Can we expect a dedicated Necromancer Archetype in Secrets of Magic?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

or am I asking for too much?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Haven't heard anything to suggest it. It certainly seems like something you would expect from Book of the Dead, instead, assuming that someone comes up with a way to make using only a single school of magic both interesting and not terrible.

In Secrets of Magic? Nothing of the sort was mentioned in the Book of Unlimited Magic section. Closest thing you'll probably get is the Necromancy off-shoot of the Thassilonian Rune Magic class archetype for Wizards.

Maybe there'll be a necromancer type of archetype in Book of the Dead? Maybe! But nothing like that's been hinted at so far.

Hasn't been mentioned for Secrets of Magic so I doubt it, we know most of the archetypes that'll show up. There might be some spells that help the fantasy, I remember I think Jason Bulmahn mentioned they know that the necromancer trope isn't really filled.

I'd be astounded if it doesn't show up in the Book of the Dead though.

Is there a post listing the confirmed archtype? The only ones Ive seen stuff on is the class archtypes, not really any general ones.

I don't remember seeing them mention there will be anything other than class archetypes and the 2 classes. Well, and spells.

I don't think they would add a new class persay in that book but it is entirely possible to see a new Archetype or two that might slot in well with wizards and such to have a more dedicated necromancer build.

That's a bummer, I was hoping for more general archtypes for casters to take. Would have been nice to get more variety there.

The class archetypes are general archetypes though, Runelord is the only class specific one that is actually class locked.

The druid and monk ones are locked as well. And the one requires prepared casting. So sorcerer, bard and oracle get one option.

Edit: two options, elementalist and geomancer

wegrata wrote:

The druid and monk ones are locked as well. And the one requires prepared casting. So sorcerer, bard and oracle get one option.

Edit: two options, elementalist and geomancer

Monk and Druid are just feats to complete the elemental circle, not archetypes.

Ah didn't know that. I always saw those options references when talking about the elementalist archtype and that monk and druid each got one for each element. I'm guessing it's filling out from storm born and the monks fire stance.

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Going down the list:

Cathardic Magic - General archetype. Involves one of several emotional states, you gain extra abilities for that state but also you experience an emotional fall-out afterwards. It was described like a spellcasting equivalent to the Barbarian.
Elementalism - Introduced in 3 different ways: There's a Class Archetype which gives you options for elemental environment use. That class archetype I believe needs either the Arcane or Primal spellcasting tradition to qualify, and it changes up your spellcasting tradition to only include elemental spells. There's also specific Monk and Druid options. For Druids, there's an Order for each of the elements. For Monks, there's a new Fire and Water Stance.
Flexible Preparation - Class Archetype only for prepared spellcasters (except for Limited/Wave spellcasters like the Magus). You lose your extra slot at even character levels (so you'd typically get 2 slots per level) but all your spells are spontaneous spells. You can prepare all but 1 slot in whatever slot you want (1 must be Level 1). Extra slots from Wizards/Clerics are not affected.
Geomancy - General archetype, you use terrain attunement in order to augment your abilities. Pairs well with Elementalism.
Leylines - More of a world-building and GM-facing section. If used, players are able to find leylines in their world, and use skill actions to get special benefits. A Rare option.
Pervasive Magic - Another GM option. Magic is everywhere, including the environment, enemies and NPCs. Everyone is magical, and capable of casting spells. It'll include some new balancing notes, and is another Rare option. The premise of the Secrets of Magic Actual Play stream seems to be using this.
Shadow Magic - A general Shadow Caster archetype, similar to Shadow Dancer. Their Shadow Reservoir grants them extra shadow spells. There's also special shadow pets, including a Shadow Hound animal companion and a specific Shadow familiar.
Soul-Seeds - Relics that, instead of being inside of an item, is inside of the player themselves. Similar to something in the new MK movie. There's two new gifts: Dragon Gift and Soul Gift.
Soul-Forged Armaments - A general archetype that summon weapons and armor out of nowhere. Requires either a Divine spellcaster or a Wisdom score of 14. Also has a big finisher move ability that grants special traits to weapons, like the Returning rune effect and Thrown 30 feet to any weapon, including Greatswords.
Thassilonian Rune Magic - The new class archetype exclusive only to Wizards, involves the 7 Sins and 7 Virtues of the Thassilonian Runelords. Gives Domain spells instead of School Spells, and options for polearm proficiencies and aeon stones in one's head.
True Names - Last GM-facing option. Players can learn the true names of creatures and use it against them. There's spells based on true names in this section. Rare option, understandably. Uses the Research system in the GMG or simplified version.
Wellspring Magic - Class archetype only for spontaneous spellcasters (except for Limited/Wave spellcasters like the Summoner). You lose your extra slot at even character levels (so you'd typically get 2 slots per level, with Sorcerers getting 3 per level). In return, you develop a wellspring of magic within you, and it attempts to surge every initiative roll or in high-stress situations. Roll a DC 6 flat check. If you succeed, you regain a spell slot. Critically succeed, and you regain a powerful spell slot you need to use within 1 minute. If you don't, or if you fail the flat check, you experience a wellspring surge. You then roll on a random table via a d20 and experience a unique magical effect, similar to D&D 5E's Wild Magic table.

Oh awesome I messed a few of those. They sound pretty interesting.

I really can't wait for that book to come out.

Ooh, that wellspring magic is right up my alley.

Dark Archive

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Nothing that suggests it in this book. Though the Book of Undead is likely to have something like this

Sovereign Court

What would a "dedicated necromancer" actually be doing?

