SFS The Scoured Stars Story Arc Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

A safe place for discussion.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Male LG dromada bureaucrat envoy 2 | SP 12/12 HP 14/14 | RP 3/3 | EAC 16; KAC 17 | Fort +0; Ref +6; Will +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +6, SM: +6+1d6 | Speed 40ft | Active conditions: None.


Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

We're off!. Predictably work suddenly got busy, but I figure posting a low volume is better than no posting at all.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Work and home life are trying to stomp me into the ground. Posting likely to be slow for a few days.


Don't groan, you knew someone was going to do it eventually.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

It was fun. Loved the original series.

Guys, I'm going to need all the usual information:

Player Name:
Character Name:
Organized Play Number:
Your Faction:

I will try to get you guys a post a day until normal posting resumes, hopefully on Friday.


Player Name: dfsearles
Character Name: Dr. Tenry Borgins
Organized Play Number: 24258-701
Your Faction: Wayfinders


Izalguun | Cyberborn | Technomancer -2- / Soldier -1- | Perception +0 | Initiative=0 SP=23, HP=23| EAC=16 KAC=19| F=3, R=0, W=5, RP=4

Player: Kirill.Storm
Character: Thundergun
Number; 157437-704
Faction: Dataphiles

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Male LG dromada bureaucrat envoy 2 | SP 12/12 HP 14/14 | RP 3/3 | EAC 16; KAC 17 | Fort +0; Ref +6; Will +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +6, SM: +6+1d6 | Speed 40ft | Active conditions: None.

Player Name: Archpaladin Zousha
Character Name: Idir of Herd Fernas
Organized Play Number: 49335-703
Your Faction: Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Sorry guys Internet problems at the house. Verizon is supposed to come fix it tomorrow afternoon

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Thanks for your patience. Back on line.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Male LG dromada bureaucrat envoy 2 | SP 12/12 HP 14/14 | RP 3/3 | EAC 16; KAC 17 | Fort +0; Ref +6; Will +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +6, SM: +6+1d6 | Speed 40ft | Active conditions: None.

Well, this is gonna fall flat.


Izalguun | Cyberborn | Technomancer -2- / Soldier -1- | Perception +0 | Initiative=0 SP=23, HP=23| EAC=16 KAC=19| F=3, R=0, W=5, RP=4

I would like to notice that expected a bit faster game flow.
But surely better to ask if everyone is good with current game speed?


Things are progressing at least. I’ve noticed Pathfinder did a number of these games that are high in RP, that’s where PbP falls a little I think as your combat or specialty characters tend to fall off, because they are mostly waiting about for something to happen that uses their skills. For this instance as an example, Tenry really has nothing to do. I would have made a comment about the garden, asked questions to build a foundation with the grandma, but we frightened the child as a bunch of people wielding big guns (not me, I have a simple stun gun) walked up to him asking for the owner, so my avenue of approach won’t work. Note that the boy has tried to rush into the house, we are attempting what looks like a B&E, instead of waiting for the grandmother to come talk to us. It’s rather exciting, but my character is questioning what our motives are at this point as the outward appearance shows this is not the right place.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Male LG dromada bureaucrat envoy 2 | SP 12/12 HP 14/14 | RP 3/3 | EAC 16; KAC 17 | Fort +0; Ref +6; Will +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +6, SM: +6+1d6 | Speed 40ft | Active conditions: None.

Well, THAT speech was reassuring. <_<

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

KIrill, I'm a little disappointed in the pace myself. My games tend to move a little slowly, but work and home life are slowing my posting rate a bit.

I'm doing the best I can.


Izalguun | Cyberborn | Technomancer -2- / Soldier -1- | Perception +0 | Initiative=0 SP=23, HP=23| EAC=16 KAC=19| F=3, R=0, W=5, RP=4

GM job sometimes interfered. By family or work issues. Thats totally fine.
I just wanted to be sure about everyone expactations, because I remeber expected 1 post / day somehow. I will relax a bit.

