McDaygo |
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So I looked at the artifact rules:
"Mechanically, an artifact functions in the game just like any other item—only the scope of its abilities is different. Artifacts can and should do things normal items can’t, so you don’t need to apply the normal limitations on creating items.
When you’re making an artifact, start by defining its role in the story. Is it meant to be a powerful weapon against the forces of darkness? A mercurial force injecting random chance? A terrible danger that needs to be destroyed? The artifact’s role in the story affects the features you give it. Come up with some story beats that make sense for the item, then create abilities that enable those moments. An artifact can have more abilities than a typical item—just make sure they all fit its theme.
Give your item the artifact trait and either the rare trait (if there multiple items of its kind), or the unique trait (if only one exists). Other traits work like they do for any other item. An artifact is usually 20th level or higher, but its specific level is up to you. Imagine who created it and what their level likely was.
Though you can disregard most of the normal limitations on items, be careful not to create an artifact that will undermine your story. If your item’s abilities are so useful or strong that the best option in any battle is to always use the artifact to annihilate the opposition, the artifact has taken over your story instead of serving it. A 5th-level character with access to 10th-level spells through an artifact can lead to incredible stories, but if the DC is so high that enemies are guaranteed to critically fail against those spells except on a natural 20, the item will probably distort play more than you intended. To avoid this, you might set the item’s DCs, attack bonuses, and the spell levels of its offensive abilities significantly lower than they would be for an item of its level, especially if they can be used at will. You could also create artifacts that use the wielder’s spell DC instead of having their own DC, to make them more broadly usable at a wider range of levels. In addition, an artifact’s abilities should be somewhat narrow in their application; aim to make your artifacts very powerful in certain situations, rather than having broadly applicable abilities. For instance, the orbs of dragonkind each work against only a certain kind of dragon, which makes them hugely powerful when facing that one creature, but not against every foe the PCs run across."
and I want to base them off of the seven millennium items from Yu Go Oh only Im calling them the shadow plane items
1) Shadow Puzzle.
Manga powers: Contains the souls of Pharaoh Atem; Summons and controls Duel Monsters, including the Egyptian Gods; Grants the one who solves it intelligence and "power of darkness"
Pathfinder Powers: Contains the soul of the Pharaoh (Who isn't as helpful as the manga counter part. He actively plants thoughts of ways to rise again) ; Able to transport the wearer and his belongings to a inner maze sanctuary. This sanctuary keeps the Pharaoh's secrets (including spells, schematics and tomes of knowledge) however it is heavily guarded. Dying in the sanctuary damns your soul to the shadows and leaves behind the puzzle where your body was. Able to summon and command the the sacred beasts (God cards) only they are region locked to the zone where the shadow artifacts were made, attempting to call them outside that zone does nothing. Only able to call them once the knowledge is learned from the sanctuary. Gains the shadow Lord Template when activating the Puzzle.
2)Shadow Eye
Manga Power: Reads minds; Looks into a person's soul; Seals souls inside cards
Pathfinder Powers: Detect Thoughts at will; Grants See in Darkness; Grants Sense Alignment at will; Grants Trap the Soul as a spell like ability 3x a day
3) Shadow Ring (Necklace not an actual Ring)
Manga Power: Allows its owner to find whatever he seeks, acting like a compass;
Seals souls or fragments of souls into objects; Contains the souls of Zorc Necrophades and Thief Bakura
Pathfinder Powers: Allows its owner to find whatever he seeks. Allows creation of intelligent items by transferring souls and placing them into items (This is done as punishments). Contains the Soul of a Shadow Lord/Balor Lord and grants Shadow Lord Template when activated.
4) Shadow Scale
Manga Power: Finds out how much darkness is in a person's heart; Fuses monsters (Ancient Egypt)
Pathfinder Power: No Idea for this one to be honest.
5) Shadow Key
Manga Power: Enters a person's mind; Allows the wielder to "redecorate" the soul to make anyone their puppet.
Pathfinder Power: Gonna go a different direction. Can unlock any door as well as the interplanar locks allowing the wielder to plane shift at will
6) Shadow Rod
Manga Power: Mind control; Seals Egyptian Spirit Monsters inside of stone tablets (Ancient Egypt)
Pathfinder Power: Dominate Monster at will; transport monsters to shadow plane to become shadow creatures to be called upon later
7) Shadow Necklace
Manga Power: Sees into the past and the future
Pathfinder: Sees into the past and the future; can never be caught flat footed or caught by surprise. Gains immediate actions to react to visions.
as far as the sacred beast (god cards) I don't think I am actually going to stat them out they will be the equivalent of CR 25 monsters but like I said region locked. They defend the kingdom not follow the holder of the puzzle
the items destruction is a special ritual on a stone tablet when all seven are returned.
I have a kingdom in my game which is based off of ancient Egypt and I love the lore of shadow game Yugi so of couse Im want to incorporate it.

McDaygo |

Fine tuning these a bit more. I’ll do a separate post per item.
Destruction of set: can only be destroyed when all together in the stone tablet that created them. They must first be soaked in Angel blood willingly given. The blood soaked items must be placed in the stone and the following two spells cast on the tablet. Concentration and Day light.
Here is the Ring:
An intelligent artifact of dark power
Its primary power is to guide the owner to whatever he seeks, including other Shadow Plane Items, like a compass. It even detects non-physical objects like mystical energies or dark emotions. Like the Shadow Plane Puzzle, it had a soul sealed inside of it, in this case a fragment of the soul of Zorc Necrophades (An Advanced Balor Lord/Shadow Lord that had also lost his memories) as well as his original Disciple, whose goal is to free his master at all costs.
These powers can only be used when the ring is in control it gives the additional benefits:
Grants the Shadow Lord Template
Grants the power to seal one's soul, or portions of one's soul into other objects, including itself and other Millennium Items. Giving the possessor the ability to cast trap the soul 3 times a day. These souls can be embedded in objects to create intelligent items.
It also treats the possessor as a level 20 Summoner, granting a 20th level Eidolon. Each Eidolon is different for each user, however the eidolon is a fragment of Zorc’s power and will defend the ring at all costs. It does not serve the possessor, only the spirit of the ring. If the possessor is already a Summoner this Shadow Eidolon replaces the normal one.
Intelligent item stats:
Intelligence: 28 (+9)
Wisdom: 30 (+10)
Charisma: 37 (+13)
Ego: 35
Senses: Blindsense 60 ft, True Seeing (Balor soul)
Languages: Tongues