Random idea.. Someone who focuses on companions / summons for combat..


So, I had this random idea, A character who does not fight, Mayhaps casta few spells here or there, But for combat mostly just directs their companion (Animal companion or other permanent companion) as well as their summoned creatures, Flinging a couple of spells here or there, Maybe smacking somoene if they get too close...

I'm not sure of the class though... It seems like the best option would be Summoner (Unchained Summoner probably) though while their eidolon is out they cant use their summon monster ability (They can still use the spells though I believe..) Or possibly Druid (Animal companion and spontaneous summon natures ally)

Are there any other good options for this idea? (I mentioned the idea to my GM and he said it seemed cool)

So, like literally every other lazy spellcaster that summons $#!+ to do their work for them? It's not a random idea, it's an entire style of play... they even designed several classes specifically for this concept. I don't really see what the question is...

But, here is my take on it:
Evangelist Cleric with Spell Focus Conjuration, Augment Summons, Sacred Summons, Lingering Performance, Flagbearer, Discordant Voice, and Improved Initiative.

I meant the "lazy spellcaster" thing as a joke... rereading my post, it sounded kinda mean. I still don't really see the question, I wasn't joking about that. Just wanted to make sure there is no offense taken, overall.

Well, It was a random idea for me, And the question is where the question mark is, Are there any other good options for the idea then Summoner and Druid...

The Cleric works, Was mostly pondering possibly things that had a companion of some sort aswell as summons.. Oh wells, Sorry for making a stupid post...

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Ah, I forgot about the animal domain. There is just so many domains it is hard to remember what they all do. Pathfinder is such a great game, You can build just about any character you can think of. =)

Sovereign Court

Conjurer Thassilonian Specialist? I ran some games for a full party of them (one of each school), and the Conjurer literally only used his own movement speed once... and only 5' step. That he (in character) complained about non-stop. Otherwise, floating disk everywhere.

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Merellin wrote:
though while their eidolon is out they cant use their summon monster ability (They can still use the spells though I believe..)

Yes, the actual spellcasting works independantly from both the Eidolon and the Summon Monster SLA. Also, the Master Summoner archetype allows using both an Eidolon and the SLA, but the Eidolon is severly weakened, and thus is usually used for non-combat purposes. The archetype can also have multiples of the SLA active.

Merellin wrote:
Are there any other good options for this idea? (I mentioned the idea to my GM and he said it seemed cool)

There's a pretty extensive guide for that.

I have played a Summoner (chained, the campaign started before PU came out), and the playstyle was almost exactly what you've described: Standing in the back, casting spells (Haste, some other buffs like Shield, and even quite a lot of Acid Splash), wielding a spear for potential AoOs (that I'm not sure I ever used).

... heart of the fey replaces skilled, and gives you low-light vision, a +1 bonus to Reflex/Will saves, and Perception as a class skill.

Evangelist Cleric
Domain: Animal

1. Improved Initiative
1. Sacred Summons
3. Lingering Performance
5. Boon Companion
7. Spell Focus Conjuration
9. Augment Summons
11. Discordant Voice

What about another take on things: human wizard (Conjurer)

Spell Focus: Conjuration, Augment Summons, Evolved Familiar: Skilled (Use Magic Device), Evolved Summon Monster (dealer's choice on the Evolutions), Superior Summoning, Extend Spell, Scribe Scroll (bonus feat) and Craft Wand

Your companion: a Familiar

Rather than use your spells to boost your Animal Companion you are focused on buffs that will work on your summons, with a Familiar with the Sage archetype. If the GM will allow it, retrain the Familiar's feat for Extra Traits: Pragmatic Activator and Underlying Principles. Now you have a Familiar with an Int score going up faster than normal that uses Use Magic Device as a Class skill based on Int.

The first few levels you're hiding and using Full Round actions you hope won't be interrupted to summon up some basic monsters. By level 5 however you should have Spell Focus: Conjuration, Scribe Scroll (level 1 Bonus), Augment Summons (human bonus), Evolved Familiar (Skilled: Use Magic Device), Craft Wand (level 5 Bonus), and Evolved Summon Monster.