@Tenry I got your point. I believe we all ready for RP here and won't expect our mster to drag us through the plot.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4
Nic nack wrote:
"Also consider that this choice will benefit your grandson Jubair as well. It would be a shame if you lost your memory of him." Nick nac offers up.

Wow. That's just cold.

Awesome post.

Another bad run at work so minimal RP in my post.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Male LG dromada bureaucrat envoy 2 | SP 12/12 HP 14/14 | RP 3/3 | EAC 16; KAC 17 | Fort +0; Ref +6; Will +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +6, SM: +6+1d6 | Speed 40ft | Active conditions: None.

WHOA, this plotline has taken a turn! XD

Maps, etc...

I was waiting to see what you guys came up with before posting hints from the book

Death Certificate: In order to fool any pursuers, Ceren needs
to be declared dead.
The PCs can fake her body by obtaining a cadaver and using a DC 18 Disguise or Medicine check to alter the corpse to match Ceren’s records.
Shady coroners can provide fresh corpses for this purpose with a bribe of 60 credits, though PCs may come up with their own creative solutions. Alternatively, a DC 16 Computers check can hack the medical system and change Ceren’s records to match the corpse.
PCs can also use a DC 15 Bluff check to convince the morticians they are grieving relatives and falsely identify an unclaimed body as Ceren’s.
Alternatively, PCs can simply bribe a mortician to file a fake death report for 100 credits,
A PC who happens to have Profession ranks in a funerary, medical, or security field can file a false report on her own with a successful DC 12 Profession check.

New Identity: Ceren needs a new identity if she wants to survive her false death. PCs can help set up a solid new alias for Ceren with a successful DC 15 Bluff, Culture, or Disguise check.

They can use a successful DC 17 Diplomacy check to provide Ceren with allies and contacts in her new life. A successful DC 14 Profession check in any field can pull strings to get Ceren a new job, though she refuses degrading or dangerous employment.
PCs with the Computers skill can attempt a DC 18 check to forge Ceren different identification papers.

PCs need at least three successful checks to create a solid legal persona for Ceren.


I knew I should have taken medic instead of counselor, unless you count it as being in the “medical field”. lol

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Got a partial post done 3 times yesterday, but interrupted each time. Full day with the boss today. I promise a post late tonight.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Male LG dromada bureaucrat envoy 2 | SP 12/12 HP 14/14 | RP 3/3 | EAC 16; KAC 17 | Fort +0; Ref +6; Will +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +6, SM: +6+1d6 | Speed 40ft | Active conditions: None.

I can't seem to edit either...

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

OKAY. Round 17 of the new game show -- "Can you edit?!"

I really think I got it this time. I needed to throw two switches to let everyone edit.


| SP 7/7 HP 11/11 | RP3/3 | EAC 13; KAC 15| Fort +2; Ref +1; Will +2 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4, Diplo: +6, Culture: +5, LS: +5, Intimidate: +6

Yep! Works for me now!

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

I'm so happy.


Izalguun | Cyberborn | Technomancer -2- / Soldier -1- | Perception +0 | Initiative=0 SP=23, HP=23| EAC=16 KAC=19| F=3, R=0, W=5, RP=4

Guys I really would be happy if we'll able to post once a day at least during fights to avoid weeks-long combats %)

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Male LG dromada bureaucrat envoy 2 | SP 12/12 HP 14/14 | RP 3/3 | EAC 16; KAC 17 | Fort +0; Ref +6; Will +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +6, SM: +6+1d6 | Speed 40ft | Active conditions: None.

I just don't wanna spam the thread while waiting to continue after I've taken my actions for this round...

