
Idir of Herd Fernas's page

533 posts. Organized Play character for Archpaladin Zousha.


| SP 12/12 HP 14/14 | RP 3/3 | EAC 16; KAC 17 | Fort +0; Ref +6; Will +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +6, SM: +6+1d6


| Speed 40ft | Active conditions: None.


Male LG dromada bureaucrat envoy 2

About Idir of Herd Fernas

SFS #49335-703
Experience 5
Slotted Faction Dataphiles
Wealth 1237 Credits

Reputation 5 Fame, 0 Global Reputation
Reputation with Acquisitives: 1
Reputation with Dataphiles:
Reputation with Exoguardians:
Reputation with Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo): 11
Reputation with Wayfinders:

Idir of Herd Fernas
Envoy (Starfinder Data Jockey) 2
LG Medium magical beast (dromada)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Low-Light Vision, Perc +6, SM +6+1d6

EAC 16, KAC17
SP 12 HP 14 RP 3
Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +4

Speed 40 ft.
Melee Tactical Baton +4 (1d4 B), analog, operative, thrown (20 ft.)
Ranged Azimuth Laser Rifle +4 (1d8 F), 120 ft., Critical burn 1d6, 20 charges, Usage 1
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks
Spell-Like Abilities

Str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 14

Skills Athletics +5, Bluff +6, Computers +5+1d6, Culture +5, Diplomacy +7, Mysticism +1 (+2), Perception +6, Profession (Administrative Assistant) +7, Sense Motive +6+1d6+1

Starship-Combat Version of Skills
Bluff +7, Computers +5, Diplomacy +7, Mysticism +1 (+2)

Feats Weapon Proficiency (Longarms)

Languages Common, Copaxi, Dromadan, Vesk

Other Abilities Alert The Herd, Bolt, Savory

Combat Gear Azimuth Laser Rifle (20 charges) + Collapsing Stock, Carbon Skin Armor (Graphite), Tactical Baton
Other Gear Society Subdermal Graft (Hand), Comm Unit (Spare), Flashlight (Spare), Trapsmith’s Kit, Field Rations (1 Week), Hygiene Kit, Professional’s Clothes, Mark 1 Healing Serum (2), Gear Maintenance Kit (5 UPBs), Standard Battery (Spare, 20)

Special Abilities

Theme Knowledge (Bureaucrat):
As a bureaucrat working for a governmental agency, you have become knowledgeable regarding your agency’s field. Choose one of the following skills that most closely relates to your governmental agency: Culture, Life Science, Mysticism, Physical Science, or a Profession skill (other Intelligence-, Wisdom-, or Charisma-based skills might apply at the GM’s discretion). Reduce the DC of checks with your chosen skill to recall knowledge on topics related to your governmental agency and its specific field of expertise by 5. The chosen skill is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to checks with that skill. In addition, you gain a +1 ability adjustment to the chosen skill’s key ability score at character creation.
Envoy Improvisation:
As you gain experience, you learn envoy improvisations—little tricks that bolster allies, confound enemies, or change the ebb and flow of battle using guile, inspiration, or luck. You learn your first envoy improvisation at 1st level, and you learn an additional improvisation at 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter. The list of envoy improvisations appears on page 62.

If an improvisation allows you to grant an effect to an ally, you cannot grant yourself that effect unless the improvisation states otherwise. If an envoy improvisation allows a saving throw to resist its effects, the DC is equal to 10 + half your envoy level + your Charisma modifier.

Some envoy improvisations are language-dependent, mind-affecting, sense-dependent, or some combination of any or all of these. These terms are defined on page 270.

Get 'Em (Ex): As a move action, you can choose one enemy within 60 feet. Until the start of your next turn, you and your allies gain a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls made against that enemy. The bonus persists even if the enemy moves beyond 60 feet or out of line of sight or hearing.

At 6th level, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to grant this bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls against all enemies who are within 60 feet.