You've got spells like Bull's Strength or Magic Fang in wands or scrolls. Your Familiar by level 5 should have a Use Magic Device of +17 (Evolved Familiar +8, Class Skill +3, Int 10 +0, 5 ranks, +1 Trait bonus from Underlying Principles) so if you roll a 3 or better on a D20 it activates a wand; if it's used the wand before it succeeds on a 1 or better.

You and your Familiar can also both summon monsters too. Yes, it takes you both a really long time (both using Full Round actions) but a wand of Summon Monster 1 for simple flankers or Aid Another specialists to supplement the Summon Monster III you're casting as a Level 3 spell.

Outside of summoning monsters and boosting them for combat, you're focusing your spells/items/abilities on buffing your teammates and utility spells. You've also got pretty decent DC's on your Conjuration spells, so dropping the occasional Stinking Cloud or whatever wouldn't hurt either.

Ok, running with Mark Hoover's above idea, because two is better than one...

Intructor Wizard VMC Cleric

Human or Industrious Urbanite Elf
*Elf can ALSO pick up Overwhelming Magic for yet another Spell Focus of their choice*

1. Apprentice
... commoner
1. Arcane School
... Conjuration
1. Cantrips/Spells
1(class): Scribe Scroll
1(race): Spell Focus Conjuration
1(VMC): Aura
1(level): Sacred Summons


3. Apprentice
... Wizard (Conjuration)
3(VMC): Domain


5(class): Extend Spell
5(level): Augment Summons


7(VMC): Channel


9(level): Superior Summoning

10(class): Craft Wand

11(VMC): Improved Channel


13(level): Evolved Summon Monster

Have your Apprentice be an Industrious Urbanite Overwhelming Magic Elf Pact Wizard VMC Oracle for the Battle Mystery... have them take the Skill at Arms Revelation at level 3... or just have them be a Weaponplay Gazi... either way they go into Eldritch Knight as soon as possible...

@Firebug I had not heard of them before, Seems to be a wizard with extra spell slots but specific banned schools depending on your focus school? Seems cool. =)

@Derklord Thanks, I'l check out the guide. =) And yeah, Summoner fits the idea perfectly but it is normally banned by most groups and I dont want to make my GM too annoyed with me.. The Eidolon can be very very strong, Even if you dont build it for strength it is easy to accidentally make really strong..

@Mark Hoover 330 Interesting.. I did not consider familiars. Thanks for the idea!

@VoodistMonk Instructor Wizard is a cool archetype, If nothing else because it is funny to say you are playing a wizard who gets another wizard instead of a familiar... XD Not sure the GM would be happy about someone running dual wizards though..

Here is something different... you are a little, flying plant-person who is obsessed with fire. You can pop an Ever-Smoking Bottle, sing a song that allows your allies to see through smoke, then summon lush, fire creatures to fight in the fog.

Flame Dancer-Flamesinger Bard
VMC Sorcerer

+2 Dex, +2 Cha
... Fey Resilience
... Treeborn (20' land, 30' fly)

1. Cantrips/Spells
1. Fire Music
1. Bardic Performance
... Flame Dancer
... Distraction
... Fascinate
... Blazing Blades +1D4 fire
1(class): Fire Music
1(VMC): Bloodline
... Groveborn/Verdant

