Snare Setter [Kobold] seems wrong.

Rules Discussion

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Snare Setter has a prerequisite of 'trained in Crafting'. Also grants trained proficiency in Crafting. Is this a chicken, or is this an egg?

CraziFuzzy wrote:
Snare Setter has a prerequisite of 'trained in Crafting'. Also grants trained proficiency in Crafting. Is this a chicken, or is this an egg?

Well, it's ok as you become Trained in another skill instead.

So, it's a minor issue.

SuperBidi wrote:
CraziFuzzy wrote:
Snare Setter has a prerequisite of 'trained in Crafting'. Also grants trained proficiency in Crafting. Is this a chicken, or is this an egg?

Well, it's ok as you become Trained in another skill instead.

So, it's a minor issue.

The issue is the prerequisite, not that it grants something you already may have. As a level one ancestry feat, the prerequisite probably shouldn't even be there.

To be honest, I only noticed this when it wasn't available in pathbuilder for the kobold I was building. Wasn't available because i'd have to add craft from some other source for it to show up.

And even minor issues should be put on a list of fixes for the next revision of the APG.

Horizon Hunters

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Mechanically, the end result is the same. They will likely never fix this, and if they do it's a low priority for them.

Cordell Kintner wrote:
Mechanically, the end result is the same. They will likely never fix this, and if they do it's a low priority for them.

That's sort of what ended up killing pathfinder 1, the lack of a desire to fix the little things, thus causing so many little things to pile up. They don't really have the 'we don't errata soft covers' dilemma anymore, and this is literally just removing the prerequisite line.

Lack of errata hardly affects games, actually.

Sure, a portion of the fan-base can get irritated by the lack of official fixing and such, but the vast majority of people out there playing table-top RPGs at all rarely, if ever, visit the official sites of the games they play for anything other than new product announcements or to buy a product - they don't participate in forums, they don't know there's a FAQ/Errata they can go look at, or any of that. They just play the game, patch anything that they feel needs patched on their own (because the game even told them that's what they're supposed to do), or they are happy to say "that option is confusing, but there are plenty to choose, so I'll just pick a different one"

As for Paizo actually getting around to issuing errata for this: it could happen, but they usually wait to invest the time and effort in errata until they are already going to be issuing another print run of a product. Perhaps, unlike with the soft covers of before, the current products sell enough to warrant 2nd (and beyond) print runs, and thus errata.

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