Slave Knight Gael's Cape

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I was wondering if there were any wondrous items or any other gameplay mechanics that could replicate Slave Knight Gael's cape from Dark Souls 3. For those who are unfamiliar, Slave Knight Gael's cape is sort of a living cape of souls that lashes out at Gael's opponents without him needing to do anything, it is also capable of unleashing a torrent of lost souls that seek out living targets. Slave Knight Gael.

Tentacle cloak, just say that rather than grey tentacles, its just the cloak itself. For the explosion of souls theres probably an item that does similar or replicates a spell. Maybe just magic missile or an aoe spell?

Cloak, Tentacle wrote:
Subtle, indefinable shapes ripple and flow when this deep blue red cloak moves, seemingly devouring any light falling upon it. Once per day at the wearer’s command, two large gray tentacles strips of fabric emerge from the cloak near the shoulders. Each tentacle strip can make a natural attack that deals 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage, assuming the wear is Medium (the damage of the tentacles scales by size of the wearer as a tentacle natural attack). The tentacles attacks have 10-foot reach and the grab monster special ability. In addition, the wearer gains a +4 competence bonus on grapple maneuver checks with the tentacles attacks. The tentacles strips of fabric last for 1 minute.

Barbarian Sprit Tome line of rage powers does something very similar.

While raging, the barbarian is surrounded by spirit wisps that harass her foes. These spirits make one slam attack each round against a living foe that is adjacent to the barbarian.

mortal usher fits the bill i think:

"..Morrigna Wrappings (Su): At 7th level, a mortal usher gains the ability to designate any cloak, scarf, robe, or shirt in his possession as his wrappings, granting it unique powers in addition to any abilities or enchantments it may already have. The wrappings grant the mortal usher a natural armor bonus equal to half his class level as long as it is in his possession, and they can be used as a magic whip that can be wielded even if the mortal usher’s hands are full...."

it basically defend and attack by itself (your hands can be full so obviously your not the one moving it)

the class is a try to build of Spawn (the comics, including the invisibility, working for after-death agents etc)

These are all great suggestions, thank you all very much! I had never heard of Mortal Usher till now, and I had forgotten that spirit totem and tentacle cloak existed.

Are you a GM? If so, intelligent items could help. It's near impossible to get your hands on a specific custom one as a player though as GMs tend to keep intelligent items for important plot points. Otherwise, You could give the cape.

Alternatively, the animate object spell along with permanency could also achieve the attack effect, althought it specifically states "This spell cannot affect objects carried or worn by a creature", but you can always animate it then put it on. As far as the spirit's torrent thing, Channel to harm living, maybe?

Be a Barbarian with the Spirit Totem, go into Mortal Usher, and wear a Tentacle Cloak... nailed it.

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