2. Wildfire +5'
2. Well-Versed

3. Bardic Performance
... Song of Fiery Gaze
3(VMC): Bloodline Power
... Tanglevine 3+Cha

4. Fire Music
... Summon Monster I
... Summon Monster II

5. Bardic Performance
... Blazing Blades +2D4 fire
5(level): Spell Focus Conjuration

6. Bardic Performance
... Fire Break 20
6. Wildfire +10'

7. Fire Music
... Summon Monster III
7(VMC): Bloodline Power
... Lush Summoning

8. Fan the Flames
... 1st-level: Burning Hands
... 2nd-level: Flaming Sphere
... 3rd-level: Fireball

9. Bardic Performance
... Inspire Greatness
9(level): Augment Summons

10. Fire Music
... Summon Monster IV
10. Jack of all Trades
10. Wildfire +15'

11. Bardic Performance
... Fire Break 30
... Blazing Blades +3D4 fire
11(VMC): Extend Spell

12. Bardic Performance
... Soothing Performance

13. Fire Music
... Summon Monster V
13(level): Expanded Summons

14. Bardic Performance
... Frightening Tune
14. Wildfire +20'

15. Bardic Performance
... Inspire Heroics
15(VMC): Massmorph 1/day

16. Fire Music
... Summon Monster VI

17. Bardic Performance
... Blazing Blades +4D4 fire

18. Bardic Performance
... Mass Suggestion
18. Wildfire +25'

19(VMC): Rooting

20. Bardic Performance
... Deadly Performance

Fire Music + Lush Summoning + Augment Summons =
Fire Resist 5, +1 fire damage,
Natural Armor +2, +4 saves vs
Paralysis, Poison, Polymorph, Sleep, and
+4 Strength, +4 Constitution

Gathlain stuff...
Fey Resilience: Even gathlains who leave the First World can retain a bit of the supernatural resilience shared by many fey. A gathlain with this racial trait gains DR 1/cold iron. This DR increases by 1 for every 5 HD the gathlain has. This replaces the spell-like abilities racial trait.

Tree-Born: Some gathlains take after their tree ancestors, standing more firmly but moving more slowly. They have no Constitution penalty but have a base speed of 20 feet and a fly speed of 30 feet (clumsy maneuverability). This replaces the penalty to Constitution and alters speed.

Sovereign Court

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Merellin wrote:
@Firebug I had not heard of them before, Seems to be a wizard with extra spell slots but specific banned schools depending on your focus school? Seems cool. =)

The archetype is based on the seven deadly sins. Or rather, the Runelords of ancient pathfinder antiquity are, and the archetype is based off them.

My point was the player really leaned into the Conjuration school, which is the sin of Sloth and RPed that it was such a hassle to do anything (good naturedly).

@Firebug Thanks! I love Pathfinder, It is by far my favorite tabletop RPG, And there is just sooooo many options! =D

Merellin wrote:
Summoner fits the idea perfectly but it is normally banned by most groups and I dont want to make my GM too annoyed with me.. The Eidolon can be very very strong, Even if you dont build it for strength it is easy to accidentally make really strong..

There's usually three issues with the Summoner. The first is summoned creatures clogging the game - your GM seems to not be afraid of that. The second is that any character with a bunch of attack rolls taking too much time, which can easily be remedied with a few simple tricks (ask if you want to know more). The third is the potential of the Eidolon to overshadow martial characters. This is a much bigger danger for cSummoner, and in any case, it depends on the other party members (for example if you have no damage-focussed melee, the Eidolon can't steal the spotlight from those).

Ultimately, there're multiple playstyles that might fit your wishes, and there're significantly different. You could play a full supporter, providing various buffs and maybe stuff like Aid Another. The pet-centric style is more like playing two characters, a melee guy, and a supporter who stands in the back. An actual summoning-centric character (i.e. one making use of Summon Monster or Summon Nature's Ally) is notably different from that, because the casting, at least to start a combat, is spend on summoning creatures, not on buffing or battlefield control. Unless you're in a campaign where you usually see combat coming, such a character needs a way to summon as a standard action (either with SLAs like Summoner or Monster Tactician Inquisitor, or by changing the spells, e.g. via Sacred Summons, check the guide for more).
Hybrids do exist, e.g. a Druid who both has a pet and uses SNA, but the above are the three main paths.

Monster Tactician is baller AF. That, right there, is an archetype that makes GM's pay attention...

@Derklord Thank you for the information. =) We play online so the times I have summoned things I open their stats block in another tab before it gets to my turn to try and take as little time as possible. I tend to also try and plan my turn out during the other players turns.

