Expansive Spellstrike

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

Maybe I'm just missing something, or I'm just being a dumb, but can someone explain to me what happens when you miss with a Spell that doesn’t have a spell attack roll as part of a Spellstrike?
The first bullet point seems to indicate that the spell can still be used, but I would really appreciate a clarification.

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If you miss the spell still goes off.

You only lose the spell if you critically miss.

Kyrone wrote:

If you miss the spell still goes off.

Is that stated somewhere and I just missed it, or is that an assumption?

If it specifies that you lose the spell on crit fail, it just means it's still fired on a fail.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Think of it as kind of like the 1e Spell Combat

You spend two actions to Strike and Cast a non-attack Spell.

Hmm, thanks guys

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