You are an expert at dealing with challenges that test your skills, be the challenges social or otherwise. At 1st level, when attempting a Sense Motive check, you can roll 1d6 (your expertise die) and add the result of the roll to your check as an insight bonus. You can use this and other expertise abilities as long as you have at least 1 Resolve Point remaining. At 5th level, anytime you roll your expertise die, you gain a +1 bonus to the result. At 9th, 17th, and 20th levels, this bonus increases by 1. At 13th level, you roll 1d8 as your expertise die instead of 1d6.

Beginning at 9th level, you have even greater expertise with skills to which you can add your expertise die that you have also selected with the Skill Focus feat. For each such skill, once per day when rolling your expertise die to add to that skill, you may roll the expertise die twice and take the better of the two results.

Skill Expertise:
At 1st level and every 4 levels thereafter, you can use expertise with one additional class skill. You must have at least 1 rank in a skill to select it, and it must come from the following list: Bluff (Cha), Computers (Int), Culture (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Engineering (Int), Intimidate (Cha), and Medicine (Int).
Fast Retrieval (Mysticism) (Ex):
Whenever you have access to an infosphere or downloaded data set, you can use the Computers skill for any skill check to recall knowledge. Furthermore, you dabble in scientific study and have a thirst for knowledge in fields beyond your own, and your ability to create simulations and process data allows you to emulate skills that would normally be beyond your grasp. Select Culture, Engineering, Life Science, Medicine, Mysticism, Physical Science, or Profession (any one); whenever you attempt a skill check with that skill, you can treat half your ranks in Computers as your ranks in that skill for the check, if that would be better. You are considered trained in the skill for the purposes of this check. If you spend 1 Resolve Point as part of the check, you can treat your full ranks in Computers as your ranks in that skill for the check. At 8th, 14th, and 20th levels, you can select an additional skill to use with this ability. Additionally, if you gain a number of ranks equal to or greater than half your ranks in Computers in a skill you have selected with this ability, you can immediately swap out that skill and select a new skill from the list to use with this ability.

Boons Slotted this Adventure
Ally: High Society Influence
Faction: Second Seekers: Luwazi Elsebo Champion
Personal: Copaxi Admittance
Social: Honorary Spider (Sense Motive)
Starship:Scrappy Little Ship
Slotless: Copaxi Linguist, Marked Field Agent, Protector of the Future
Unidentified: Journey to the Scoured Stars: Segment 1

All My Boons:
High Society Influence (Ally Boon): During the course of Luwazi Elsebo’s gala to announce the future of the Starfinder Society, you impressed one or more of the guests in attendance. How this influence will play out in the future is not yet clear, but you have nevertheless ingratiated yourself with a number of influential people. You will be told if this boon is important to a future scenario prior to slotting your boons. Your GM will cross out the attendees your failed to influence.

▫ Iteration-177 ▫ Ykris ▫ Naiaj ▫ Zo! ▫ Royo

Second Seekers: Luwazi Elsebo Champion (Faction Boon): You’ve declared your allegiance to the Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) and dedicate your missions to furthering the faction’s goals.
Prerequisites: Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) Tier 0
Cost: 2 Fame Free with Protector of the Future Slotless Boon
Benefit: This Faction boon allows the character to gain Reputation with the Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) faction. A character with this boon slotted at the end of a successfully completed scenario gains Reputation as detailed in the primary and secondary success
conditions of that scenario.
Normal: A character gains no Reputation unless she has a
Faction boon slotted.

Copaxi Admittance (Personal Boon; Limited Use): As part of the Pact Worlds’ official investigation of Tabrid Minor, you made a strong impression on the local copaxi inhabitants. Some have excitedly joined the Starfinder Society, inspired by your report’s conclusions. You can use this boon only if your character has a Reputation Tier of 3 with one or more factions.