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

And, apologies. I'd hoped to get a post in before visiting my patents, but no luck. Will see you Tuesday.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Male LG dromada bureaucrat envoy 2 | SP 12/12 HP 14/14 | RP 3/3 | EAC 16; KAC 17 | Fort +0; Ref +6; Will +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +6, SM: +6+1d6 | Speed 40ft | Active conditions: None.

At this rate Thundergun and Idir are gonna turn into a comedy duo! XD


m CN nuar Mechanic 4 [Mercenary] | sp 28/28 | hp 30/30 | rp 4/4 | EAC 19 KAC 20 | F+4 R+7 W+1 | Init +4 | Perc +6 | DV60'

I apologize for my absence, I had a lot of work and lost track of the days. Now I'll get some sleep and return to the game in normal mode )) Soon there will be a post with all the actions of Kuozar. Thanks.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Nice to have you back ‘Eκάτη.


Izalguun | Cyberborn | Technomancer -2- / Soldier -1- | Perception +0 | Initiative=0 SP=23, HP=23| EAC=16 KAC=19| F=3, R=0, W=5, RP=4

Maybe we should also ask @Tenry somewhow if he come back...

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Work and eclipse. Will post tonight.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Male LG dromada bureaucrat envoy 2 | SP 12/12 HP 14/14 | RP 3/3 | EAC 16; KAC 17 | Fort +0; Ref +6; Will +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +6, SM: +6+1d6 | Speed 40ft | Active conditions: None.

Idir just wants everyone to get along and have a good, clean, friendly contest! But the dice, it seems, aren't going to help in that regard. >:(

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

I really thought Kuozar would try the sabotage route.

One or two PC's have actions left pre-race, but I'll preview the race rules.

The race takes place in rounds. Everything is resolved simultaneously -- there's no initiative.

Each round is broken up into two phases. First is weapons phase. No weapon may fire more than once in a round. Aid another is a possibility, but I will be strict about who is the designated pilot and who is aiding. Weapons fire induces penalties to piloting checks.

Second phase is piloting checks. One check per vehicle. Aid another is a possibility, but I will be strict about who is the designated pilot and who is aiding.

If any PC doesn't have anything to do during the race -- they may control Lemgem's or Velocity's racer. (Your allies) You've got a lot of guns, so this shouldn't be an issue.

The race is 3000', average racer speed is ~500', so we're looking at 5-7 rounds of racing.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Male LG dromada bureaucrat envoy 2 | SP 12/12 HP 14/14 | RP 3/3 | EAC 16; KAC 17 | Fort +0; Ref +6; Will +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +6, SM: +6+1d6 | Speed 40ft | Active conditions: None.

Idir's mental reaction to the taunt attempt on Ratrod.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Per the scenario, Laboni rides alone and the party pilots and shoots by remote control. But it doesn't matter mechanically. Kuozar jumped on board, and I'm willing to roll with that. Everyone can ride or sit trackside at their option.

Laboni's racer has three guns.

Lemgem's and Velocity's racers are also available for control, if you don't want to fire guns on Laboni's racer.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Male LG dromada bureaucrat envoy 2 | SP 12/12 HP 14/14 | RP 3/3 | EAC 16; KAC 17 | Fort +0; Ref +6; Will +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +6, SM: +6+1d6 | Speed 40ft | Active conditions: None.

I'll let the others go first if they wanna shoot guns or steer the other racers. I've had an incredible streak of bad luck with the forum dice roller lately, and don't wanna curse things! D:


Izalguun | Cyberborn | Technomancer -2- / Soldier -1- | Perception +0 | Initiative=0 SP=23, HP=23| EAC=16 KAC=19| F=3, R=0, W=5, RP=4

I can not understand who should push buttons, but do not do it...

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

OK. Obviously I've not been communicating clearly. Sorry about that. Let's try one more time.

