Shang-Chi and the Legend of the 10 Rings


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I finally saw this, last night. Verdict: I liked it. It wasn't my favorite, but I'm glad I saw it.

Honestly, I'm becoming burned out on superhero movies. I read an article recently where the author was complaining that superhero movies, sci-fi movies (including Star Wars), kid's movies, and movies that are just sequels/prequels/reboots/etc. of franchise movies are sucking most of the budget and audience attention away from other types of movies. The author uses movie Top 10 lists from the past few decades and earlier years to try to illustrate her point. I'm not entirely sure I 100% agree, but I don't entirely disagree, and the article did make me realize just how prevalent the flood of superhero movies has been, and how far back it started.

THAT SAID, I thought that the "kung fu" style that influenced Shang Chi made it different enough that my burning-out of superhero movies didn't take away from me enjoying this film.

One aspect that I found interesting: Not for the entirety of his history in the comics, but certainly for a significant portion of it, Shang Chi was modelled after Bruce Lee. And I can see shy Disney wants to be careful of not appropriating that for the character's introduction into their movie-verse. Yhe result is that, while some of the character's historical events are kept, much of the MCU version of the character is a blank slate, letting the writers create the character's personality and starting status-quo. They had more of a free reign to interpret the character than, say, Iron Man or Rocket.

My only real complaint about the movie was the scene where Shang Chi tells Katy that he plans to...

...kill his father.

It didn't really seem to fit the character that we've seen so far, but I'm okay with that part because the film did show that the character was in the midst of a realization of his destiny or whatever. But, when the time came when he did have the opportunity to do this thing, he just... doesn't. At some point along his self-realization he changed his mind, I guess, but the whole thread seemed tacked on too late in the movie (and then just dropped) for it to have much emotional payoff.

So, overall, a decent MCU movie. I agree with what was said above about it being formulaic, but I think that MCU movies at this point are about world-building rather than storytelling.

They’re also about following the money, which doesn’t encourage gambling on new formulas.

You're not wrong.

Honestly I'm more burned out on horror than I am super hero movies. I've yet to see a horror film that made me go "Damn that's good.'

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Which is kind of amusing, because Marvel made the money by not following the super hero formulas and DC hasn't really been able to duplicate that success.

Beyond that, I don't think I buy that such movies are sucking audience away from other movies. They're in competition with other movies of the same basic type. People going to the theaters to see blockbuster special effects pictures weren't going to see a low key drama instead if the blockbuster wasn't there.

I suspect more of the difference is that home systems have gotten good enough and soon enough that there's less reason to go to an actual theater for anything other than a widescreen extravaganza.

Edit: And frankly, I don't even bother for those most of the time.

MCU movies do pull in Matrix fans and DCU fans and the like. Between the coming lock-downs and "proof of" policies I think it'll be harder and harder to make bank at theaters for a few more months anyway.

I'm not convinced that home theaters are taking up much from the likes of Regal. For those few people that have them, sure home theaters are great, but most people don't and won't be getting them. Half of my friends watch most everything on their phones anymore.

Back to the OP:
I saw it. It's fine. Won't see it again though. Just like almost every MCU movie.


I mean you're not wrong about not seeing this again. I have it on my "Ask for it on DVD" but until it comes to cable, doubt I'll watch it again. (Though if ever get Disney+...different story)

And yeah I agree with jeff, the home theater experience can be better than the movie experience, depending on the genre and/or situation.

Radiant Oath

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Andostre wrote:

Honestly, I'm becoming burned out on superhero movies. I read an article recently where the author was complaining that superhero movies, sci-fi movies (including Star Wars), kid's movies, and movies that are just sequels/prequels/reboots/etc. of franchise movies are sucking most of the budget and audience attention away from other types of movies. The author uses movie Top 10 lists from the past few decades and earlier years to try to illustrate her point. I'm not entirely sure I 100% agree, but I don't entirely disagree, and the article did make me realize just how prevalent the flood of superhero movies has been, and how far back it started

I've been told that in 1952, Hollywood (just Hollywood) made 200 cowboy movies. That's 4 cowboy movies releasing each week. 30 of them were in the "singing Cowboy" Subgenre. Whatever's popular has always been overproduced.

AceofMoxen wrote:
Andostre wrote:

Honestly, I'm becoming burned out on superhero movies. I read an article recently where the author was complaining that superhero movies, sci-fi movies (including Star Wars), kid's movies, and movies that are just sequels/prequels/reboots/etc. of franchise movies are sucking most of the budget and audience attention away from other types of movies. The author uses movie Top 10 lists from the past few decades and earlier years to try to illustrate her point. I'm not entirely sure I 100% agree, but I don't entirely disagree, and the article did make me realize just how prevalent the flood of superhero movies has been, and how far back it started
I've been told that in 1952, Hollywood (just Hollywood) made 200 cowboy movies. That's 4 cowboy movies releasing each week. 30 of them were in the "singing Cowboy" Subgenre. Whatever's popular has always been overproduced.

Interesting that you bring that up, because the author of the article addresses the western movie comparison, and argues how it's not a good comparison. I had never heard the comparison before I read that article, however.

I should find the link and start a new thread to discuss it.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I suspect not having seen this film yet due to work scheduling and a general wariness of going out to public places that there is a significant level of mythological 'fatigue' that's creeping in.

When one looks at the myths of different pantheons, sometimes they just start to blend together and what was once 'amazing' and 'super' turns into the horribly mundane.

Call it the Zen of Epic Backgrounds.

"Zen of Epic Backgrounds". I like it!

What do you call the near-ubiquitous third act FX rumble where the protagonists end up the victors? That's gotta have a name.

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Interesting idea. I just dunno how accurate that is, Wei Ji. Also thank Ace for that info. (Wow that's a lot of cowboy movies...)

Silver Crusade

Quark Blast wrote:

What do you call the near-ubiquitous third act FX rumble where the protagonists end up the victors? That's gotta have a name.

Boring. I've started to become tempted to just leave all superhero movies once the 3rd act CGI extravaganza starts.

It's not quite what I expected myself, but not sure boring is the word I'd go for. Ubiquitous maybe.

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Well....Spider-man gave us an explanation for why Wong is so busy popping around the world and gathering people up.
very minor spoiler

Since Strange got poofed for 5 years Wong is now Sorcerer Supreme of Earth.

Neat! And unsurprising about Wong not being poofed at least.

Liberty's Edge

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Finally saw this movie. I thought it was very good. Not great, but certainly in the top 10 or so MCU movies.

The action was excellent, the various mythological Chinese creatures in the second half of the movie were really well done, and I liked the 2 leads a lot.

Not sure I’ll watch it again but I definitely enjoyed it a lot

Good to know, Marc. I too probably would only watch it if it came on TV. It's certainly not a DVD ask for this Christmas season.

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