Path of war Zweihander Sentinel

Advice and Rules Questions

I have a Zweihander Sentinel I'm whipping up for a Homebrew Game a friend is putting together. I want to use a polearm ( The exact one unknown at this time) but I want it to be a heavy hitting reach weapon .

But the help I need is choosing my maneuver and stances

I want to go Iron Tortoise
& Piercing Thunder and have a good mix of manuvers counters Boost and stressed Strikes

I'm just not sure what ones are worth it.

The character image I have is a white hair male of some humanoid race who is a little over 7th foot tall and whears Whitish silver heavy Armor and is well built. and who wields a polearm that looks like a great sword with an extra long handle

Level? There's nine levels of each of those disciplines, you're going to have to narrow it down a bit.

A sword on a stick with reach might be a glaive or a dwarven giant-sticker, if it curves the 'wrong' way it could be a fauchard.

avr wrote:

Level? There's nine levels of each of those disciplines, you're going to have to narrow it down a bit.

A sword on a stick with reach might be a glaive or a dwarven giant-sticker, if it curves the 'wrong' way it could be a fauchard.

I see. I could go with a glaive

Oh right. My bad though I mention it. I'd be level 7 so up to 4th level Maneuvers I think.

Level 7, so you'll know 9 maneuvers (1 4th, 2 3rd, 2 2nd, 5 1st) and have 5 readied, 6 if you spend a feat on that. 2 1st level stances & 1 3rd level.

Stances first because there's fewer of them. Twin thunder stance would let you dual-wield polearms but that's not in your image I think, and iron tortoise stance isn't bad anyway. I recommend the latter as your default, then grab iron pikeman's attitude for utility and snapping turtle stance for when the enemy gets too close for reach weapons.

Other recommendations,
4th level maneuvers: Iron lancet charge is a very nice attack.
3rd: Burnished shell stops spells. Goring strike hits an area and does extra damage.
2nd: Hastened leap is swift action movement, defensive shell stops attacks on you or an ally. If one of those doesn't appeal then enraging strike looks fun.
1st: You won't generally have these readied so I'm not going to waste time with recommendations here. You might pick something outside your 2 chosen disciplines for 1st level maneuvers.


I'm working on a few POW builds and I rather not make a new thread

Got some questions for another build

Thinking Goliath Warlord (Steel Fist commando) with a heavy Focus on Grappling

For my Grappling let's say I have powerful Build + Powerful Pugilist
And am in the broken blade stance
Steel Grappler’s Attitude

Am I 1 , 2 or 3 sizes above medium when calculating my CMB / CMD and what I can Grapple

And 2ndly

I have Deadly Grappler + Powerful Pugilist and greater unarmed strike do they stack and what is my damage at 7th and 8th level for when I get there

And lastly let's say I am Grappling someone, can I use one of the knuckle boost such as iron knucle to increase my unarmed Strike damage when I use a Grapple check to damage said foe?

Steel grappler's attitude: 'counts as one size category larger'
Powerful build: 'treated as one size larger'
Powerful pugilist: 'considered one size category larger'
Deadly grappler: 'deal damage as if the strike or weapon were one size category larger'

FAQ on size increase stacking: 'The same is true of effective size increases (which includes “deal damage as if they were one size category larger than they actually are,” “your damage die type increases by one step,” and similar language). They don’t stack with each other, just take the biggest one.'

So not one of those stacks with any of the others. You are one size larger for CMB/D and do damage as one size larger. The grapple combat maneuver doesn't actually have a formal size limit on what you can grapple though, and boosts giving +nd6 to unarmed damage should work just fine.


Oh never knew that. That you cant stack stuff like that. A a little Disappointing, but I guess it makes Sense.

Can I ask how you would build A steel Fist commando Focusing on Grapple


ThecrimeForceDragon wrote:


Oh never knew that. That you cant stack stuff like that. A a little Disappointing, but I guess it makes Sense.

Can I ask how you would build A steel Fist commando Focusing on Grapple


I'd look into the Fool's Errand discipline. They technically "Lock" their opponents but the flavor is good for grapplers as well. It's not on the pfsrd but you can still find it with a google search.

For PoW characters, I usually try to make sure they have atleast 1 of the supernatural disciplines so they can do neater stuff than just punch people.

For a grappler you need:
Both hands free in combat (technically there are ways around that but they cost too much.)
The feats improved grapple, greater grapple and rapid grappler as they become available (claw wrench, snapping turtle clutch etc. are nice but not essential.)
Decent CMB and CMD (CMD gets used when the target tries to escape.)
Enough mobility to get to a bandit in a treetop, the boss behind her mooks, the dragon strafing you with flyby attack. Necessary for anyone but you target the bosses more than most.
A backup tactic for when you're facing something ungrappleable.

The basic steelfist commando can do most of that without stretching. Mobility is the only thing you need to worry about and if you get access to the veiled moon discipline that's solved too. Get the essential grappling feats, extra readied maneuver and that's all you actually need, you can spend remaining feats on whatever amuses you.

Divergent Paths: Fool's Errand as Scavion mentions is a way of doing something like grappling which is simpler and which works with weapons if you want. The flavour's similar but the system is not the same. It's by the same publisher as PoW.

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