Here is Laboni's racer, after your improvements:

Speed 45 ft., full 450 ft.
EAC 14; KAC 14
Attack: energy weapon (–4 to Piloting)
_______ energy weapon (–6 to Piloting)
_______ kinetic weapon (–6 to Piloting)

Modifiers +3 Piloting, –3 attack
Passengers 1
Remote Control: Laboni’s junkracer and weaponry can be remotely controlled by the PCs, allowing them to attempt Piloting checks and attack rolls in her place.

Special #1: 1 driver re-roll on a piloting check.
Special #2: Velocity's speed doubling boost that risks damaging the engine so that you run at half speed the next round and ever after.

As the driver of record, Laboni must ride in the racer, but she's awful. Thanks to the remote controls, the party can operate the racer for her.

I believe Thundergun and Nic nack agreed that Nic nack would act as pilot because of his +5 piloting modifier and interest in driving.

During the race each PC may have 1 action each round. The two actions are piloting or gunning. Each round the party is allowed 1 piloting check per round, and 1 gunnery check per weapon. A PC can also attempt to aid a piloting or gunnery check.

Successful piloting checks mean the racer will go full speed. Miss a pilot check by a little and you go half speed. Miss by a lot, and you won't move at all.

Successful gunnery checks deliver negative piloting mods to the target's piloting roll.

Each round the party makes a piloting check and a number of gunnery checks (up to the number of weapons mounted on the vehicle) -- so up to three gunnery checks for the team.

So assign gunners to the guns. Kuozar has already volunteered for the kinetic gun. That leaves you with an energy weapon that will penalize the target 4 points on the piloting check, and one that will penalize the target 6 points.

Because of your successful alliances, and so that no one is left out, or feels neglected just making aid another checks -- a player can control either Lemgem's racer or Velocity's racer for the entire race. That player will make pilot and gunnery checks for Lemgem or Velocity.

ANy questions?


Shirren Mystic / 1

So basically, you (the GM) wants us to pick a spot before we start the race. Can they change spots during the race if they want to?

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Yes, pick your roles and then roll for round 1. PCs controlling Laboni's racer may change spots by mutual agreement. If anyone opts for Lemgem or Velocity you play as Lemgem or Velocity for the entire race.


Izalguun | Cyberborn | Technomancer -2- / Soldier -1- | Perception +0 | Initiative=0 SP=23, HP=23| EAC=16 KAC=19| F=3, R=0, W=5, RP=4

Nic rides.
Kuozar shoots.
Others spectating unless wanna interfeere and help other ally riders like Velocity.

So, in general Thundergun will just watch.


| SP 7/7 HP 11/11 | RP3/3 | EAC 13; KAC 15| Fort +2; Ref +1; Will +2 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4, Diplo: +6, Culture: +5, LS: +5, Intimidate: +6

I'm fine just spectating this one. The penalties for firing just seem too harsh to want to fire too often.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

There's no downside to shooting unless you target your own racer or an ally's. Penalties are applied to your target if you hit. If you miss nothing happens.


Shirren Mystic / 1
Thundergun wrote:

Nic rides.

Kuozar shoots.
Others spectating unless wanna interfeere and help other ally riders like Velocity.

So, in general Thundergun will just watch.

It should be Nic Pilots

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

I knew that.

My parents have been visiting. Posting on a reduced schedule will continue til MOnday night.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Tried to post last night but the internet wouldn't have me. Verizon has been so unreliable this year.

Cookie Jar Pilferer 9 ; Dimensional Explorer 4

Wow. The race is pretty close going into round 6. Neither Ratrod nor Velocity will cross the finish line in round 6, so we're going to have a seventh round.

Looks like Nic nack needs to be perfect, and you need some mistakes from the leaders. Lemgem is right behind you, but she's still an ally. Keep an eye on Nyizin; she's on the fastest racer. Orsis is probably out of it unless everyone else fails their piloting rolls.

Race Status after Round 5
Velocity 2350
Ratrod 1925
Dawnbreak , Laboni's racer 1800
Lemgem 1750
Nyizin 1710
Orsis 1500

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