The Unchained summoner seems interesting, It seems to have toned down the eidolon a lot, While removing some of the freedom, But also adding a lot of built in flavor to it.

I just always loved pet classes, Be they someone with a permanent pet or someone who summons beasties..

Sovereign Court

The Unchained Eidolon isn't that much of a downgrade, if at all. If you count up all the points worth of stuff you get for free from the subtypes (and you actually kinda want the free stuff), it's more powerful. I ran the numbers on a Protean Unchained vs Chained and it was something like 39 evolution pool points worth of stuff for Unchained(and 2 uncosted abilities) vs 26 evolution pool for Chained. Not counting favored class bonuses/spells/etc. And sure, some of the points of things got adjusted and I think even got level requirements (Pounce).

The Summon Monster SLA is unchanged for Unchained, so the only real 'nerf' is the spell list changes (no more/fewer early access spells).

That said, you can do some really interesting things with Monster Tactician Inquisitor because you can share Teamwork feats with your summons. I was working on an Amplified Rage Skald Dip Monster Tactician a few years ago... then realized MT wasn't PFS legal and scraped it. My dreams of the Punk Rock Band(its) were shattered (super strong raging earth elementals playing the enemies like drums).

@Firebug I think the downgrade is more what evolutions they can pick from, The evolutions being locked to certain types of eidolon, And the fact that you have to pick a eidolon type and thats your eidolon with some minor changes.

From what I'v seen online, What made the Eidolon the worst for the GM and party was the "Ball of pouncing tentacles" and "50 arms with swords" builds some people made and the Unchained Eidolon seems to prevet or atleast make those builds harder to do. Plus the attacks per level now goes on attacks with weapons as well as natural attacks (Chained was only on natural attacks..)

Atleast thats what i'v gathered from looking online! And for the summoner itself, The big complaint I always see about it is "They get Haste one level earlier then wizards" and since people dont complain about the spell list on the unchained one I assume they fixed that.

The Monster Tactician sounds quite good if you give all your summons teamwork feats aswell!

VoodistMonk wrote:
Monster Tactician is baller AF. That, right there, is an archetype that makes GM's pay attention...

Holy cow I'd NEVER seen this Archetype before! Can you imagine an Inquisitor (Monster Tactician)5/Hunter 3? They're summoning up packs of monsters, dropping Outflank on them, using their own AC in combat and then buffing the heck out of their AC for utterly savage full attack rounds!

Tack on Augment Summons and Evolved Summoned Monster, give all the summoned monsters Sticky so they've all got +4 to initiate or maintain a Grapple and just go to town! Suddenly 1d3 Sticky giant worker ants with bite +5, using Outflank, potentially dealing 1d6 +4 plus Grab and a Grapple of +11 EACH show up to menace your foe. Plus you've got your AC there with a +2 on Strength, any buffs you can throw on them, attacking your potentially grappled foe... wow!

This is one of the reasons why I should be adding PC class levels to NPCs I want to make challenging in my games...

Sovereign Court

Why Hunter 3? Just the Animal Companion? Monster Tactician Inquisitor still gets a Domain/Inquisition, so you can take the Chivalry Inquisition for a Mount as per Cavalier. Or the Animal Domain for a full animal companion at level -3 (and then boon companion to make that up). Every 3 levels of Monster Tactician shares another teamwork feat, so just take Outflank normally and share it that way. Animal Focus (and then Planar Focus) might be worth dipping for, but probably not 3 levels.

Evolved Summon Monster gives one summoned monster a 1-point evolution... unless you take it an additional time for each creature you want to summon.

Another archetype no one has yet to cover is the necromancer.

Clerics, gravewalker witches, necromancy specced wizards, death oracles etc.

You can atill take the main summoning frats and still have room to support your undead horde. Easily replaceable too as each new encointer can give you new bodies.

Animate Dead is an obvious source. Getting yourself some fast zombies or bloody skeletons is a good route to start.

Create Undead opens the door further but takes some prep work. The leadership feat will let you take an undead as a cohort or followers.