I mean, Pathfinder 2nd Edition is decidedly not going to give you a huge pack of minions to order around the battlefield. So the necromancer qua "I have an army of skellingtons" is right out. If you wanted to focus on necromancy spells, a Wizard can currently do that, and if you wanted to have a spooky ghost companion that fights for you the Occult Summoner is going to have you taken care of.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So uh, no archetype, but as per my own notes from paizocon, there should be a spell that summons a group of undead, they mentioned that they dont use the troop rules, but sounded like it was using a simple player facing equivalent.

So, you might be able to make your necromancer, but through new spells, rather than archetypes.

The-Magic-Sword wrote:

So uh, no archetype, but as per my own notes from paizocon, there should be a spell that summons a group of undead, they mentioned that they dont use the troop rules, but sounded like it was using a simple player facing equivalent.

So, you might be able to make your necromancer, but through new spells, rather than archetypes.

I remember something like that one too. Something like sprouting a bunch of skeletal arms from the ground in a 10 or 20 foot burst. There's also supposed to be an Incarnate spell that is undead themed, too.

So yeah, the necromancer fantasy might be better fulfilled with new spells, rather than packs of minions.

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Ascalaphus wrote:
What would a "dedicated necromancer" actually be doing?

Romancing necks, I think?

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The Shadow Caster archetype sounds like so much fun!

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Jokey the Unfunny Comedian wrote:
Ascalaphus wrote:
What would a "dedicated necromancer" actually be doing?
Romancing necks, I think?

"Baby, I put the 'romance' in necromancer."

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Also worth noting: we know what 2 of the 20 Wellspring Surges do. The first, whose name escapes me at the moment, causes all beings within a certain radius of the caster to be entangled with vines. They have to succeed at a basic Reflex save in order to escape. The second is called Strike Up The Band. For one minute, the caster has audible theme music that gives them bonuses and penalties to certain checks. We know they get bonuses to Diplomacy and Intimidate, and a penalty to Deception because the music reflects the caster's intent. Stealth wasn't mentioned, but that's probably because it's a given. If I'm right about that, that means it's entirely possible for a Wellspring Mage to try and be sneaky only to have their own magic give them away at the worst possible time.

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It would be quite fun to have the Imperial March play out whenever your (Imperial) Sorcerer tries to negotiate with the local authorities...

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Pink Panther during sneaking.

PossibleCabbage wrote:
I mean, Pathfinder 2nd Edition is decidedly not going to give you a huge pack of minions to order around the battlefield. So the necromancer qua "I have an army of skellingtons" is right out. If you wanted to focus on necromancy spells, a Wizard can currently do that, and if you wanted to have a spooky ghost companion that fights for you the Occult Summoner is going to have you taken care of.

That's not necessarily true. You could easily replicate controlling hoards of undead without actually having to control every single skeleton. Ways to create undead troops could easily be an approach.

Davido1000 wrote:
PossibleCabbage wrote:
I mean, Pathfinder 2nd Edition is decidedly not going to give you a huge pack of minions to order around the battlefield. So the necromancer qua "I have an army of skellingtons" is right out. If you wanted to focus on necromancy spells, a Wizard can currently do that, and if you wanted to have a spooky ghost companion that fights for you the Occult Summoner is going to have you taken care of.
That's not necessarily true. You could easily replicate controlling hoards of undead without actually having to control every single skeleton. Ways to create undead troops could easily be an approach.

It isn't really a matter of control logistics. It is a matter of actions-per-turn.

I really like the way Troops deal with that. I don't think actions per turn would be a problem if they were built like the City Guard Squadron for example.

Unless you WANT to break action economy. Then you're SOL.

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Saedar wrote:
It isn't really a matter of control logistics. It is a matter of actions-per-turn.

I mean, the Beastmaster archetype lets you have a whole bunch of animal companions, but you only get to have one present in a given combat. They're just not going to let you control like >3 independent platforms at once, and even then it's going to eat all of your actions.

This is not a bad thing, because one player getting like 16 actions while everybody else gets 3 is a problem.

I wanted to make maybe a Gnoll Witch or Wizard that focused on Necromancy such like eating the dead to “gain their power” and raising undead but Gnoll specific ones like undead hyenas and such. Really be a spooky necromancer focused Gnoll spellcaster.

I wouldn't mind an option to make summons from Animate Dead scale better. As long as it doesn't invalidate an Undead Eidolon Summoner because I totally want that at some point.

I doubt that we'll see options for using armies of undead, but I wouldn't be surprised if Book of the Dead had an archetype that granted options similar to the Occultist Necromancy Implement School. Things like the Necromantic Servant or Soulbound Puppet would be neat but not overwhelming. Maybe even some stuff from the Necroccultist.

^Maybe they would want to come out with Occultist first? (Future Secrets of the Occult, maybe?)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Gisher wrote:
I doubt that we'll see options for using armies of undead, but I wouldn't be surprised if Book of the Dead had an archetype that granted options similar to the Occultist Necromancy Implement School. Things like the Necromantic Servant or Soulbound Puppet would be neat but not overwhelming. Maybe even some stuff from the Necroccultist.

We already have that!

Use the Create Undead ritual to create a Shambler Troop or Skelton Infantry. Controlling up to 4 units of Skeleton Infantry certainly scratches that itch for me.

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Given that the target for create undead is "1 dead creature" and that the ritual states "Some forms of undead, such as liches, form using their own unique methods and can’t be created with a version of create undead." I think that troops probably fall into that latter category of undead that need a different method (in this case, a different ritual that is probably a bit rarer than create undead)

Old_Man_Robot wrote:

We already have that!

Use the Create Undead ritual to create a Shambler Troop or Skelton Infantry. Controlling up to 4 units of Skeleton Infantry certainly scratches that itch for me.

I take it you're speaking from personal experience?

How were they in combat, given the level difference?

How bad was the hit to your available funds?

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