Chark the Shark's page

13 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Diego Rossi wrote:
Chark the Shark wrote:

There is no indication about how you should price adding your ability, nor any information on how it is done. Without that information, you can't do it.

That is the best reason I have seen on the boards. Thanks

Most of what I have found deals with READING a scroll.

I am playing a Medium (6th level) and let's say I am channeling the Hierophant (cleric) spirit which provides me access to Cure Light Wounds. Your healing spells and abilities heal an additional 2 points of damage to each target.

When creating a scroll (NOT USING ONE) I am certain metamagic feat(s) can be added so let's go with EMPOWER.

When creating the CLW scroll it is "just as if the spell had been cast", "spell slot is expended", and "components disappear".

By my estimation, I should be able to add the Empower AND the +2 (+3 from Empower) from my channeled spirit.

I have not been able to find a FAQ or actual response from James Jacobs, Sean K. Reynolds (have searched 'SCROLL' on every one of their posts), or anyone else for that matter to indicate this is not the case.

There have been references to such information i.e. "Jason says you cannot do that" OR James or Sean said "feats, class features and so on that affect the level adjustment of metamagic feats do not apply when crafting wands, scrolls, potions" Not applicable to my case but you get the idea.

To sum up - WHY can I not add feats (augment summoning/spell penetration) or class abilities (+2 to all healing spells) when creating a scroll? Is there an actual ruling that I have just been unable to uncover? Anything definitive?

Sorry for the long post...

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Corlindale wrote:

It's not all bad, though. Hierophant and Archmage share the same casting stat, so you can build your caster to be good at both of those.

The casting stat for the Medium is CHA. INT and WIS have no effect. Even when channeling the Hierophant or Archmage you would use CHA as the primary casting stat.

"As with the hierophant, gaining the spells per day of a 6th-level spellcaster is extremely good because your medium spells are lower level than they would be for a true 6th-level spellcaster, which means that you are better than a true 6th level spellcaster."

I could be wrong - the way I read it is that both the hierophant and the archmage get spells per day from the Mesmerist table which is less than a true 6th-level caster.

As a 6th-level Medium, you don't even have access to 3rd-level Divine or Arcane spells and only 1 1st-level Medium spell (assuming you can even cast your Medium spells still which I am still unsure of)

I would LOVE to be wrong about this as I am currently playing a 4th-level Hobgoblin Medium (and loving it).

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[QUOTE="8+8+8+8+8=40, not 8+8+8+8+8=45. Shouldn't your Offensive Defense bonus only be +40?

Of course, if you can make it to level 15, have this Rogue talent, which isn't avail to Unchained Rogue, and then attack and hit with 5 consecutive SA melee attacks in one round on a foe... I'm gonna go out on a limb and say +40 or +45 isn't gonna make much of a difference.

Yes...math is hard. Thanks for the catch

Thanks...wanted to make sure I was not missing something. Appreciate your post.

After playing for some time and finally reaching 3rd level - the Medium is a VERY fun class to play. Been channeling the Champion (fighter) in the field and the Marshal (bard) when in town...useful for bargaining, info gathering, getting laid, and finding easy work.

This character is in our 'alt' campaign which we run when our primary high-level campaign doesn't have the full complement of characters required for survival. As we are usually missing someone I can then fill in for the class if required. Looking forward to using more of the available classes.

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15th Level Rogue - keep in mind this is my AC for 1 round against 1 opponent which I have hit 5 times to get the offensive/defense bonus

Armor +9 Celestial Armor
Deflect +2 Ring of Prot
Dex +8
Shield +2 +1 Buckler
Dodge +3 Fight Def
Dodge +45 Offensive Defense (since self-nerfed as this is ridiculous)
Base +10
Nat Armor +5 Amulet

84 AC
84 Flat Footed (cant be flat footed
68 Touch

Why is the 'no save' added to weapon description when the dimensional anchor spell itself has NO save already? Is it because it's an 'area' effect rather than a 'ray'?

Does the exclusion of any SR mention mean anything?

If demon SR is NOT overcome are they able to gate in reinforcements or does the SR roll take place for every attempt?

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Dragon78 wrote:

So how did you first fine out about Pathfinder?

How long have you been playing?

Found Pathfinder after 4th Ed DnD which NONE of our players enjoyed as it seemed to "video gamey"...Loved 3.5 and Pathfinder seemed to build on all the best parts of that.

Been playing since about 1977

When a Medium channels a Haunt - does the character maintain the abilities of the Spirit it has channeled for the day?

If so - Is the Haunt able to use those powers when possessing the body of the character OR does it have it's own abilities...replacing the Spirit?

VoodistMonk wrote:


Now, sure you could take all of the damage yourself (second half of haunt channeler) but do you really want the 'witch' in question to take control of your character for 24 hours (or until you make your save)? Do you feel like your GM won't take that as an excuse to mess with the party?

The GM revels in messing with the party so that is a given. Will saves are our friend.

We are in a VERY small world with no money, extremely limited resources, and LOW magic items...only resources (coal, iron, etc) have I don't expect I will be doing anything BUT being a Medium.

We can only start with wood or stone weapons and only NON-metal armor.

There will most certainly be haunts and masses of undead. The world is screwed and deadly and we will be running a lot.

Most important question is "What happens to the haunt after it is expelled?" because, I promise you, I will be using the ability. Will let you know how it turns out..

We've just started a new campaign using the Occult book and I am not allowed to look up what a Haunt can do...1st level and all.

I will be playing a Medium. I have a pretty good grasp on the multitude of powers, except the Haunt Channeler ability. I figure I can ask questions about the ability since it is part of my character.

After the medium funnels the Haunt completely they "suffer the Haunt's full effect"
How dangerous can this become?
What would be the purpose of allowing a Haunt to take control of one's body?
Does the Medium gain any additional information about the Haunt?

The Medium then gets a save every minute to expel the Haunt.
Should the Haunt be expelled - what happens to it?
Does it go on it's merry way?
Is it destroyed?

Lastly - The VAST majority of posts I have read are of the opinion that the Medium is a pretty useless need to re-litigate that here Challenge Accepted.