The obvious advantage of having undead on demand is not wasting rounds conjuring bodies. Plus their permanence means you can equip them in creative ways.

The tricky part is picking a buff suite that will make your undead more efficient. Mind affecting and humanoid targeting spells are out of the question. But there are still plenty of options.

TarkXT wrote:

Another archetype no one has yet to cover is the necromancer.

Clerics, gravewalker witches, necromancy specced wizards, death oracles etc.

You can atill take the main summoning frats and still have room to support your undead horde. Easily replaceable too as each new encointer can give you new bodies.

Animate Dead is an obvious source. Getting yourself some fast zombies or bloody skeletons is a good route to start.

Create Undead opens the door further but takes some prep work. The leadership feat will let you take an undead as a cohort or followers.

The obvious advantage of having undead on demand is not wasting rounds conjuring bodies. Plus their permanence means you can equip them in creative ways.

The tricky part is picking a buff suite that will make your undead more efficient. Mind affecting and humanoid targeting spells are out of the question. But there are still plenty of options.

Did someone say necromancer?

Just follow Ryze Kuja's formula...

JuJu Oracle 4/
Gravewalker Witch 3/
Mystic Theurge 2/
Agent of the Grave 5/
Mystic Theurge 6

You're welcome.

VoodistMonk wrote:

Did someone say necromancer?

Just follow Ryze Kuja's formula...

JuJu Oracle 4/
Gravewalker Witch 3/
Mystic Theurge 2/
Agent of the Grave 5/
Mystic Theurge 6

You're welcome.

Multiclassing like that makes my eyes bleed. Theres no way that progression is organic.

TarkXT wrote:
VoodistMonk wrote:

Did someone say necromancer?

Just follow Ryze Kuja's formula...

JuJu Oracle 4/
Gravewalker Witch 3/
Mystic Theurge 2/
Agent of the Grave 5/
Mystic Theurge 6

You're welcome.

Multiclassing like that makes my eyes bleed. Theres no way that progression is organic.

You start out as a necromancer, and at no point are you not a necromancer...

Whatever forces that be granting Oracles their powers have rewarded my spellcasting focus on necromancy with mysterious revelations about Undead Servitude and Spirit Vessels, allowing me to command the undead and animate JuJu zombies. These mysteries, however, come with a curse... my journey to lichdom has just began.

My spellcasting specialization on animating the dead has driven me to expand my access to new necromancy methods. One might even say I am obsessed with the occult manipulations of the dead. I make pact with an evil patron, creating a poppet to channel its evil power. This power can radiate from me and allows me to possess nearby undead.

I have learned much, but it is time to learn how to combine everything I have learned in order to see what I am really capable of. I can still feel my Lich Curse, and in pursuit of achieving my ultimate potential I embrace my curse. I then seek out, or more accurately my tattoos likely gave me away to, an agent on the path of the whispering way.

Those on the path appreciate my efforts thusfar, and teach me so, so much more. They inspire my necromancy to new heights. I become a manipulator of the undead, I gain death's shroud, and eventually the secrets of death, itself. I have learned enough to own my curse, I am now an Undead Initiate.

It is at this time I become a Lich and continue to combine everything I have learned into new and interesting ways to make literal armies of the dead... blah blah blah... I was reading down my build sheet looking at a level by level breakdown... I don't have a background actually writted out for that particular necromancer. Lol.

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What if you had a half-elf Summoner/Inquisitor (Monster Inquisitor)? I don't know the levels or build off the top of my head, but the PC could have a bonus Skill Focus that could qualify them for Eldritch Heritage, then take that for a Valet Archetype familiar (that shares all the PCs's Teamwork feats). Valets are good at delivering Aid Another too.

So, you'd have a PC with a Familiar, an Eidolon, and an Animal Companion or Mount from their Inquisition/Domain. Make sure they've got Boon Companion where needed. The Familiar and either the Eidolon or the Animal Companion/Mount would accompany any summoned creatures to provide Aid Another, Flanking or other situational buffs to the one "hammer" companion the PC is mainly using.