You can play a copaxi character, beginning at 1st level as normal. Other than access to this additional race, all character creation rules are the same as those outlined in the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide. A copy of this Chronicle sheet must be the first Chronicle sheet for the given character. Along with this Chronicle sheet, your GM should provide you a copy of the “Playing a Copaxi” appendix, which is considered a legal document for the purpose of playing this race.

Faction’s Friend (Social Boon; Limited Use): By assisting various factions of the Starfinder Society, you have proven yourself as a dependable asset. By slotting this boon, if you would fail to earn Fame at the end of an adventure by failing to fulfill a success condition, you can check one of the boxes on this boon. Doing so reminds your current championed faction of your past exploits, and you still earn 1 Reputation (but no Fame) with that faction as if you had successfully fulfilled the condition. You can use this boon only if you would also gain at least 1 XP for completing the adventure.

Honorary Spider (Social Boon): You have made inroads with Radaszam’s personal mercenary outfit, the Obsidian Spiders. While not a formal member, you still carry some of the organization’s clout while adventuring. When slotting this boon, select Intimidate or Sense Motive. You gain a circumstance bonus to that skill check equal to your half your current Acquisitives Reputation Tier (rounding up). This bonus increases by +1 for each point of Infamy your character currently has.

Scrappy Little Ship (Starship Boon): Followers of Luwazi Elsebo know they are part of the last chance to keep the Starfinder Society alive. As starship battles rage across the galaxy, you need to survive for the Society to do the same.
Prerequisites: Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) Tier 3
Cost: 3 Fame
Benefit: When your starship suffers critical damage that results in a glitching system, you can temporarily increase your AC or TL by 1. This bonus lasts until the critical damage is fixed, or until the end of the starship combat. This bonus occurs only as a result of damage (not as a result of effects like EMP weapons). A subsequent critical damage effect that results in a malfunctioning system allows you to increase this temporary bonus to +2. Wrecked systems do not provide any bonus beyond that gained from a malfunctioning system.
Special: A starship can benefit from only one copy of this
Starship boon at a time.

Marked Field Agent (Slotless Boon): Having met the amalgam of intelligences known as Guidance, you have successfully completed your induction into the Starfinder Society. The Society offered you a subdermal implant as part of your commencement. You receive this augmentation for free. If you declined to receive the augmentation, cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet.

Copaxi Linguist (Slotless Boon): So long as you have this boon, all of your Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild characters have access to the Copaxi language and can select it any time they would learn a new language.

Protector of the Future (Slotless Boon): You have saved the elected First Seeker from a notorious assassin and facilitated her announcing the future of the Starfinder Society. As a token of gratitude, you can immediately cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet to gain the Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) Champion boon (as detailed in the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide).

If you already have this boon, you can instead cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet at any time to gain any Second Seeker (Luwazi Elsebo) boon that you meet the minimum Reputation Tier requirement for and has a cost of 2 or less.

Journey to the Scoured Stars: Segment 1 (Unidentified Boon): You were present at Luwazi Elsebo’s announcement declaring the Starfinder Society would continue investigating the Scoured Stars system. This boon represents your character’s involvement in this historic first step toward solving the Scoured Stars mystery. Other boons representing future steps towards unraveling the mystery of the Scoured Stars will appear in future scenarios, and collecting these boons will result in a unique bonus, to be detailed in a future Chronicle sheet.

Bot Me!:

Here is where you include pertinent details needed to bot your character. Include dice expressions for your main attacks as well as tactics and any overriding philosophies that might guide your actions. Please include your main ship skills for Starship Combat here.

Charli Poshkettle is an enthusiastic if somewhat ineffective combatant. In the first round of combat, she always uses her get ‘em ability to help the team.

[dice=Stabby (survival knife)+Get ‘em] 1d20+2+1[/dice]
[dice=Slashing Damage]1d4[/dice]

[dice=Pew Pew (azimuth laser pistol)+Get ‘em]1d20+2+1[/dice]
[dice=Flame Damage]1d4[/dice]

In ship combat, she happily serves as Captain or Science Officer. As a Captain, she likes to lead off with a taunt.
