Changing Magic Item Deities: Source?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

So, I remember reading SOMEWHERE that one can change the patron deity of an item that requires one for its use (for example changing a Pallid Crystal ( l) to have its full effect work for a worshipper of Asmodeus instead of Urgathoa). Is this a thing, and if so, what's the sourcebook?

Or is my memory just playing tricks on me?

it depends on how you come at this topic, as a player or GM.

In RAW various supplements talk about how deities have different versions of the same spell. This would then mean similar items via crafting. However, those versions aren't given as it's up to the GM to do that for his game.
It's a sticking point in PFS for PF1 (which tries to be close to RAW) as there are some spells that could move about. The only way to get them is on a scroll and then you can't memorize/pray for them.
The cautionary tale is the Ring of Seven Lovely Colors and similar items.

The Pallid Crystal is based on Purify Food & Water with Death Knell kicker for worshipers (at a discount). I'd check out Allfood{T}2 if that's an effect you want.
It only requires you designate Urgathoa as your goddess (not wear a holy symbol etc). That's not a big deal unless the PC is a Cleric, Paladin, or restricted in a similar manner. Just don't advertise it.
I'd suggest you say your prayers for the day to whomever you want and use the bonus for that item that day (as the other if tied to a deity won't work).

Otherwise you can CRAFT the item with similar abilities or simply add the desired abilities onto an item you already have (or paying for the upgrade to an NPC). The discounts will need GM approval along with the costing.

So my advice for players is to talk to your home game GM.

There is no specific given rule way to change a deity requirement of a magic item's functionality.

The pallid crystal for example functions for anyone, and has extra functions for worshippers of a specific deity.

As a GM I straight up don't allow changing it.

For many characters it's not important, except those classes with religious ties in the first place. But that reasoning is why I don't allow it to be changed.

UnorthodoxRedeemer wrote:
Or is my memory just playing tricks on me?

I can't find it either at the moment, but it should be in one of the many Player Companions / Campaign Settings about divine stuff and the keyword should be "attune". It might have been just a single paragraph.

Might be Gods and Magic (hence 3.5 material):

page 56 wrote:

The faiths of Golarion have created many magic items to aid the efforts of their churches; these are but a sample of them. All of these have at least one power usable by anyone who owns the object (these powers are listed first) as well as other powers that only work in the hands of a member of the correct church.

Because none of these items require a particular religion to make them, it is possible for anyone with the appropriate item creation feat to “retune” an item for a different deity or even no deity at all. Most religious folk frown at the idea of repurposing their church’s holy magic items, but dead religions have little say in the matter (in fact, Iomedae’s followers have been quietly altering items keyed to Aroden or Arazni for some time). Anyone who meets the prerequisites to create an item can retune its patron to their own (or remove the patron requirement entirely) by spending 500 gp and one day’s work.

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