Meanwhile the character summons up small clusters of living speedbumps to gum up fights, provide tactical buffs to other party members or in the late game provide handy, minor spell resources. Is this a workable idea or is it just overkill?

Mark Hoover 330 wrote:

What if you had a half-elf Summoner/Inquisitor (Monster Inquisitor)? I don't know the levels or build off the top of my head, but the PC could have a bonus Skill Focus that could qualify them for Eldritch Heritage, then take that for a Valet Archetype familiar (that shares all the PCs's Teamwork feats). Valets are good at delivering Aid Another too.

So, you'd have a PC with a Familiar, an Eidolon, and an Animal Companion or Mount from their Inquisition/Domain. Make sure they've got Boon Companion where needed. The Familiar and either the Eidolon or the Animal Companion/Mount would accompany any summoned creatures to provide Aid Another, Flanking or other situational buffs to the one "hammer" companion the PC is mainly using.

Meanwhile the character summons up small clusters of living speedbumps to gum up fights, provide tactical buffs to other party members or in the late game provide handy, minor spell resources. Is this a workable idea or is it just overkill?


Since they are both 3/4 BAB, I would alternate chunks of 4 levels in each class...

Monster Tactician 1-4/
Master Summoner 5-8/
Monster Tactician 9-12/
Master Summoner 13-16

At 16:
BAB +12
Base Saves +8/+4/+12
CL 8, 3rd level divine spells
CL 8, 3rd level arcane spells
EDL 12 (w/ boon companion)

I chose to use the Chivalry Inquisition for a full level Mount, versus the Animal Domain's Animal Companion that is 3 levels behind. Still need Boon Companion to make up for some of the Summoner levels. That's as good as we can get, I suppose.

It looks like a lot of low level spells and probably a lot of low level summons... so tactics/strategy will be huge. Smart use of your teamwork feats, and the selection thereof, as well as positioning will be crucial to the success of this build being remotely relevant.

Hand out Harrying Partners to all your summons, you and your Eidolon both use a reach weapon with Combat Reflexes/Bodyguard. Maybe there's a way to work in the Gloves of Arcane Striking? The Helpful trait?

Merellin wrote:
From what I'v seen online, What made the Eidolon the worst for the GM and party was the "Ball of pouncing tentacles" and "50 arms with swords" builds some people made

Nah, the most powerful (and thereby most problematic) build is simply to max out the limit with primary attacks. Tentacles can't be made primary (there's no way to not have any primary attacks), and attacking with multiple weapons isn't supported by the rules at all (the Eidolon could wield a bunch of sword, but wouldn't get more attacks than any TWF character). The change to the attack limit now including weapon attacks is a dysfunctional clusterf@&&, but in practice doesn't do much (presuming the GM isn't interpreting it in a mean-spirited way), as combining manufactured and natural weapons doesn't make for a good build.

Playing online should remove most of the issue with a character with many attacks, too, as long as you have multiple roll macros for various combat situations (when charging, when buffed with Haste, and so on).

Firebug wrote:
I ran the numbers on a Protean Unchained vs Chained and it was something like 39 evolution pool points worth of stuff for Unchained(and 2 uncosted abilities) vs 26 evolution pool for Chained.

unEidolons are (potentially) more rounded out, but you can't improve their offense nearly as well. Ignoring that protean form is serpentine and not being able to take pounce is worth like a minus 30 points, the number of points that can be spend on increasing damage is much lower. You might save feats (e.g. aberrant doesn't need Iron Will which I otherwise see as a must-have for quadrupeds), but there aren't many feats that increase damage comparable to, say, a pair of evolution points.

Mark Hoover 330 wrote:
Can you imagine an Inquisitor (Monster Tactician)5/Hunter 3? They're summoning up packs of monsters, dropping Outflank on them, using their own AC in combat and then buffing the heck out of their AC for utterly savage full attack rounds!

I always had this idea in my head of an half-orc MT summoning a group of t-rex with Snapping Flank. It's probably mathematically worse than full attacking monsters, but so much biteage! Om nom nom!

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