Chark the Shark |
We've just started a new campaign using the Occult book and I am not allowed to look up what a Haunt can do...1st level and all.
I will be playing a Medium. I have a pretty good grasp on the multitude of powers, except the Haunt Channeler ability. I figure I can ask questions about the ability since it is part of my character.
After the medium funnels the Haunt completely they "suffer the Haunt's full effect"
How dangerous can this become?
What would be the purpose of allowing a Haunt to take control of one's body?
Does the Medium gain any additional information about the Haunt?
The Medium then gets a save every minute to expel the Haunt.
Should the Haunt be expelled - what happens to it?
Does it go on it's merry way?
Is it destroyed?
Lastly - The VAST majority of posts I have read are of the opinion that the Medium is a pretty useless need to re-litigate that here Challenge Accepted.
VoodistMonk |
Medium is a fine class, people here are just going to say it sucks because it's not a Wizard. Lol.
A single level of Medium is fantastic for most martials... take the dip on an odd level, grab the Spirit Focus feat, and enchant your mithral breastplate with Spirit Bonded... now you have a static +3/+3 untyped bonus to attack and damage. And it stacks with Weapon Training/Gloves of Dueling, which is pretty awesome.
As for the particular archetype and the benefits if allowing a haunt to haunt you... I don't know... but I am sure it opens up some awesome story/roleplaying with a cool GM.
David knott 242 |
The Haunt Channeler ability is unlikely to see much use unless you actually encounter a haunt. This ability lets you temporarily capture and (through the rest of the party) interrogate a haunt, thereby possibly gathering the information needed to overcome it.
So this particular ability is close to useless -- but the rest of the class is quite useful -- especially for filling in a missing role in the party on a day's notice.
Firebug |
... now you have a static +3/+3 untyped bonus to attack and damage. And it stacks with Weapon Training/Gloves of Dueling, which is pretty awesome.
+3/+3 +5. You get the Seance Bonus of +2 damage with non-spells as well.
Haunts are basically magical traps with different rules for resetting and disabling permanently. In most published adventures where they are used, it is for plot exposition (and to make the party spend resources). Typical plot exposition might be an illusion showing how the old witch was shoved into the oven by the greedy children (Hansel and Gretel) while forcing the party to soak a fire ball (or fury of the sun).
Now, sure you could take all of the damage yourself (second half of haunt channeler) but do you really want the 'witch' in question to take control of your character for 24 hours (or until you make your save)? Do you feel like your GM won't take that as an excuse to mess with the party?
Derklord |
Too keep it spoiler-free, I'll only say this about haunts: A haunt is a spirit haunting a location (no surprise there, as that's basically what the name means), and behaves mostly like a trap. The first part of the Haunt Channeler ability is nice as it can help stop it before it activates, and prevent the "trap" from "resetting", but you wont ever use the second part of the ability. Haunts can be nasty, but abolishing control over your character is pretty much always worse.
Lastly - The VAST majority of posts I have read are of the opinion that the Medium is a pretty useless class...
Anyone who says that has very poor understanding of Pathfinder. I mean that! The underlying issue is that many people focus on the negative aspects while ignoring the positives. It's something that pops up form time to time - "unMonk loses good will save progression so it sucks", "Shifter is worsae than Druid so the class is unplayably bad", crap like that.
Sure, the guardian, marshall, and trickster spirits suck and you likely won't ever use them. And if you expect a class that completely changes on a day-to-day basis, you will be dissapointed, as 95% of the time you will channel the same spirit. But if you look at the class as a mostly martial character who if the situation demands it can turn into a 6/9 caster, it's actually pretty good.
People also often falsely believe that a Medium will often be unable to channel a desired spirit, but this FAQ dispels that.
Chark the Shark |
Now, sure you could take all of the damage yourself (second half of haunt channeler) but do you really want the 'witch' in question to take control of your character for 24 hours (or until you make your save)? Do you feel like your GM won't take that as an excuse to mess with the party?
The GM revels in messing with the party so that is a given. Will saves are our friend.
We are in a VERY small world with no money, extremely limited resources, and LOW magic items...only resources (coal, iron, etc) have I don't expect I will be doing anything BUT being a Medium.
We can only start with wood or stone weapons and only NON-metal armor.
There will most certainly be haunts and masses of undead. The world is screwed and deadly and we will be running a lot.
Most important question is "What happens to the haunt after it is expelled?" because, I promise you, I will be using the ability. Will let you know how it turns out..
Derklord |
Most important question is "What happens to the haunt after it is expelled?"
I presume it would go back to its previous location.
I promise you, I will be using the ability. Will let you know how it turns out..
Best case the haunt will use the Medium's body to put itself to rest, in which case it just vanishes. Worst case the haunt makes the Medium commit suicide.
Haunts have an alignment, and GMs are instructed to make them act accordingly. That said, most published haunts are evil. The GMG says haunts "react violently to the presence of the living" - that's not someone you want to give control over your body. Ever.
Note that the Medium has full control of when he uses the Haunt Channeler ability, so he can always arrange to have the party restrain him first if appropriate.
Er, no? You can only use it when you'd save against a haunt. Which only happens when you trigger one. If you notice the haunt without triggerign it, you wouldn't need it, and if you don't notice it beforehand, you've only got the surprise round do do something.
Chark the Shark |
After playing for some time and finally reaching 3rd level - the Medium is a VERY fun class to play. Been channeling the Champion (fighter) in the field and the Marshal (bard) when in town...useful for bargaining, info gathering, getting laid, and finding easy work.
This character is in our 'alt' campaign which we run when our primary high-level campaign doesn't have the full complement of characters required for survival. As we are usually missing someone I can then fill in for the class if required. Looking forward to using more of the available classes.
Purple Dragon Knight |
Subconscious Usurpation is a medium's friend.
There are various ways they can loose control of their PC (spirit gets too many influence pts., haunt channeler, location channel, and the regular methods like enemy charming/dominating/possessing them)
This feat gives them a standard action each round and by this process, reduces the action economy of the possessing entity by same...