Any way for 1st level half orc to get both tusks and darkvision?

Rules Discussion

New to the new system. Was curious as I saw the "only at 1st level" modifier, and was hoping there was a way around this?


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Half-orcs only get one Ancestry feat at 1st level, so you have to choose between the two.

Or, you could be an Orc, which has Darkvision by default, and then select Tusks as your 1st level feat.

(obviously requires either GM approval for a homegame, or AcP for Society)

But if Half-orc is required, you could go about it the long and painful route by choosing Nidalese as your Ethnicity, selecting Tusks at 1st level, Ancestral Paragon at 3rd level for Gloomseer, and then select Darkseer at 5th level.

But that's probably unpalatable, because you gain zero benefit from Gloomseer, and you probably want Darkvision earlier than 5th level.

Yeah, normally a character only gets one 1st level ancestry feat. So an ancestry that has a bunch of '1st level only' feats is left in the lurch a bit.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

There is a variant rule that would allow for this. It's the Ancestry Paragon variant rule, which grants two ancestry feats at 1st level and one at every odd level.

Lantern Lodge

Oops, I see, both Tusks and Orc Sight require that you take them at level 1.

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Feral Child background, if your GM will approve a rare background, grants darkvision.

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If it isn't society ask your GM to either waive the lvl 1 requirement or if you could give up your 3rd lvl general or 5th lvl ancestry feat for it.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

The best workaround I can see is to be from Nidal and take Gloomseer (a wasted feat for a half-orc) followed by Darkseer to get Darkvision.

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Barbarians can also get darkvision while raging. Which could be flavored as getting more in touch with your orc heritage.

Liberty's Edge

Change domain's 1st level focus spell Adapt Self can grant temporary darkvision (for 1 minute), among other things.

I'm generally a generous GM about these things, but I don't think I would accommodate in this case. If you want that many orc features, why are you playing a half-orc? Would you consider playing a full orc instead? Half-orcs have human features and human benefits, too.

If the player insists, maybe a compromise would be letting them have tusks at L3 via Ancestral Paragon with the explanation being that someone filed them down, but now they've grown back. I don't know. I wouldn't want to let someone hack together all the best features of ancestries like Darkvision and Natural Ambition (human class feat), but on the other hand, this probably isn't game breaking. I like to encourage roleplaying first and let the mechanical benefits follow.

Depending on the player, I would even be willing to let them gain the benefits of the feat at first level as long as they pay for it later with a future ancestry feat choice. Either 3rd level using Ancestral Paragon, or maybe even 5th level standard Ancestry Feat.

I will bend over backwards to accommodate good role-playing. I can't stand munchkinry in the guise of role-play.

Devastation Bob wrote:
New to the new system. Was curious as I saw the "only at 1st level" modifier, and was hoping there was a way around this?

Is there a reason you want both at 1st? What build are you thinking? It might turn out what you don't need both. For instance, natural attacks [no 1 attack/natural weapon], and combat in general [3 actions], work differently than other similar games so you might not need that one: if you want an equivalent attack, you could take the monk archetype and get a better unarmed attack than Tusks would give at 2nd level.

Now, on the subject of can it be done: Feral Child background would be what I'd say. That or Ancestry Paragon for everyone.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Talk your GM into giving you greater goggles of night at level 1?

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
David knott 242 wrote:

The best workaround I can see is to be from Nidal and take Gloomseer (a wasted feat for a half-orc) followed by Darkseer to get Darkvision.

Another idea: If you are not planning on gaining any mechanical benefit from your half-orc heritage, you could actually get darkvision in fewer feats by taking any other heritage. You don't get darkvision any sooner than 5th level, though, since Darkseer is a 5th level feat.

Surprised that no one’s mentioned the Oracle. The Ancestors Mystery lets you take a second Ancestry Feat at 1st Level.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Ventnor wrote:
Surprised that no one’s mentioned the Oracle. The Ancestors Mystery lets you take a second Ancestry Feat at 1st Level.

One problem: "You gain an additional ancestry feat at 1st level and another additional ancestry feat at 11th level. These feats can't be ones that grant physiological effects, such as additional senses or unarmed attacks."

As best I can tell, darkvision and tusks are both physiological effects.

Yeah, that’s probably a bit of a sticking point.

Good call out. I didn't realize that. I've skimmed oracle and don't get it, so I wasn't aware.

Horizon Hunters

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Be an orc, adopted ancestry human at level 3, and call yourself half-human

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