give returning to my weapon, because as soon as I let go, it loses the rune" kinda way.

TLDR: Ask your GM.

Sagiam wrote:

Technically by RaW, no. Specific overrides general but the student of the staff allows it only through one specific process (putting the rune in a spellbook, then onto the staff) and other than through that process, the rule of "no property runes" applies.

On the other hand, I'd houserule and allow it, because technically by RaW, Runic Impression is kinda broken anyways, and not in the buzzword way. In the "I can't give returning to my weapon, because as soon as I let go, it loses the rune" kinda way.

TLDR: Ask your GM.

Weirdly enough. You don't etch the runes, so there's a real gray area there. Because they can benefit from runes just not etch them by raw.

I do think there is a point that raw states that they can have property runes placed into them, and runic impression only gives the benefit of a weapon rune.

However, there is the problem of if magic staves are weapons, and thus valid targets for runic impression.

So it seems like your mile may vary.

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staff is a weapon. Runic impression effects weapons. I see no issues.

Kelseus wrote:
staff is a weapon. Runic impression effects weapons. I see no issues.

Indeed they are.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Compatible? I would say no, simply because the two abilities are rather different and operate differently. There isn’t any real interaction between them. They both solve the “property runes on a staff” problem, but do so via different means and don’t interact with each other (bar the suppression clause) while doing so.

Per breithauptclan’s link, you cannot etch a property rune on a stave. Neither Runic Impression or Student of the Staff do so. Both use alternative methods to get runic effects on a stave without the actual etching process.

In terms of if they would “stack”, I would say so. Augmenting a staff prepared with Student of the Staff with Runic Impression would interact just like any other normally etched weapons and Runic Impression.

I came up with an idea.

Since staves via student of the staff need to have the rune diagrams imprint into the spellbook, why can't I just imprint it via the runic impression with one action just like a battle medic with healer's tools?

In one action, I draw the book with one hand and open the book to a blank page, then by using the staff with the other hand, I cast runic impression on the blank page and so on the staff.

Could it work that way?

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Runic Impression doesn’t give you the rune, just it’s effects, and only for 1 minute at a time.

Placing runes in a book via Student of the Staff is a permanent things, just like buying an actual rune.

Using Runic Impression to permanently add a rune effect to your spell book isn’t in the scope of either ability.

Honestly, just using Runic Impression on a staff is fine as is. You don’t need to make it more complicated than it is.

In resume, what's forbidden is to apply permanantly a property rune on a staff.

Student of the staff allow to permanantly affix a property rune via the spellbook.

Nothing forbid to impregnate temporaly a staff from the power of a property rune (that's the effect of runic impression).

So in fact i can just use runic impression on the staff.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Erli wrote:

Nothing forbid to impregnate temporaly a staff

Just make sure the staff consents first

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Imbued! i'm mean imbued! X)

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