Maidrayne Vox

Thundergun's page

408 posts. Organized Play character for Kirill.Storm.

Full Name



Izalguun | Cyberborn | Technomancer -2- / Soldier -1- | Perception +0 | Initiative=0


SP=23, HP=23| EAC=16 KAC=19| F=3, R=0, W=5, RP=4

Strength 14
Dexterity 10
Constitution 13
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10

About Thundergun

Technomancer / Soldier (-3-) Cyberborn
CN Large Izalguun (Monstrous Humanoid)
Init +4;
Senses Perception +0 (Darkvision)
EAC=16, KAC=19
SP=23 | HP=23 | RP=4
Fort +3 (+Toughness), Ref +0, Will +5
Speed 30/40 ft

Melee [dice=Puls Gaunlet, KAC] 1d20+4 [/dice] for [dice=Dmg, bld] 1d6+2 [/dice] Crit=Knockdown.
Ranged [dice=Missles out!] 3d4+3 [/dice]
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 / 10 ft.
Special Attacks: [dice=Overcharge] 4d6+1 [/dice]

Str 14, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 10


Spell DC 13+ spell level (Int)
Cantrips: Transfer Charge, Detect Affliction, Detect Magic, Psychokinetic Hand
1st lvl spells (3/day): Magic Missle, Overcharge

+1 dmg Harmful spells

(ACP* -5)
-5 †Acrobatics*
+2 †Athletics* /Ranks=3
+0 Bluff
+12 Computers /Ranks=3
+3 †Culture /Ranks=0
+0 †Diplomacy
+0 Disguise
+11 Engineering /Ranks=3
+0 †Intimidate
+8 †Life Science /Ranks=2
+8 †Medicine /Ranks=2
+5 †Mysticism /Ranks=2
+0 †Perception
+8 Physical Science /Ranks=2
+0 Piloting
+0 †Sense Motive
+0 Sleight of Hand /Ranks=3
+0 †Stealth* /Ranks=0
+4 †Survival /Ranks=1

Light Armor, Heavy Armor, Shields
Basic Melee, Small Arms, Longarms, Advanced Melee (Free)
Weapon Focus - Advanced Melee

Languages Common, Aklo, Draconic, Abyssal


Clothing, Environmental (-10 credits)
Defiance Series, Squad (-1220)
Dousing Shield (-900) with Easy Access kit (-125 credits) with installed
Computer with Self-Charging and Firewall (-65 credits)

Pulse Gauntlet, Thunderstrike (-475) with Inspiring Fusion (-50)

Battlestaff (-80 Credits) (not wear)
+Stabilizing Weapon Fusion

Second Skin (-250 Credits) (not wear)
Battery, Standard x2 (-120 credits)
Tool Kits: trapsmith’s tools and engineering kit (-40 credits) +4 bonus to Engineering or Mysticism checks to arm or disarm traps
Glass Cutter, Mk 1 (-100 credits)
Gear Clamp (-100 credits)

Credits left: ???

Izalguun Features:

Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.

Posture. Izalguuns can walk on two limbs or four. As a move action, an izalguun can switch between a bipedal and a quadrupedal posture. When in its quadrupedal posture, an izalguun has a land speed of 40 feet and a reach of 5 feet. While in its bipedal posture, an izalguun has a land speed of 20 feet, a reach of 10 feet, and the multiarmed (4) universal creature rule.

Tech Savvy. Izalguuns gain a +2 racial bonus to Computers and Engineering checks.

I am the one, who was born in pain of the ancestor who soon died.
I suffered from diseases when I grew.
We sustained within cold nature and harsh environment almost without magic and technology.
I thought our life could be another, better and worked for it.
I was called Thundergun, when grasped offensive technomagic to boost weaponforce.
I was participating in leadership caste.
We dug for water, but found ancient forbidden technology of our ancestors.
I’ve been preparing to become a scientist.
We faced a device to live again, it was infused with interstellar energy or creature.
I rushed to smite and expel invaded essence.
I was too slow or too weak.
I died.
I was extracted from a magic cocuun by a group of five.
I lived once more?
We were separated from Izalraan.
I lacked my kin.
I lost part of my strength and mind power.
I joined the five 2-legged creatures.
We flew a starship to a space station.
I was shocked. How narrow my view used to be.
I decided to become izalguun representative as I still was a hunter from the leadership caste.
I’ve found out that the five 2-legged were just one team of a large guild.
I was said they will help to find my kin or approve I was dead.
We were assigned for a mission...

My name is Thundergun-transgressed. Am I alive?